Tales To Forget

- Nathan grew up listening to stories of the "incident" that take place at Freddy,s and the multiple of strange events that happens if you get involved with something related in any shape or form with his storie, murders, disappearances, possessions, ghosts, and the list goes on for a long time. "The incident of the missing children", five kids disappear, thats how they always referred to it even after the police found the bodys of the kids inside of the animatronics.

As an adult Nathan gain a big curiosity for Freddy,s stories, Nathan spent his free time searching for people that know something about Freddy,s but he wasn't lucky, so he did the other best thing, try to obtain a item releted to Freddy,s to have a paranormal experience by him self, he colected some things like drawings, plushis, toys, he even meet a man called Phineas that was also interested in items of Freddy,s with diferente motives in mind but Nathan was happy to know that there was some one else searching for hunted objects, but one day he come across a girl call Millie that was sealing his grandfather colection, the reason that this call his atention was because there was a Freddy,s animatronic on sale, it was a Freddy but diferent from the one he know, it was white and pink, it was cobered in rust, one of his hands was missing, one of his eye socket was empty and it looks like some one smack his head, Millie confess to Nathan that the animatronic stop working after she hit it when it try to kill her, now Nathan really wanted to buy it, Nathan always wanted to buy a Freddy,s animatronic but they were to expensive and this one was no exception, but Millie told him that there was something less expensive, she show him a small robot, she said that his grandfather found it in the same place that the other, she also said that works fine, Nathan wasn,t to sure if he should buy the robot but when the robot began to talk his doubs desapear, "I am Candy Cadet i have candy and tales for everybody hungry for sweet and knowledge".

Now in his home Nathan place Candy Cadet in the living room next to the flowerpot, them he realized that doesn,t know how Candy Cadet works he try to speak to him but Candy Cadet didn,t respond, he tried to find a on bottom but nothing. Nathan decided to have a shower, make himself a hamburger and watch the TV, tomorrow is Sunday so he doesn,t have to go to work, he had all nigth to try make Candy Cadet work, like the robot had read his mind the multiple colored lights in his body began to shine and change they colors in a fast succession.

Nathan got up from the couch, Candy Cadet ask "¿Do you want some candy Nathan?", Nathan was to excited to stop to think about how Candy Cadet know his name, "No, I want you to tell me a story" Nathan answered, "If you don,t want candy them i don,t want to tell a story", "Ok, i will eat candy but i want a real story and about something related to Freddy,s Fazbear", immediatelely Candy Cadet expelled a small dark red candy, Nathan eat it, it tasted like Cherry and ¿vanilla?. Candy Cadet began to talk as son as Nathan placed the candy on his mouth, "There was a kid that grew without real love, so when the kid turned in to a father he didn,t know how to love his daughter, he buy toys and tasty food but eventually those things weren,t enough, the father began to make toys for his daugthter but the same thing happend, the father began to make the toys bigger, until he build something evil and twisted that took the live of the young girl", Candy Cadet stop for a second "And in the end his father decided to forget that he tried to love his kids", another small pause "All of them".

After Candy Cadet finished his story

Nathan went to bed, he placed his phone next to a photo of him when he was young and his parents, now his parents were old and they lived on a residend, he was thinking that he has to visit them but he didn,t get to think to much because a unnatural desire to sleep strike him.

Nathan opened his eyes he was in some type of garaje but it was massive or he was really small, he saw giant man working in something even more big under a blanket, he try to reach the man for help but he was surrounded by toys he try to move them but was stoped by two robot baby-like, one has purple eyes and the other green, they were a bit smaller than him, and they grabbed Nathan arms, the giant man then speak "Remember don,t go near her" them he left the room, "Let,s play" the small robots say, they were hurting his arms but then they let him go and before he realize he was climbing the mountain of toys while the robots just watch him from below. He reach the blanket and as soon as he did two giant metalic white arms embraced him, first Nathan felt secure, the air smell like ice cream but them the arms make more pressure until he couldn,t breathe, he feel like his organs were going to come out of his mouth until eventually he heard a cracking sound a could fell the content inside his stomach fall down and splatter in the floor.

Nathan wake up in his bed his lungs hurt, he didn,t stop to much to think on this because he saw the time on his phone 8:50 PM, he was going to be late to work, when he was getting out of the door he saw Candy Cadet in the living room next to the flowerpot ¿Did i placed you there?, he couldn,t remember but he didn't had time to think about it, Nathan drived his car has fast as was legal but when he reach the supermarked it was closed, he turn on his phone "Is Sunday ¿How the hell did i forgot what day is?.

Now back home he when to take a shower when he noticed that his arms have marks of small hands, he took off his shirt expectin to find arm marks around his belly but the mark weren,t like arms they were like he was grabb by the jaws of a big metalic shark or a giant crab claw.

