As always, Giliath demands your power stones!
Vita's Phantasmal Mirror currently was hanging open in the atmosphere inside the Heiyue Branch Office. This Mirror was typically used by villains when they wanted to show off a big event taking place in the games, but it also had means of doing this. Moreover, it didn't need to rely on the invisible orbal energy waves criss-crossing throughout the continent. All one needed was enough mana to activate the spell, and they could communicate with others. It worked especially well when things went off-grid.
And with a certain event coming up in two years time or so, the Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon, this spell will definitely come in handy.
'I really should learn Phantasmagoria from Master sometime once the Vermillion Trials are over. I don't have an immediate need for it, but it'd be nice to have it down the line. That way I'll still be able to send emergency messages during that event.', I mused, seeing the still image of Vita. If there was one thing to point out about Phantasmagoria, it was that a single Mirror contained a single display. You could connect several individuals to the spell, and they would receive their own image, just like Vita's.
In a way, this spell worked very similar to streaming platforms in my previous life. The best part was that it had zero interference. You could project what you wanted to project! Such cases were Vita granting Class VII the chance to witness what took place at the end of the first Cold Steel Game!
Still, I didn't expect to hear from Vita that her side was already approaching the end of the Azure Trials. They weren't even supposed to take place until a year later! It sounds like she also has a crew of her own too. Crow was definitely there. It was just the question of who exactly was with Crow. He wasn't in contact with a whole lot of people at this time. When Crow visited Grancel Castle, he only tagged along with Vita. He had no one else with him then.
The Imperial Liberation Front is supposed to be forming around this time, and they would begin to form their plans to take action against Chancellor Osborne in the upcoming three to four years. Perhaps the crew Crow forms through that were presently with him? I recall them being Scarlet, Vulcan, and Gideon. They would become Class VII's antagonists throughout the first game. I particularly did not mind them. They were merely individuals with a warped sense of justice, wanting to take the Chancellor down.
I had a look to my left, who was largely related to the ongoing matter. Her golden hair was as unruly as ever. Before Vita initiated her Phantasmagoria Spell, we finished our business up in Mainz Tunnel. Lechter was currently hanging out with the other martial artists hanging around in the Heiyue Office Building. Tio was sitting next to me, keeping to herself while enjoying tea prepared from the east. It definitely had a different aroma. That was for sure. I too had some sips of it, and I was already feeling invigorated after spending a long day in the caves. I didn't feel tired one bit. Granted, I didn't spend too much stamina during the day, it is still exhausting on the mind going through a full day of travel.
Knowing that I had that meeting to attend to with Heiyue, to our surprise once we arrived back in the vicinity of the city, we were immediately greeted by Cao's martial artists. It wasn't a whole lot, but it was clear they wanted to directly escort us. Cao knew of my standing, so I appreciated the gesture, making us not get sidelined during the city. The people we previously encountered were nowhere to be seen. I did, however, spot a certain green onion in the midst of the midday crowd of people, only to be with his other food-deprived companion. They were out getting some snacks from a nearby stall.
Roselia had rejoined us by then, but we already bid farewell to Zeit, the newly named Holy Beast that served to protect the Sept-Terrions. In this case, the Sept-Terrion of Mirage. I could see that Kevin and his companion, Ries, wanted to approach us, but seeing that we were being escorted by Heiyue's, we didn't engage in a conversation. Since that was the case, it didn't take us long to make our way from the Residential District all the way to the Harbor District. Crossbell City really reminded me of Tokyo in my previous life. Everywhere was accessible, and each section of the city was small enough to where you could arrive by fifteen or twenty minutes of walking. It didn't even take us half an hour to cross through the Entertainment District and the Administrative District.
That wouldn't be the last time I would be seeing Kevin for that matter, either. I did send out a few invitations to join my Party once the Vermillion Trials begin. I suspect he won't be the only member from the Septian Church's side that will want to bear witness to the rise of the Infernal Castle. I am sure he will have one or two Knights at his side. It might be Ries, and even Elie, but we'll see on that.
We passed by the CPD, and the Mayor's Office along the way. We even passed by the ever-so-famous Arc En Ciel. This would become a focal point in the near future for the members of the SSS. Hell, even I might go here to enjoy a good show or two by the Sun and Moon Princess. Their performances are always top-notch, attracting spectators from all around the continent. I'm just not sure if Rixia is already here. I'll have to check into their performances to see if she is. I would have done so given that I would spend another day or two here in Crossbell, but sadly I am not. I am departing with Tio and Lechter later in the evening, and will be back in Heimdallr before the day is over.
I did talk to Roselia too to inquire where she will be heading from here, and she's going to be returning back to Eryn Village for the time being and properly rest up. Emma's going to be with me for the Vermillion Trials so I doubt Roselia will make a personal appearance, but she might still do such a thing after spending this next month to rest up.
It was still January 2nd, a Tuesday, in the midst of S1200. The Vermillion Trials are set to take place one month from now. I am not sure what is going to happen from here on, as the story will deviate from the main plot. It has already deviated for a while now, and I am quite curious to see where all of this will lead. The Grandmaster predicted the world will end once S1210 or S1211 begins, and that is the extent of my knowledge, considering I haven't played Daybreak before coming to this world. That is why I am reaching out to Heiyue like this so I can consolidate my knowledge of what's happening in the east.
The only thing I didn't expect that would happen during the conversation taking place with the man of the hour who was now seen seated across from me in his own office, Cao Lee, was for our conversation to get interrupted.
And by Vita no less. It isn't often she casts Phantasmagoria like this. While nothing major is taking place where Ouroboros often liked to announce a major scene in the games, she is well underway in the Azure Trials. I could see Roselia's eyes remain on the phantom Mirror currently floating in the middle of the room. Lechter was off to the side, chatting away with a couple of Cao's martial artists, acting without a care in the world. Even if he was pretending to be this way, I'm sure he was fully listening to the ongoing conversation.
Roselia just stared at what Vita had reported to her. Even I was intrigued. Vita was somewhat mischievous after leaving the village, and often did not like to do what Wandering Witches did. She mostly did whatever pleased her fancy. But now, she was taking on her proper role, and actually found a potential, Awakener.
A role that I will soon be fulfilling myself. If not, already I am fulfilling it. After all, I do already share a connection with Testa-Rossa. He might not acknowledge me yet, but I am technically fulfilling that role already by sharing that connection.
Crow will receive Ordine. I will receive Testa-Rossa, and Rean will receive Valimar. That is how I wanted it to go by intervening in this tale.
Roselia broke this silence and spoke out to Vita.
"Umu. For once you are doing your job as a Wandering Witch, so I will not hold you here any longer, Vita. See it through till the end. You did inform the brat that he will become an Immortal should he pass his Trials, yes?", Roselia questioned.
"An Immortal?", Cao asked, raising his eyes into two crescent moons.
"Yes. All of the logistics have already been taken care of. Crow gave me his word he will succeed, and I am placing my trust in him. His crew wided out the floors, and we'll be venturing into the Realm of the Great Shadow. I will likely not be in contact with you guys for the upcoming while, so I used this moment to send my regards.", Vita explained.