
Derek's apartment

Sitting on the couch with baby Justin in her arms, jasmine played with her grandson. "Uh huh, you look more like the prince charming I see in the cartoons"

When baby Justin yawned and coiled himself in her arms, jasmine squealed. "Aww he looks so handsome even when he yawns!"

Dashing into the sitting room when he overheard jasmine squealed. "Mom are you fine? Is Justin okay?"

Nodding her head with a smiling face, "yes dear"

"Then why did you scream?"

Cuddling Justin in her arms, "he looks so handsome even when he yawns, Derek. Isn't that so sweet?"

Rolling his eyes, Derek sighed, "you scared me mom, I thought something wrong happened to you and Justin"

"Huh? Something wrong happened to Justin and I? Infact forget about me but you see my grandson– turning towards Justin who was fast asleep , she curling her lips and added. "Am ready to fight civil wars for his case, he is so cute, Derek. Everytime I sees his face, it makes me remember when you were born too"

Running his fingers on his hair, Derek cupped his chin. "Okay fine, you've said that before, so when is Dad coming back from Germany?"

"Four days from now"

"He too so long on this trip"

"Uh huh what do you expect? Infact I don't want him to come back quickly"


"Because I don't want to leave yet, I want to spend more time with my grandson"

"Alright then, you can stay as long as you wan–  oh no" Derek slapped his forehead when baby Justin cried.

Waving baby Justin in her arms, jasmine panicked and quickly stood up from the couch, busy walking back and forth while she sang a nursery rhymes for him.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are–

Rolling his eyes off, Derek walked towards jasmine, "mom I think he's hungry but Miranda is still sleeping, she's–

"Then go and wake her up, my grandson is hungry, it's his feeding time and she needs to breastfeed him now"


"Call her downstairs now"

Nodding his head, Derek was about to walk towards the stairs but stopped midway when he saw Miranda walking towards them.

Kissing her lips, Derek smiled, "Baby you're awake"

Wiping her sleepy eyes, Miranda nodded, "hmm, I heard Justin's voice from my sleeps"

Handing baby Justin to Derek, "hold my grandson for me" grabbing Miranda's hand, jasmine placed her to sit on the couch. "Miranda my grandbaby is hungry and you were busy sleeping upstairs"

Wiping her sleepy eyes, "I was too tired, so I decide to catch some sleep–

"Good and now that you're awake, start breastfeeding my grandbaby, I don't want him to experience hunger" placing baby Justin on Miranda's arms, she smiled and watched Miranda breastfeed baby Justin.
