Music Box:

- Oscar is a worker on the new Freddy,s Junior, he works durind day time, he is not sure if is beter than work during nigth, during night there are no kids or parents but also he feel sorry for the poor soul that has to be trap all nigth with animatronics that could mistake you for a criminal and try to "incapacitate" you, during night was dangerus and during day anoying.

Oscar work is to make the animatronics be in good condition, that is the part of the work he was interested in, Oscar was good with mechanical things but he also got bored of it specifically of the animatronic that now they call Mangle, but that is just half of it, his other task is to make kids and parents don,t hate this place, he has to listen to their complains doesn,t mather how stupid they are, the first day was fine but now is to much, Oscar wish to have a place to rest, the workers have a room to rest but you can hear the chaos that is going on the other side of the walls and the parenst go often to this room when he is resting and he can,t said no to them because then he will lost his job.

Now was a calm moment he was doing some extra work and all the parents and kids were gone, Oscar was making some work on Mangle, in the begining he had to resamble the animatronic complet but after the kids keep "playing" with it his boss told him to just make sure that there aren,t small peaces that could fall and be eat by a kid, Oscar really liked to work on the animatronics but eventually it was to much, all of them give troubles every day, all exept one but Oscar is not sure if he should call it a animatronic, he wasn,t sure how it work, now he was leaving the building when he saw it, "You are the only one that doesn,t gives me troubles", he said to what they call a puppet or better said the Puppet, but there were no strings, no one moving it, and it was to thin to have a endosqueleton, it was really tall yes but there was no way that they could put a endosqueleton inside of it, Oscar then closed the doors and go to home, he some times think on wait for the security guard, Oscar think that they could be friends and talk of how much they don,t like their job and that they think that the other one had the better shift, but he never does, he doesn,t need a friend he need rest.

The next day was the same, kids and parents making his life a living hell, everything was going like always, until is time for the break, like Oscar always does he was heading to the "break room", it wasn,t really, it was just a room that they use to store the old animatronics and they just said to him "You can rest here", but he couldn,t, the parents and kids won't let him, he was tired so he stoped half way, he saw the Puppet inside his music box, Oscar wanted to know how it work, the Puppet and also the music box, nobody talks about it and sinze bout the Puppet and the music box always work fine he hasn,t a reason to go and check it out, he get closer to the music box and look and the Puppet face, then he look down he couldn,t see what was inside, it was to dark, Oscar try to reach down but he couldn,t, but how, the music box was pretty large but so were Oscar asms, he was going to let it be but then he decided that he was going to reach the botom of this mysteri, he laught at his own joke, he try again and them a kid kick him and he fall inside, and then the kid closed the box, he could hear the kids laught but when the box was closed he couldn,t hear him, he couldn,t hear anything outside de the box, he could only hear the song of the box, it was really big inside he then look in front of himself the Puppet was there, "Sorry if i invaded your personal space", Oscar said he wasn,t sure why, he just feel like he should, he stared at the Puppet, black and white were the colors of it with just a bit of red that were his checks and lips, and them purple strips coming down his eyes, it was a strange color to use, the black, white and red combined very well, but then purple, but why purple and why make the these strips, they look like tears, the whole Puppet was a bit of a weird thing to desing for kids it was strange but not to disturbing but then you see the purple tears, Oscar then come out of the music box, it was night time, he check his wach, 2:13 AM, "How much time was in there?", he was coming out of the box when a green light shine towards him, it was toy Bonnie, Oscar stop, then Bonnie launch at him, by instint he got back in the music box and closed it, he couldn,d hear the steps, he look out and Bonnie was gone, "This box of yours is amazing, thank you for let me in" Oscar said, again not to sure why, as he was coming out he hear "Don,t worry is a plesure to help a good person", did his ears betrayed him, the Puppet was in the same position, it must have been the song of the box, Oscar then left the building then he think on coming back, the night guard could be inside but when he reach the door toy Bonni was pasing by, he fear that it will see him so he ran away and came back to his home.

