I will never leave you

(Isabella POV)

A week passed by since the incident. Nyx was getting better day by day. His vitals were improving and a few days ago his hand moved a little.

I stayed by his side for the entire week. Food and all other nutrients were sent to me for keeping my health at a steady pace. Since nobody was allowed to enter except for the doctor, the food was sent in a weird floating machine.

I haven't seen the outside world and that was ok. I wanted to be with him. I was happy my presence is making a big difference to him.

Over this time I have also learned more about the Zylians and their life. The doctor under my request gave me books of both the history and medical features of the Zylians.

Their culture was something amazing to learn about. They believe more in proper ceremonies and the blessing from their creature and god, Lord Vamir.