Madame big eyes

Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, Amber covered her mouth with her hands and gasped, "¡Dios Mío! My God, how did all these happened so sudden?"

When Gavin did not say anything but only smile to her, she gave him a light punch on his chest, "why is something whispering to me that you have a hand in this?"

Raising his eyebrows, he chuckled, "me? Hell no, I didn't do anything honey"

"Stop acting like a drama king, you did something that made me gone viral worldwide." Pulling his hair, she shouted, "spill the beans Gavin Warren"

Holding his head tight, Gavin winced, "ouch, ouch, baby that hurt, ouch, okay, okay, fine, I'll spill it out"

Taking her hands off his hair, she placed them on her hips, "go on"

Rolling his eyes, Gavin brushed his hands on his hair, "you went viral because I told the media that you're my woman and–

Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, Amber squealed excitedly and jumped on him, wrapping her legs round his waist and her hands wrapped around his neck" aaaah! You're such a darling Amor!"

Holding her tight so she don't slip off from his embrace, Gavin chuckled, "happy now?"

Vigorously nodding her head, Amber squealed, "¡Sí, Sí, Sí, y Sí!" Pausing for a while, she added, "Amor"


"Why did you do all of that?"

"That's because I want the world to know how much you mean to me, I want everyone to know how precious, special and unique you are to me"

"I thought it was a dare to Jaxon"



"No honey, that wasn't a dare to Jaxon and why will I use my woman to compete in any rough daring game? I won't do that and I can never do that"

Lingering her fingers on his hair, she chuckled, "Hmm, Cariño, eres lo mejor que me ha pasado"

"Huh? What's that?"

Pulling away from his embrace , Amber gently moved backwards and sticked her tongue out to him, "I can't remember"

"Oh really! You can't remember what you–  come here" he ran after her.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" Amber shouted, jumping on her toes, she ran towards the ocean to splash water on him.



Los Angeles

Oliver's apartment

"Anita! Anita! Ani–

"Ivonne" walking down the stairs, Anita added, "why are you shouting l–

"Hey! Madame big eyes, don't ask me why am shouting, I didn't actually came here to crack soft words with a middle class woman like you" Ivonne shouted.

Frowning confusedly, "Ivy please spare me those insults, what is your problem? Have you actually come here to pour insults on me? Are you here to insult me or talk to me?" Anita retorted.

Tilting her neck, Ivonne shrugged her shoulders and narrowed her eyes, "we are sister in-laws and that's the reason why I don't want to have any issue with you but despite that!" Vigorously pointing at Anita, she added, "I want to specially warn you Anita, talk to your son's fiancee Evelyn. Talk to her or else?"

"Wait a minute Ivonne I still don't get your point, what has my soon to be daughter in-law done to you that you're vibrating the roof of this mansion?"