Kill My Son

2 months

Herbert's apartment

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself dear mother? You wanted me to do something that I didn't wanna do, isn't that a enough reason for you to be ashame of yourself?" Jaxon shouted.

Landing a hot slap on his face, "how dare you talk back at me? How dare you raise your voice at me? You little brat!" Sara retorted aggressively.

Letting out a mockery chuckle, Jaxon narrowed his eyes. "You can slap me but that won't change the evil woman that you are! You're the reason why I look notorious! You always use me to satisfy your wish and request! You made me look like a bad guy when am not!"

"Aren't you a bad guy? You wanted to rape Amber to death, isn't that an evidence that you're a bad guy?"

"No mother!" Pointing at her, he added, "you asked me to do it and when I couldn't complete the task successfully, you made the police lock me up in prison for weeks!" Gritting his teeths, "aren't you devilish? You're such a bad mother!"

Pointing at him, Sara shouted, "Jaxon! Mind your words! Don't dare cross your limits because if you do, I won't think twice before I place you in the cemetery!"

Clapping his hands, Jaxon laughed, "oh wow, that's not shocking to me, I mean you gave birth to me so if you wish to kill me then it's not gonna be a new thing on TV." Leaning his face closer, he gritted his teeths, "but just have it in mind that am going to find the mother of my son and my son! And once I found them, you're gonna be locked up in prison for the rest of your life!"

"Hey! You two should better keep it down here or do you want to wreck my mansion with your voice? Huh?" Bradley shouted.

Heading towards the Bradley, Jaxon rubbed his hands together, "dad please for goodness sake, I'm asking you for the second time please let me go and see my son and his mother" pointing at Sara who was fuming in anger, he added. "This woman is a witch, she's worse than the devil himself, she's the reason why I was locked up in prison and now she's asking me not to bring my family ho–

Landing a hot slap on his face, Bradley scrunched his brows. "Which people are you calling your family and who are you going to meet? The same young lady you raped, hit, and molest? Is she the one you wanna meet? Huh?"

Lowering his head in shame, "dad but I already apologize to you, how many more times do I have to say sorry before you'll let me see my son and his mother? How many more?"

"Hell no, you're not leaving this mansion to see that prostitute!" Sara shouted.

Raising his eyebrows up, Jaxon crossed his hands in his front. "Oh really then stop me if you can! She was a prostitute right? But at least she's still better than a deadly woman like you!"

Clenching her hands into a fist, Sara gritted her teeths, "Jaxon Herbert mind your language, am warning you"

"Whatever, I don't care bout what you say, it doesn't matter and it doesn't change the fact that the harlot is still the mother of my son, so if you have a problem with that, then go and stab yourself to death" turning towards Bradley whom was still standing on the stairs, he added, "dad you don't wanna tell me where my son and his mother is, right?" Shrugging his shoulders, "well it's alright, I won't ask you about it anymore but instead, I'll go out there and fetch for them myself!" Jaxon grabbed his car key and barged out of the mansion angrily.

"You couldn't–

Cutting Sara off, "Hey hey hey, don't talk to me with those filthy mouth of yours" Bradley annoyingly dashed upstairs.

Clenching her hands into a fist, Sara grabbed the pillow from the couch and tossed it aside. She groaned in frustration, "Arrghh, how dare you Jaxon Herbert! How dare you insult me? You're gonna regret having me as your biological mother!" Grabbing her phone from the table, she dialed some numbers and called.

"Yes ma'am" the person from the other side answered.

"Find my son, trace him wherever he is right now and kill him"

"Okay ma'am, is it by gun shot, manslaughter or–

"Just panel beat him to death, I want him to feel pains before he dies, do you get it?"

"Yes ma'am"

"I want it to be a clean job just as you did Rodrigo Carlos case"