Broke woman

Amber office

Arranging the files on the desk, "Evelyn don't be crazy now, I didn't actually switched because of your too much talks"

"I knew I was right when I said there's something between you and Gavin"

Widening her eyes in shock, "Evelyn are you crazy? Boss and I have zero connection, okay? Nothing, no strings attached"

"Uh huh, no strings attached? Are you sure about that?" Rhett dashed in with a grinning face.

Groaning in frustration, Amber rolled her eyes, "Ugh can you two please stop talking nonsense? Boss and I have nothing in common, there's no relationship and bond between us, get it?"

"Huh, I know, but don't worry that's what we always say when we can't see the future ahead"

"Rhett? Future ahead? What future ahead are you talking about? Oh I get it, you mean– pointing at herself, "I Amy Rockie as the world's best rockstar?"

Rhett and Evelyn both burst into laughter which made Amber frown angrily, with a grumpy look on her face, she asked, "what's funny? Huh?"

"Oh my God, am sorry but I gat to let that out, of course you're going to be the world's best rockstar but that's not what I was trying to say"

"Then what were you trying to say?"

"Ok jokes aside, what I actually meant was this, when I said the future ahead, I was actually talking about you and Gavin, I mean if you two start dating, it's gonna look romantic and lovely"

"Yes honey, just imagine a rockstar and a famous businessman, dating together" placing her hand on her chest, she sighed, "ahhh darling it's going to look so romantic and lovely."

"Uh huh" leaning closer to her, Rhett wrapped his hands around Evelyn's waist, "it's going to look so sweet just like us" pulling her closer, he kissed her lips.

Looking at the two lovers who were busy kissing romantically, Amber rolled her eyes off, "hey my office is not an hotel, you two should better get yourself hidden whenever you want to do something like this"

The two ignored her as they were so deep in their kisses, Amber rolled her eyes off them and focused on the files she were arranging.


Intercontinental Bank PLC

Ingrid's cabinet

Passing the slip to the customer care representative, "Antonia here, you can attend to the woman"

Taking the slip from her, Antonia nod her head, "okay, thanks" turning towards the customer, "ma'am please come this way"

"Next please"

Placing the slip on the cabinet, Sara let out a mockery chuckle, "Hi Ingrid Carlos, how is it going?"

Ignoring her statements, Ingrid picked the slip, "When did you updated last?"

"Well I updated the last time you couldn't pay up your debt"

When Ingrid gave her a grumpy look, she added, "come on Ingrid, you and I know that no matter where you go or how rich you become, it won't still change the fact that you're still a broke woman"

Pointing her pen at Sara, Ingrid gritted her teeths, "Sara don't you dare insult me, don't dare me, the fact that am keeping quiet doesn't mean am a fool, am just abiding to the rules here so watch your language"