Any amount of money you want

"Then agree with me! Am wait–

"Gavin please don't do it, I think I found a sign board which says, end-to-end lane, Gav–

"Shut up and don't make me force those babies out of you" Stacey shouted angrily.

"Stacey! If you dare touch my wife or my babies, I swear to God you're gonna be so de–

"Hey! Don't touch my daughter and my grandbabies, do you hear me? Or else am gonna cut off your head" Ingrid shouted angrily.

Letting out a mockery chuckle, "who's this one that's talking in the background? Aren't you supposed to keep your filthy mouth shut? Your rockstar daughter is about to meet her end and you're talking nonsense?"

"Stacey, name your price, any amount of money you want, just name it and I'll send it to you within two minutes" Gavin said.

Bursting into laughter, "who the hell do you think I am? A low life like your wife? Tatatatata, am not interested in your money Mr Warren, I've been craving to have you to myself but this rockstar came outta nowhere to snatch my lover away from me"

"Stacey I don't know what you're talking about" Amber cried.

"Of course you do, infact why did you come back? I tried everything possible just to make sure you break up with Gavin but yet you're still with him and the worst part of it is that you're married to him and you're carrying his babies, you filthy woman!"

"Stacey! Let my daughter in-law go! Let her go, or else" Ivonne shouted angrily.

"Or else what? Huh? Mrs Ivonne Warren, wasn't it your idea I seduce Gavin? And you're acting all good like Mrs goody too shoes"

"Stacey I think I've had enough of your craps, now set my wife free!" Gavin shouted angrily.

"Hey smelling monkey, don't you have a heart? Or you need someone to put you in your rightful place?" Rhett added.

"You all should just shut up, infact I'm not gonna marry Gavin anymore but am gonna kill this woman standing next to me, am gonna throw her from the cliff!"

Widening their eyes, they shouted, "no no please don't"

"Stacey please don't do it please, don't kill my wife, she's pregnant with my babies, please consider her condition" Gavin said.

"Let my daughter go you monster, she's innocent of your problem, please let her go" Ingrid cried.

"Amber can you run fast as your strength can take you? Just run as fast as you can, run away from that Lucifer" Rodrigo added.

"Hey Stacey, let her go, let Amy go!" Derek shouted angrily.

Letting out a mockery chuckle, "am sorry but I can't, she have to die and I don't care about the consequences that follows" Stacey laughed wickedly.