Music Alive! Magazine

"I've been reaching Amber's phone but she's not picking up, why? Infact where's she?"

"She's in the studio right now, she placed her phone on silence, her phone and glasses are with me, sorry I didn't hear her phone vibrate"

"It's alright, just tell her I called and don't forget to share the good news with her"

Rolling his eyes, "Yes I wil–

"Gavin, Gavin, Rhett and I are not the only ones engaged"

Frowning confusedly, Gavin asked, "who else?"

"Derek just engaged Mira too and same with Tyson and Lia" Evelyn squealed.

Widening his mouth in shock, Gavin startled confusedly, "I don't get it, did you all planned this engagement of a thing? Because it's shocking and how come I never knew about all these coming?"

"Hmm let's just say it's almost your turn too" Evelyn chuckled and added, "alright Gavin, I gat to go now, bye and please take good care of my best friend"

"Yes I'll, bye"

After hanging up the call, Gavin shove the phone into his pocket and brushed his hands on his hair. "Damn It's quite shocking, all three of them engaged their girlfriends just a day after I left, hmm, it's cool"

Glancing at his watch, he sighed, "it's 5pm already señora must be done by now, I need to check on her"


Los Angeles

Oliver's apartment

"Honey, come here it's Evelyn on the phone, she just got engaged!" Anita shouted excitedly, still on the phone.

Taking the phone from her, Oliver placed it on his ear, "Oh my God, are you for real Evelyn?"

"Yes Dad, Rhett just purposed and engaged me few minutes ago!" Evelyn squealed.

"Wow, this is a call for celebration dear"

"Have been waiting for this day to come and now my son is officially preparing for marriage" Anita added.

"Yes Mom, I feel nervous and excited right now! Butterflies are roaming around in my belly"

Sniffing her nose, Anita chuckled, "am the happiest person right now and I wonder how am gonna feel at the wedding, am just goin to keep on crying like a newborn baby" Anita laughed.

Crossing his hand on her shoulders, Oliver pat her back, "not just you dear, even I will be crying my eyes out but right now we have to celebrate this good news"

"You know what Dad, we'll arrive in Los Angeles before 8pm and then we all can jolly together"

"I can't wait to see the new man my son has become and I can't wait to read the writing of a soon to be wife on your face" Oliver chuckled.


Collins's apartment

Grabbing her purse from the table, "Ivonne I gat to go now, it's getting late"

"Stay a little, I mean it's just half past 5 and you're rushing home"

Shoving her phone into her purse, Sara chuckled, "okay if that be the case, I'll vi–

"Mom, mom!" Stacey dashed into the garden with a 'Music Alive! Magazine' which has Amber's beautiful picture on the front cover.