Chapter 359: Azure Knight (IV)

As always, Giliath demands your power stones!


"I can't tell which of them is more crazy. But they all desire one thing. The death of the Chancellor. I don't know if allowing them to partake in the Divine Knight Trials is a good, or bad thing.", Vita uttered to herself.

"Chirpp~", Grianos responded, nuzzling his head against Vita. Hearing Grianos speak, Vita suddenly paused.

"You are right, Grianos. I know I contacted Grandmother a couple days ago, but that was when we initially arrived here. It took these guys three days to clear most of the trial ground. That's pretty good progress in my books, but seeing as it reacted to Crow and the Realm is now unlocked, I should inform Grandmother. She was at a pretty interesting place last time I reached out. I could see a large sealed object in the distance there. She was surrounded by quite a few interesting individuals too.", Vita mused, wondering where exactly Roselia was the night of the new years celebration. What she didn't know was that that area was the slumbering Infernal Castle. It wasn't sealed in a different dimension like the Liber Arc was. It was sealed directly beneath Valflame Palace!

Channeling her mana, Vita's staff soon popped into existence. She anticipated that Crow's group would likely be stunned by what was beyond that door for a good moment, so she's going to use this time to reach out to contact Roselia. She didn't know where Roselia was at the moment, but hopefully it was an accessible place where she could hold a conversation. Vita's arms began to move around in a particular manner as she began to chant an incantation.

"Resound, resound, O voice everlasting...Rend Night's silent veil and reveal unto all the beautiful world. Phantasmagoria!", Vita chanted, letting her Mana flourish forward. She finished casting her incantation. Before her very eyes, space began to distort and crack before her. It didn't take long before a scrying mirror popped into existence.

What Vita just did was an incantation. They weren't the simplified magic spells that Naoto uses during battle. They had a much bigger variety of effects, and stronger. Each Incantation Vita knew did a very specific action. In this case, this Incantation used the Space element to connect two different locations anywhere in the world, as long as she had enough Mana for it, and join them. It allowed Vita to reach out to others without having to be there in person.

Vita smiled once her Incantation finished casting. It successfully established a connection, meaning the other end was stable. It didn't take long to see a golden-haired girl appear on screen with the unruly hair that she was used to. Roselia didn't appear to be alone either.

"Oh my, now this is certainly intriguing. I didn't think our conversation would be interrupted. A guest, I presume?", A man's voice suddenly asked. Vita wasn't familiar with this voice one bit.

"Hmm?", Vita questioned, letting the mirror shift positions. Before her now stood a violet-haired man, hiding his eyes away behind a pair of glasses. His eyes were sharp, and were presently curved upward. He presently wore a smile on his face. A cup of tea could currently be seen in his hands. He presently wore a full-on furbished purple tuxedo and dress pants. "Who are you?", Vita questioned. He didn't recognize this man.

"Oh how could I forget my manners? My name is Cao Lee. I am the current head of the Heiyue Trading Company located here in Crossbell City. You just happened to intrude in my office.", Cao Lee responded with a playful grin over his lips. "I had zero idea that Erebonia's famous Azure Diva would greet me like this. But after seeing this fantastical scrying mirror emerge in my office, that isn't all that there is to this now, is there? Hmm?", Cao Lee questioned Vita. He started off with a strong question, wondering who exactly the Vita was before him.

Yet Vita disregarded Cao's question off the bat, and simply glanced back at Roselia. An equally surprised look appeared in Vita's eyes, not expecting to hear where Roselia currently is.

"Just what in Aidios's name are you doing all the way out there in Crossbell City, Grandmother? Surely you aren't up to anything good.", Vita retorted.

"Oh please. Must everything that comes out of your mouth go through the washer? I simply met up with an old friend. He departed before we arrived back in the city. We'll be departing later in the evening.", Roselia explained. Yet Vita was quick to pick up what Roselia answered with.

"An old friend huh? I didn't think you'd have any acquaintances in Crossbell City. But you did just mention 'We'. You aren't alone?", Vita asked, wondering who exactly it was that was with Roselia. Minus Cao Lee of course.

