Doggie style

Cupping her cheeks, Amber shrugged her shoulders, "Well whatever, as far as I know, am not a trouble maker" turning towards the desktop computer screen, she added, "neither am I a pain in the ass"

Letting out a helpless laughter, "Ah yeah, that sounds so sarcastic and who told you that is only trouble makers that gets fired? Shrugging her shoulders, "Well maybe but when it comes to the mighty Gavin" she sighed and whispered, "Anybody could be fired irrespective of who you are, it's not new to him because he has fired more than thirty employees since he took over the company.

When Amber widening her eyes, she added, "uh huh, even if you make a tiny little mistake like just as tiny as an ant, pfft" patting Amber's shoulders, she added, "the person will still get fired so just be mindful of how you do things sweetheart.

Without waiting for her reply, Evelyn walked towards the elevator.

Taking a deep breath, Amber sighed and focused on what she was typing on the desktop computer.


Collins apartment

Placing the glass of blue berry juice on the glass center table after taken a sip from it, Ivonne sighed, "sweetheart what if I introduced her to our son today? What do you think about that?"

"Yeah I also think that's a great idea, the earlier the better, so they both get to know each other." Taking a bite from the butter cookies.

Rolling her eyes, Ivonne sighed, "do you think I haven't pressured him enough?"


"Gavin of course" pausing for a while, she added, "What if we fix a perfect date for him to meet with Stacey?"

After thinking for a while, he replied, "Ok but just make sure that everything works out this time" slightly frowning his face, he added, "Why should I be asking you to– infact you're his mother and am his father, I've tried my possible best so I think it's actually your turn to buckle him up now."

Chuckling, Ivonne caresses his arm, lingering her nails on his arm, "My love you trust me, right? There's no fucking way am going to sit and watch our son bring in any low life or outsider into this family" vigorously nodding her head, she added, "it's not gonna work so just sit back and relax, I got this"

Placing the glass of blue berry juice on the table after taken a sip, Collins held her hand in his, kissing the back of her hand, "not just you alone, I gat your back to so don't always forget to include me darling.

When Ivonne nodded and blushed, he added, "there's no way am going to sit with my hands crossed, watching my son pick a random girl or an outsider into this family, we are his parents and we promise to pick for him the best."


Warren Corporation Group

Gavin office

"Ahh, it's good to see you back again man" Derek dashed into the office, making Gavin startled for a second.

Grinning from ear to ear, "Uh huh but still in his serious state" Derek's cousin brother Tyson slide himself on the couch.

Sliding his fingers on the insulated glass wall in the office, Derek chuckled, "How did you know I was about to say the same thing? Turning towards Gavin who was still neglecting them, "Hey Gav, what's up? How was–

"Derek forget it, he's not in a good mood today" Rhett slide lazily on the couch sitting beside Derek and Tyson, relaxing his legs on the table. He raised his eyebrows up and down simultaneously, still glaring at Gavin who was so pissed off.

Widening his eyes, "Woah, are you saying that Gav is in a bad mood because those girls in Paris didn't give it to him in a doggie style? Or–"