Nathan decided to continue the routin in hope that Candy Cadet will activate again, he made a hamburger and watch TV, "¿Do you want candy Nathan? Candy Cadet ask, "Yes and also another storie about Freddy,s", "¿Are you sure? Those that only want to see the past will forget the present", Nathan was to happy thinking that he got the classic "advertance" that he had always heard on movies to try to understand what Candy Cadet was talkin about, "Yes, i want another one", Candy Cadet expelled a small chocolate ball and Nathan eat it, "There was a man that wanted to make every kid in the world happy but one day his own daugther was left alone and isolated by the other kids that didn,t want to share the love of the man, in this act that none of the kids believe it would cause harm the girl was left in the rain long time until a man arrived she saw his reflection and think that he was going to help her because this man was the one person his father dare to call "the brother he never had" she turn around to face the man but all she saw was the cold embrace of dead, she died thinking that she doesn,t want anybody to feel alone ever again", as soon Candy Cadet finish the storie Nathan belly began to hurt he end up throwing up in the toiled, them he get to bed and sleep.

Nathan open his eyes, he was in a Freddy,s there were kids every were all staring at the stage, a yellow bear with a purple hat and bowtie was dancing and singing, one kid got close to Nathan, the kid was ofering some type of cake, Nathan eat it without thiking just like the chocolate that Candy Cadet give him and he feel the same pain on his belly, the yellow bear then removed his head to show a man with a worried face, he help Nathan to go outside, "Rest here a bit i will be back in a second" the man said, but time pased and began to rain, Nathan couldn,t enter, the door was blocked and the man was dancing and singing again, but then Nathan hear a car he didn,t turn around until he saw the reflection of a man on the window, it was the same man of his first dream, as soon he turn to face him he feel pain on his chest he try to look at the face of the man but he didn,t have streght left, he fall on the ground and the man leaved on his car, after a will on the cold and wet ground felling his body slowly losing his temperature and seeing his own blood being mix with the rain that fall down over him Nathan feel like some one was giving him a hug giving him shelter, he look up in hope that was the man in the bear suit that come to help him but all he saw was a white mask with two red checks and empty black eyes.

Nathan wake up he feel weak he watch his chest to check for marks and he found what look like a slash made with a knife, he turnd around he saw a photo of him as a kid but he didn,t remember the two adults on it, he grabb his phone and look the time 10:00 PM, the day was Monday, Nathan feel like he forget do something then he remember now that he finished school he needs to get a job but he had time for that he is young and has all the life ahead, the only thing that he really needs is to ask Candy Cadet about the big one "The incedent".

Nathan tried to repeat what he did to make Candy Cadet work, he reach the bathroom but he didn,t remember what he need to do so he skip to the next part make a hamburger "Easy, is the only real foot that i managed to make ever" but as soon he grabb all the ingredients he realized he couldn,t remember how to made it "¿But how did i forgot? i most have make hamburgers millions of times", so he decided to go watch TV but when he reach the living room Candy Cadet said "Is bad to eat sweet before sleep", "Thanks mom" Nathan said joking, after Candy Cadet didn,t respond Nathan said "I want to kwow about the missing children incident, i will eat all the candy you want", "¿Don,t you prefer someting diferent?, i don,t think is good for you to focus so much i a past that isn,t even yours, if you want i know fairy tales or i could make a story about you" Candy Cadet said, "I want what i ask you" Nathan was waiting for more negations but Candy Cadet just keep the silent and expelled not one but five candys but all of them were purple and they didn,t look like the others before, they weren,t a perfect sphere they look deform, like a person made them with his bare hands in a hurry, Nathan grabb all of them and place a random one on his mouth, it didn,t have taste, not a candy one, it taste like some type of medicine, a disgusting one, Candy Cadet didn,t talk so Nathan eat all of them at the same time in seconds he fall on the floor in front of Candy Cadet, he couldn,t move his body, Nathan feel like he was sleeping but he wasn,t he was very awake, Nathan turn his eyes to Candy Cadet and he wish he didn,t, standing behind Candy Cadet Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy were watching him with cold dead eyes, there was a fifth figure behind them but Nathan couldn,t see who or what it was, he feel like they were seen his soul, their eyes were just a black void of darkeness with a small silver ligth in the middel, they bodys look cober in moss, they color were turning into a disgusting green, but them Nathan realice something that make the situation even worst, they weren,t staring at him but to something behind him.

A voice behind him began to talk, and the voice, he remember this voice from his first dream, but it was diffferent, it didn,t sound human, it sound like two people were talking at the same time, one robotic and strong full of hate and the other more human, weak and tired.

"There was a kid that grew without real love, so when the kid turned in to a father he didn,t know how to love his daughter", Nathan realiced it was the first story begining, "This kid had not one but two fathers but neither one of them gived the kid the love of a father, the first father gived him his life, body, a mind that his father and mother could only dream to have and for last the fear of being alone, his second father gived him a name that the kid eventually throw away for one born of his pain and hate, money that his second father dien,t get to use before he died and for last he gived the kid a new fear, the fear of dead" the voice behind him stop and Candy Cadet began "The kid wanted to be like his first father, make everybody smile, but time made this wish desapear and a new one appear", the voice behind him began to speak agaim this time more lound, "To conquer his fear he wanted to learn everything abaut it and eventually cheat dead", a small pause, Candy Cadet said "And he was ready to do anything necesary to do it", "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA", a maniatic laught began to sound behind Nathan, so lound that his head began to hurt, Nathan wanted to cover his ears but he couldn,t, he closed his eyes and them everything stop, the animatronics were gone, he turnd around and nothing was there.