The next day Oscar was thinking on Bonnie attack, they have never been so agresive when they mistake some one for a criminal, they began to make lound noises and get close to the person to inmobileced but they never moved at that speed, he was going to take a break, when he saw the Puppet watch him, the box was just a bit open so it was easy to miss it, he then get close, "Can i make you company? ", Oscar said, the Puppet rise from the box, Oscar feel a bit small compared to the Puppet but he get inside the music box, he was going to close the box but the Puppet came back inside and closed the box, it was silent just the song of the box, "Do you like the song of this box?", Oscar said for his surprise it look like the Puppet shake his head in signal of affirmation or maybe Oscar was seeing things, he look around to try to discover how the box produces the music, but he didn,t saw anything just the Puppet and it wasn,t making the sound, then Oscar feel like he could just ask the Puppet about it, but then the Puppet rise a hand and placed on Oscar mouth, then with the other hand the Puppet point up, Oscar opened the box just a bit, outside was Bonnie but not toy Bonnie it was the old faceless Bonnie, what is doing active they said that it would never work again, Bonnie turnd around now Oscar was shine by the red ligth he closed the box, and the noises of outside dissapear, then the Puppet point at Oscar wach and made a 6 on the air, "I have to wait until 6:00 AM? Is that what you are saying?", the Puppet shake his head in sing of affirmation, and Oscar belived it, so he wait, time pased really fast he was looking at his wach and he began to belive that it was broken, now the time was 6:00 AM and as soon as this happened the music box stop, and sudently Oscar didn,t feel safe or confortable, Oscar trust in the Puppet began to shake, he feel like the "aura" around the Puppet changed even if the Puppet remained in the same place and it didn,t try to attack him but Oscar didn,t feel relax in the music box anymore so he get out at ligthing speed and left the building.

Next day same as the others, now it was break time but he decided to go to the room that contained the old animatronics, they were in the same place that they are always in, the four of them in the same position has always, like nothing happened, even the faceless Bonnie look like didn,t moved but it did he saw it, these old animatronics were supposed to be used to remplaze peaces of the new animatronics to save money and in fact Oscar did use some piezes of them for the toy animatronics even for Mangle, nothing to big of course he didn,t want to create some type of Frankstein, so Oscar couldn,t understand how Bonnie becomed active, they weren,t repear since they were bring in here in fact they were in worst condition since Oscar used some of their piezes, most of then on Mangle, now that he thinks about it he already made a Frankstein, bits of Foxy on the head, bits of Freddy on the torso, bits of Chica on the other head and bits of Bonnie on some of the limbs, in fact the armless Chica come with a cupcake or what was left of it and now was all inside of Mangle.

Now it was almos time for the nigth guard to appear, Oscar was waiting inside the music box with the Puppet, during all nigth he opened and closed the box and watch the new and old animatronics go from a place to another, it was normal for the toys to do it because they were programed to look for intruders, but why the withered were doing the same, that is how Oscar calls the old ones now, they also look like they were searching the place looking for some one, Oscar was about to close the box when he hear a scream or was a roar? maybe bouth, then he saw the toys and the withered all ran in the same direction, like a pack of wolfs, he was going back inside but the music had, stop the Puppet eyes now had a small ligth inside, the Puppet came out of the box and walk slow in the same direction, Oscar wanted to go back on the box but he didn,t feel safe with the song gone, then all of the animatronics turnd around and watch him exept the Puppet, then they get closer to him, he was waiting for the Puppet to do something and it did, move to the side, Oscar feel betrayed, the withered stared at him while the toys wach from behind but then he look up noticing a yellow ligth, Mangle was staring at him like the withered were doing, then they left him alone and keep walking now going more slow so the Puppet can follow them, Oscar look behind to the music box but he dicided to follow the animatronics, he then saw how all of them were around the nigth guard, they try to bite, grabb and hit him but he got under the table, Oscar didn,t know the man but Oscar couldn,t left the man, he needs to do something, all the animatronics moved and let space to the Puppet to get closer to the table, the Puppet put his hands close to the table without touching it and than the table was tost in the air by some type of invisible force, Oscar saw his oportunity, he hit he table now in the floor with all of his streght, the wither fall over the toys and the Puppet look back, Oscar ran to the nigth guard and help him get up then they ran as fast as posible, Oscar look back the animatronics were fast but not agilly so by going under the tables and doing drastic turns they lost them, but then Oscar hear a metallic sound, he look up, Mangle was on siling following them, they managed to lost it after throuh in it a chair, they reach the exit but the Puppet was already there, Oscar then saw his salvation, "Get inside the music box" Oscar said, they get inside the box, they were inside for a few seconds when Oscar hear metalic steps and then he realizad that the box wasn,t making his song, he turn t osee the nigth guard, he wasn,t using the normal uniform, he was using a purple one thet they said to Oscar that shouldn,t be use, "I am James, thanks for the help" he said, Oscar had other things in mind "Do you know why they attacked you?", "No, the first day it didn,t happen", "Why are you using that uniform?", "Becuse mine got dirty, the second day i spill coffee over it", Oscar then reach the conclusion that they mistaked him with other person, "We need to make the music box work" Oscar said while looking around inside the box, "You can only activate the music box from the office but why we need to turn on the box? " James said, "Is complicated, you need to trust me" Oscar opened the box and saw the shadows of the animatronics geting closer, the box only will protect them if the music was playing, they need to take the risk, they jump out of the box and ran to the office, Oscar and James manged to reach it without trounble, James knelt to reach the monitor that now was on the floor because how the Puppet made the table go flying, Oscar was wathching the hall but in a blink he saw the Puppet appear in front of him, "Listen I know you and your friends are angry at some one but he isn,t the person you are looking for", the Puppet look at James for a long time, Oscar could hear the foot steps of the other animatronics, the ligth on the Puppet eyes disappeared, and moved aside, "I know that you were a good person" Oscar said, Oscar and James began to ran but the withered were already in the end of the hall, the Puppet rise a hand and made the table knock down the animatronics, they use this opportunity to escape, they saw the toys try to catch them but they reach the box before, Oscar could hear the music, he and James wait until 6:00 AM and get out of the box he saw the Puppet sit next to the box, "Thanks for all the help" Oscar said to the Puppet, Oscar and James check to see that all the animatronics were in the same place as always, "Hey would you like to change shifts?, you would be very good as night guard, I think they like you more than me" James said jokingly, "You know what i like that idea" Oscar said, "Wait, really? " James respond surprised by Oscar's answer.

