First-middle class

"Amber, right? Or should I say Amy Rockie? The lastest and new celebrity in the country's Guinness book of shit!"

"Aunt Ivonne please stop talking nonsense about my cousin brother's woman. She's not a–

Clapping her hands, Ivonne widen her eyes and mouth in shock, "wow! Nice one, nice one Rhett, so you acknowledge my son to date that nobody? That gross shit! that thing that–

Vigorously pointing at Ivonne, Evelyn shouted angrily, "Aunt Ivonne! Watch your words! Watch even words you say about my best friend because if I tell her about you, she won't think twice because giving you a dirty slap!"

Letting out a mockery chuckle, Ivonne placed her hand on her hips, "oh really! So she can slap too? With what hands? Huh? Those butterfly wing-shaped hands of hers? Evelyn your lucky that am not your soon to be mother in-law, if not I would have beaten you up to a pup! First-middle class poor girl!"

Ivonne grabbed her purse and dashed out of the office, leaving Rhett fuming up in anger and Evelyn shattered in tears.

Crossing his hands on her shoulders, Rhett pats her back, "Hey it's alright, calm down, okay? She's just a bitch and a nobody"

"She...she...Rhett she called me a first-middle class poor girl, didn't you heard that? She...

"No no no and no, my fiancee is not a first-middle class poor woman, she is the most best thing that have happened to me. She's more than Gold and silver" pecking her forehead, he added, "you're my one and only precious stone, aunt Ivonne is just a crazy bitch, you're richer and better than her, okay? Now stop crying before I'll start crying too" he chuckled.



At the beach



"I think you should go back to Los Angeles, I'm feeling guilty for keeping you out of work, I promise to stay safe in Florida"

Wrapping his hands around her waist, he pulled her closer, "am sorry baby but am not goin back to Los Angeles without you"

"Why? It's a week plus since we left Los Angeles, I know that last week was an holiday week but this week is not, so I suggest you go back to Los Angeles, I promise to stay safe and–

"Shh" crossing his finger on her lips, he added, "I just concluded, am not goin back to Los Angeles without you coming alongside with me. We came to Florida together and we'll go back to Los Angeles together, hmm?"

When she nodded her head, he added, "am not goin to leave you, not one bit. You're rounding up your soundtracks tomorrow morning so by 9pm, we should be in Los Angeles, okay?"


Hugging her, he placed her head on his chest, "you won't believe this if I tell you that your magazine has gotten to London" he chuckled.

Pulling away, Amber widen her eyes in shock, "are you kidding me? Are you pranking me or what?"

Staring at the shocking look on her face made Gavin chuckled, "am for real, señora. Am not joking, an old friend of mine that lives in London told me about it"