Ice it

Letting out a sly smirk, "look who's talking, do you know how to abide to rules? When you couldn't pay your house rent? Aren't you ashamed of yours–

"Sara am no longer in your house so mind your words"

"Of course I know you are no longer in my house but something tells me that even you won't still be able to pay for your new apartment rent because you barely feed three square meal a day let alone paying your bills"

Clenching her hands into a fist, Ingrid suppressed the urge of pouncing on Sara to tear her into pieces. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and sighed, "I know you came here just so you can insult me"

Grabbing the slip from Ingrid's hand, Sara smirk her lips and said, "you are right, I actually came to insult you because you are nothing but a useless mushroom" rolling her eyes off, Sara annoyingly walked out of the bank.

Holding back the tears in her eyes, Ingrid sniffed her nose before calling on the next person.



Warren Corporation Group

Stella office

Packing up the necessary files from her desk, Stella shut her office laptop and shucking it in her drawer.

"Stella did you– Gavin stopped midway when he saw Stella packing up, "Stella?"

"Yes Boss"

"Is it closing yet?"

"Yes boss"

Frowning confusedly, Gavin glanced at his watch, "it's just 5:10 and you said it's closing time?"

Stella chuckled and said, "Boss have you forgotten today is Friday?"

Slapping his forehead, Gavin sighed, "oh I forgot, it's alright, we will see on Mon– pausing for a while when he remembered something, "where's Ms Carlos?"

"She's still working in the office" slapping her forehead, Stella widen her eyes, "Am so sorry boss, I forgot to tell her the closing time for Fridays"

Pausing for a while, she added, "I will go and–

"It's alright Stella, you carry on, I will see her myself"

When Stella nodded her head, Gavin left.


Amber's office

After typing for two hours, Amber removed her glasses and placed it on the desks.

She looks beautiful the more when she's with no glasses. Wiping her eyes, she yawn and stood up from her seat, only to go out of the office and get a bottle of water, she bumped on something hard at the entrance.

Rubbing her head, "ouch!"

Tightening his grip around her shoulders so she doesn't lose her balance. Gavin panicked while checking on her forehead, "Ms Carlos, Ms Carlos are you al–

Gavin stopped midway when he noticed her beautiful eyes, they were so captivating. He felt like drowning and swimming in them.

After staring at each other's eyes awkwardly for several seconds, Gavin placed his hand on her forehead, "I will get you an ice, just a minute"

About to go out, but Amber quickly held his hand, "boss it alright, am fine it's nothing serious"

"But your head is going to turn red if I don't ice it"