Stacey's a suspect

Just then Derek, Tyson and Elliot dashed into the mansion.

Turning towards them, "any news yet?" Rhett asked hopefully.

Nodding their heads, "no, nothing"

Brushing his hands on his face, Gavin groan fustratedly, "Ugh God, where is–  Gavin stopped midway when his phone rings. Looking at the caller ID, he scrunched his brows, "unknown number? Who's calling me with an unknown number?"

Glaring at the caller ID, Rhett said, "this is an unknown number, you know what Gavin? Pick the call and place it on loudspeaker"

Nodding his head, Gavin answered the call and placed it on loudspeaker. "Yes who's t–

"Gavin, Gavin, it's me Amber–

Widening his eyes in shock, Gavin panicked, "baby, baby where are you now, tell me where you are right n–

"Sweetheart where are you right now? Are you alright?" Rodrigo added.

"No am not, infact I don't know where I am right now but all I know right now is that am at a cliff and–aaaaah!" Amber shouted when someone slapped her.

Widening their eyes, they shouted, "Amber?"

"Baby, baby, baby, azúcar, are you still there? Baby can you hear me?" Gavin panicked.

Someone from the other side took the phone from Amber. "Baby, baby can you hear me?" Letting out a mockery laugh.

Frowning deeper and deeper, Gavin narrowed his eyes, "hey whoever you are, let my wife go! She's pregnant, can't you see? Infact who the hell are you?"

Letting out a mockery chuckle, "why do you wanna know who I am? Tatatatata, dear Gavin Warren, shhhh, why don't you say goodbye to your darling angel right now before it's too late?"

"Stacey, let me go, don't you have a heart?" Amber shouted in the background.

Frowning confusedly, Gavin, Rhett, Derek, Tyson and Elliot shouted, "Stacey?"

Gritting his teeths, Gavin clenched his hands into a fist. "Stacey! Now you listen to me and listen good! If I get my hands on you, damn you're gonna regret the very day you left your mother's womb!"

Bursting into laughter, "oh my God, this guy is so funny! You know what Gavin, why don't we make a deal?"

Gritting his teeths, Gavin narrowed his eyes, "what deal?"

"Well it's so easy, just marry me and I'll let your woman go"

Scrunching his brows, "Huh? Marry wh–

"Gavin don't do it! Gavin please don't agree with her! She's a monster–aaaah!" Amber shouted.

"Shut up bastard! Who ask you to speak, you boyfriend snatcher!" Stacey slapped her.

"Stacey!" Gavin shouted angrily, "don't you dare lay your filthy hands on my wife! Don't even dare it!"