"Hahaha, I'll take the blame for that. We did just see each other a couple days ago, but it is nice to see you again, Vita.", A familiar voice called out to Vita, drawing her attention over to the couch situation in the middle of the trading office. Several cups of tea could be seen placed on both sides. Beside Cao were a couple of Heiyue Martial Artists. They each had a Gi that belongs to the Lee Family. Cao Lee's Lee Family was one of several Families that had an iron grip over Calvard's underground. It made sense that Cao always had some guards nearby.

Aside from Cao sitting on one side of the table, Vita saw three individuals seated on the other side. A violet-haired boy, a younger sky-blue haired girl, and an older scarlet-haired man. Vita just blinked her eyes, seeing Naoto currently engaged in what appeared to be an ongoing conversation with Heiyue's head. He had Tio and Lechter seated next to him. They had nothing else planned for the day so they, of course, accompanied him.

Tio had no other place to be after this for that matter either. Her business here in Crossbell City concluded once Professor Schmidt signed off on Tio's extended leave. She made sure to have Chief Roberts and the other orbal engineers inside the basement of IBC be well off before she started her extended leave, which had been approved by Professor Schmidt. In response to that, Professor Schmidt took Jona back with him to help continue researching the two Master Quartz Naoto lent him. Jona did complain about heading back, but he had no choice but to go.

So now, Tio was essentially on a vacation of her own, not knowing what to do next. She decided to stay with Naoto for the time being and see where this next month or two will take her. She did give Naoto the role of becoming his personal orbal engineer. Naoto could use his system to do so, but he's going to have Tio upgrade his equipment when needed, so Tio can get the practice for it. Naoto racked up quite an amount of Sepith from their single excursion earlier today, so there is definitely opportunity to do so.

Tio will be heading back with Naoto once they conclude their business here in the Heiyue Trading Company. As for Lechter beside him, he informed Naoto that he will instead be returning to Jenis. Winter vacation was soon ending, and he still had around two years left to finish his studies. His final year would take place initially when Kloe enrolls at Jenis, so he very well could come across him then. Lechter will see Naoto off as far as arriving in Erebonia, but once that happens, Lechter will head right back to Liberl to continue his studies.

What Naoto didn't expect was for Vita to suddenly pop in, using a Phantasmagoria Incantation no less. She did this three days ago when Vita declared that the Azure Trials were now underway. Seeing Vita appear again, and with what Roselia had said earlier, Naoto quickly reached a conclusion.

"So is what Master said earlier is true after all? Did you clear the Azure Trials, Vita?", Naoto questioned while gaining interest.

"I didn't think you'd wind back up in Crossbell City Naoto, but it is nice to see you again nonetheless. I am not sure if now is an appropriate time to speak about this, but I am short on time. It is true. The Sixth Lock has been released, and an Awakener detected. We are about to clear what remains.", Vita explained from her end.

"I see. So you cleared most of the trial grounds, and only the last area remains. That pretty much lines up with what Master said earlier. You made pretty quick time. I am not sure if I will clear the one I will partake in that quickly! !", Naoto responded with a smile. He truly didn't know whether or not he could clear the entire Vermillion Trials and the Infernal Castle in three days. He didn't know what the Vermillion Trials all intended either.

Most trial grounds were structured the same way. Six floors of challenges containing varying degrees of difficulty, and then they all connected to a rather special space. Naoto wasn't sure of the Vermillion Trials though, as it involved the resurrection of the Infernal Castle. Will his trials be the same as the rest of them?

"An Awakener?", Cao asked, trying to inquire about the term. It was something he wasn't familiar with. It did make sense, as the tale of the Divine Knights were often obscured from recent history. Unless one dove into extremely rare and ancient texts, they wouldn't come to learn of them.

"I can tell you about them in a bit, Cao. Granted that I am compensated for it.", Naoto replied with a playful grin.

"I think that can be arranged. I am very much intrigued by this.", Cao Lee responded with a laugh of his own.

"Bah. Your talk can continue after, Naoto. Is what you say true, Vita? You really have found the Azure Awakener?", Roselia questioned.

"Yes, Grandmother. Should things go well, we will pass the Azure Trials before the week is finished. I am not sure how long we will be inside this place.", Vita answered. She herself didn't know how long the final area would take their group. She did have confidence in them, however.