Birthday present

Getting up from the couch, Derek presented a beautifully wrapped medium box to Amber, "Amy Rockie, here's your birthday present"

Widening her eyes in excitement, Amber gave Diego the white bunny, turning towards Derek, she squealed excitedly as she took the gift from him.

"Aww thanks, that's so nice of you"

"Hmm than–  Derek widen his eyes in shock when Amber pecked his cheek.

Gavin stood rooted with his eyes wide open in shock. He thought she's just going to peck him alone but here she's giving Derek a peck too.

Which means that peck was just a random peck and nothing more than that.

Gavin frown and walked back to the couch, he wasn't liking the way she pecked Derek.

Why did she pecked Derek in front of him, why? For what reason? She was supposed to peck nobody but him alone and now she shared some of the pecks with Derek.

Looking at Derek's grinning face made Gavin frown deeper, he wasn't liking the way Amber pecked Derek and now she's also pecking Elliot, Tyson and Rhett, why?

Seeing Elliot, Tyson and Rhett getting each pecks from Amber after handing their gifts to her made him feel awful.

Now they're going to think that there's nothing between him and her. Amber this isn't fair, it isn't right at all, he was supposed to be the only one getting pecked and not his friends.

Seeing Lizzie, Evelyn, Lia and Miranda got pecked by Amber didn't make him feel awful because they're all females but what about his friends which are male? Was she supposed to peck them?

Why did she peck them? Gavin narrowed his eyes and decided to ignore her, he focused on a particular spot busy looking somewhere else.

"Thanks guys and–  curling her lips upwards, she stopped midway when she sighted Gavin's grumpy face.

Walking towards him, Amber chuckled and sat beside him, "and this is for my boss" giving him another peck on his cheek, she added, "try not to frown too much so you don't look grumpy the more"

Widening his eyes in shock, did she just pecked him again? Giving her a weak smile, he nodded his head.

"Uh huh, you see Derek, am always right and sure of my statements"

"Yes Rhett, they're just pretending as if there's nothing going on between them"

Awkwardly scratching her head, Amber sneakily try to move away from Gavin but he held her tight.

Frowning deeper, Gavin narrowed his eyes, "there's absolutely nothing between Ms Carlos and I"

Awkwardly scratching his neck, "ouch doesn't that sound like a lie?"

"It sure sound more like a lie, dude" Rhett added.

"You two are not alright" Elliot chuckle.

"Dude everyone got a single peck each but Gavin got two, isn't that obvious and fishy enough to tell that they're busy hiding something from us?"

Narrowing his eyes, Gavin said, "it's a Boss and employee thing, it's none of your business"

Patting Elliot's shoulders, Rhett widen his eyes, "Boss and employee thing, dude did you just hear that?"

"Uh huh, I heard that too and so?"

"Awkwardly clearing her throat, Evelyn grinned, "Uhh Amy Rockie are you hid–

"Evelyn there's nothing, okay? Seriously nothing between Boss and I"

"Okay that aside" wrapping his hands around Lizzie's shoulders, Elliot smiled and said, "my baby and I will be getting married next month and Amy Rockie I want you to be there most especially so that we can rock the party till dawn"