Nathan dicided to put to sale Candy Cadet, first he tried to call Phineas but he didn,t respond, after that he get on his bed and sleep knowing that what was next was inevitable.

Nathan opened his eyes he was in a large tent there were people sit around a big open space in this space there was a clown with red hair and yellow eyes doing juggling, Nathan look behind himself he was sit on a womans lap she look sad but when she realiced he was watching her she smiled, Nathan blink now he was alone with the clown, "She left because of you" the clown said before lauching towards him, Nathan ran has much as he can with his eyes close, when he opened them he was in a diferent place it was a room he was sit on a small bed there was a drawing of what he assumed was a monstruous representation of the clown from before, "¿Is this the one?" a old man with grey hair and dressed like a business man said, "Yes he is Mr.Afton" a woman dress with more modest clothes said, "I hear that you are a young genius and i need some one like you" the old man said, Nathan blink, now he was in a fancy bedroom and the old man was in the bed now without any hair left, "Come here" the man said, he obey, "I spend all my life making money and i never used it for anything important, but now is yours, use all if you want in whatever you want, use that amazing mind to make something big, i know that you are going to do something that will change this world, do what you think you most do, don,t let anybody tell you what you can or can,t do " the man said as soon as he stop he began to cough, Nathan began to feel pressure in is chest, seeing this man life going away in front of his eyes made him think "That is going to be my future eventually", the man stop breathing, Nathan closed his eyes, now he was in other place, a Freddy,s, it was dark, he look in every direction until he saw a big yellow rabbit, he didn,t know why but he feel fear, even when he saw the smile of a man inside the rabbit he just feel fear, "I didn,t see you there, i wasn,t counting on a extra one but don,t worrie we can make the cake be enough for everybody" and when he recognized the voice of the man he know that he didn,t had good intentions, "Follow me" he said, Nathan obey, they enter a room and the rabbit closed the door, there were four children they present them self has Gabriel, Fritz, Susie and Jeremy, the rabbit cut a purple cake in five parts and give every one a part, "I know it doesn,t look pretty but i assure is really tasty you can trust you good friend Springbonnie", they eat the cake and fall a sleep, Nathan wake up the five of them were tied up, the rabbit got close to Jeremy and slice his throat, them to Susie and he stabbed her, them to Fritz, again he stabbed but he couldn,d take of the knife and because the strength the knife break, the rabbit threw the knife to the floor "And the birthday boy for last" the rabbit said, now he grabb Gabriel head and smash it agains the remais of the cake, Gabriel struggled for a momento but stop eventually, the rabbit grabb a bag and was taking something out when, "Oh i almost forget about you, sorry" the rabbit began to get closer and as he did the bodys of the other kids began to rot, they skin turn pitch black and they eyes fall from their heads to the floor, them small pale yellow bits appear on their skin that then come out reveling that they were worms, Nathan focus again on the rabbit, the yellow was becoming green, the eyes white, parts of the suit began to fall revealing the pale skin of the man inside, but that skin also change turnig in to a red color and deform as he walk, the mouth of the suit was open showing that the mans real mouth was losing his teeth and to remplace his smile there was nothing, just the black void inside the mans rot corps, "Don,t worry your good friend Springtrap will make good use of you HAHAHA", that horrible laugth again but now even lounder, Nathan feel like his ears were bleeding, he did the same that he did before close his eyes, in a second he feel two metalic hands on his neck but he keep his eyes close, until he couldn,t breath and opened his eyes.

Nathan wake up but he didn,t calm down, ¿was he awake?, he didn,t remember this room, he turn around and saw a photo of a child, a man and a woman but he didn,t recognized them, he didn,t know this place, he look in a mirror and he didn,t recognized the face on it, "I most be in the dream", then some one knock on the door, he opened the door "Hello sir i hear that you bought some kind of robot to a person call Millie and i will like to buy it to you", now Nathan was sure he was in a dream this man was the man in the yellow bear suit but older, his hair was becoming white, he had wrinkles on his fase and he look tired, Nathan came back inside and look around until he found it he grabb Candy Cadet, "Is yours for free" Nathan said, "Thank you" the man took the robot and went away, Nathan closed his eyes but nothing happen he didn,t wake up he was in the same place but then he remember how he wake up from the other dreams, Nathan look up, now he know what to do.

There were kids around Candy Cadet and one of them grabb a brown candy, "Is like a hamburger" the kid said, Candy Cadet began to speak "There was a man call Nathan that was obsessed with the past so much that one day he wake up and forgot the present, thinking he was in a dream he got in to the roof of the house he didn,t remember and jump beliving that when he hit the ground he was going to open his eyes and be in home but he never opened his eyes ever again".