Our latest Rockstar

Placing the magazine on the table, Stacey gritted her teeths and pointed at the magazine, "look at that, take a very good look at Gavin's Spanish girlfriend!"

Picking the magazine from the table, Ivonne frowned confusedly, busy staring at the beautiful young lady on the front cover. "Who is she? Is she now the latest model in town?"

Grabbing the magazine from Ivonne, Sara widening her eyes in shock, "this poor rat, how did she end up here? How did she became famous all of a sudden? How–

"You're here asking how she became famous?" Stacey shouted at Sara, turning towards Ivonne who sat rooted in shock, "and you're here asking if she's the latest model in town? Placing her hands on her waist, damn this is unbelievable!"

Pointing at the front cover, Stacey shouted, "this so called thing smiling here is now the latest and number one celebrity reigning in the whole of America and even in other countries too."

Standing rooted, Sara shouted, "unbelievable! How? That's a flat lie! It can't be!"

"I don't understand, who's this girl and what's are name?"

"Mom this bastard smiling on the magazine is Gavin's girlfriend! She stole my man away from me! This boyfriend snatcher!"

"I know her" turning towards Ivonne, Sara said, "Ivy this is the same poor, rachet and low life pig I told you about, she's your son's girlfriend?"

Standing rooted in shock, Ivonne grabbed the magazine from her hand, frowning annoyingly, "Huh? This dirty thing? What is she doing with my son? Who–

Grabbing the magazine from her hand, Stacey annoyingly open the magazine and started flipping the pages, "You people think am joking huh? You think am a fool or you think I will just sit back like an idiot and watch an imbecile take what belongs to me? Never! Over my dead body! I rebuke her! Here, look at this" showing a photograph of Gavin wrapping his hands around Amber's waist by the beach with Amber on pink bikini and a pink scarf tied on one side of her waist.

With the most biggest shock on their faces, Ivonne and Sara widen their eyes and mouth in shock.

Grabbing the magazine from Stacey, Ivonne and Sara check in with their wide eyes still in shock.

"What the hell is this? Who's this little thing? Huh?"

"This is unbelievable! Are you sure I'm not seeing upsidedown?" Sara added.

"And what's her name–  glancing through the sentences in search of Amber's name, she snapped. "Oh look at it here, it's says 'Here's our latest Rockstar Amber Carlos known professionally as Amy Rockie, is an American-spanish born Rockstar, songwriter and businesswoman. Ivonne said.

"That's not the end Ivy, look at the second paragraph, it says 'Born 17 November 1998 in Madrid, Spain. Full name Amber Carlos, parents Rodrigo Carlos and Ingrid Carlos, sibling Diego Alejandro, boyfriend Gavin Warren."

Nodding her head vigorously, Ivonne fumed up in anger, flinging the magazine away, "Hell no, no! There's no fuckin way am goin to allow my son date this smelling pit toilet! No way!"

"Ivy calm down, that's not the surprising part of it, the most shocking and surprising thing is that, how did your son know this poor rat?"

"I have no idea about that, Sara, I seriously have no idea about all these– how did they meet? So this is the two weeks business appointment Gavin said he was goin to"