Developing a crush

Rolling his eyes, Gavin sighed after hearing what Diego said. He has no idea why he felt relieved all of a sudden. Is he developing a crush, or was he jealous or feeling insecure about her or something? He was confused about himself.

"So Amber is boyfriendless if I can use that word" Tyson said.

Glaring at Amber who was staring at him with a pissed off face, Diego winked and said, "sure she has zero boy–

"Well forget about that" turning towards them, Amber introduced with a weak smile, "this is my annoying nephew" picking up the pillow from the couch, she threw it at him, before saying, "Diego Alejandro"

Settling down on the couch after he caught the pillow, he curled his lips upwards, widen his eyes in shock when he saw someone who hardly follows people on Instagram.

Pointing at Gavin, Diego blinked his eyes several times before saying, "Aunt Amy, that's the celebrity that I told you about, he doesn't follow anybody on Instagram except for one person"

Derek, Tyson, Lia, Miranda, Elliot, Lizzie, Rhett and Evelyn burst into laughter at once. They almost lost their balance from the couches.

Widening her eyes in shock, Amber gesture Diego with an eye to eye signal. "Diego that's my boss you're making mockery of" Amber whispered.

Pausing his lips, Diego pinned his mouth shut and nodded his head with an 'am sorry face'

"Boss am so–

"It's alright"handling the white cute little thing to her, "I got you this and I hope you–

Grabbing the bunny from his hands, Amber squealed, "thanks boss!" Rubbing the white bunny's long ears, "I love it, I love it, I love it!

Curling his lips upwards when he saw how excited and happy she was, "yeah I know you're–  widening his eyes in shock, Gavin stopped midway when Amber gave him a peck on his cheek.

Everyone startled for seconds, they froze in shock like a palm tree still staying rooted in the ground.

Amber didn't noticed what she did because she felt it's normal in a normal world but the others in the sitting room sat on the couch still rooted in shock.

Gavin try to blush the moment of his head, he wished every other person in the room was dumb and numb, he wished they didn't saw what just happened.

He wanted to peck her back but not on her cheek, he want to peck her adorable lips with his, but how is that gonna be possible with everyone watching them.

He wasn't expecting that from her but he still enjoyed it and infact he wish he could asked for more. This was more better than the coffee she usually makes for him.

Gently caressing his cheek which Amber just kissed, he curled his lips upwards and glare at Amber who was busy caressing the bunny's long ears.

"Whoa, did I just saw a vision?" Rhett gasped.

"No you just saw flash light of the future" Elliot added.