Now was James first day in his new shift, he was going to take a break when he saw Mangle in the hall, it was convulsing and them it jump in the ceiling and try to bite him, James use his hand to protect his head but Mangle ripped of two of his finger, James then saw the music box, he ran as fast as he could and get iside, he could hear the song so he was safe, that is what Oscar said, but something was different he could hear the song but also the sound of the metal hitting the ceiling, then Mangle bite the top of the music box and opened it, James look at Mangle teeth cover in blood, Mangle bite him and before collapse James saw bits of his own brain in Mangle teeth.

Oscar was call by his boss, he reach the pizzeria and saw how some workers were taking James body out of the music box, he also noticed that the Puppet wasn,t inside, he saw a man in a business suit with a purple tie talking to his boss "Where are the other four?" the man said "Mr. Henry taked these four old animatronics and the Puppet last night he didn,t said why", "Well then I will take the other three and this one, name a price" the man said poiting at Mangle, that still had human remains on the teeth, Oscar saw the man take the toy animatronics and Mangle in a truck and left the building.

While Oscar lived the rest of his life thinking that James dead was his fault he never had another experience like the one he had working on Freddy,s and never know what really caused those events to happen, he lived a long and normal life remenbering this has just a bad dream, he was lucky, not everybody knows the strange tales of Freddy,s Fazbear Pizza, not alive at least.

-"Have you finish the tests?" the man with the purple tie ask to a monitor, "Yes sir, but the results will not be of your liking" a voice coming from the monitor said, the man rise from his chair full of anger, "That damn old fox of Henry taked the kids and the "spark" before us!" the man stop for a moment and then began to speak again "Do you keep thinking that he doesn,t know about the "spark"? If soo then why looks like he is hiding it from me?!", "Sir, i think you overestimate Henry", "Is there something we can use for the funtime progect?", "Yes the test revealed that due to exposure they have a considerable amount of essence, sir", the man sit on the chair after hearing what the monitor said, "Began to record" he said, "Ready sir", "I am William Afton, today is 1987, day 18 of november, me and the "Handyman,s Robotics and Unit Repair Sistem Model 5" a.k.a. "HandUnit" were about to...", "Sir your wife is calling you", "Didn't I tell you to ignore her", "Is the eighth time today, sir, if you like I could do the first steps of the process, sir", the man left his chair, "Fine but just the two first steps", "You don,t need to worry sir I will take care of everything", the man was leaving the room when the monitor begin to speak again, "If your wife is being a problem to you, sir, you could give her a new use, one that would help to the investigation", the man turn back and stare at the monitor with a angry face, but as the seconds pass the man began to think and he smiled, "Some times I forget how smart you are", "I am as smart as you made me sir, also I think that Mike and Eli would be of help", the man smile desapear instantly, "Especially Eli, after some monitorization I belive she could be a perfect replacement for Charlotte in our investigation of the "spark" the monitor said, "Some times I also forget how stupid you can be" the man got closer to the monitor "You will call my children by their full name and don,t make more suggestions like that!" the monitor didn,t respond, the man grabb a small device from his pocket, "Didn,t you hear me!", "My apologies sir", "I changed my mind, don,t begin the process until I return", "Yes sir", the man left the room and got in a elevator, a small yellow tablet with fake eyes appear in front of him "Would you like some music for the way up sir?", "Surprise me","Yes sir", music began to sound, the man know the song, Henry made it, it was the song that the music box plays, he stare at the AI, ¿was he mocking him?, the man look at the small device on his pocket but he decided that he could let this one pass, he wouldn,t want that the AI that controls all things in the facility and stores all the information of his investigations turn against him, besides it wasn,t a bad song.