
- Samuel was in lying on his bed, one of his classmates passed him his cold, Samuel was worriend that he would get bored but his father said that he got something for him to pass the time, his father came back with a old and dusty TV, "The last owner of the house left this in the attic" his father said, "It smels like burned flesh" Samuel replayed, "That doesn,t mater if it works" his father said, them he place the TV in front of his bed, conected it and turned it on and it work more or les, the color of the image switch at fast speed, the red to blue, to green, to black and withe and viceversa, his father look at his with a big smile "Now you won,t get bored", before Samuel could said anything his father left the room.

After a whille Sam was still switching chanels, it had a lot but no one was good, eventually he came across with one that he recogniced, "Hello and welcome to the Funtime Show" a metalic white fox said pointing at a big neon pink sign that said Funtime Show , Sam watch it from time to time when there was nothing more interesting to see, he liked the part of Funtime Foxy that was about animals, but he wasn,t to much of a fan of the show, it was always the same with the other member of the crew, Foxy did managed stay fresh since it talk about a new animal in every episode, "I wish that they did something new" he said to no one, "Let the Funtime beging, today i will talk about the….", the TV began to malfuntion the voice was impossible of be understand, the image was twisted and the colors became epileptic flashes of colors, the image turn normal again but a new figured appeared behind Foxy, another fox withe and blue, the fox look at him self and click his fingers now he was white and green he did the same again and now was white and orange, he saked his head with approval, Foxy look a the other fox with clear confusion, "Welcome ladies a gentlemen this is the Lolbit Show" the fox said, it had a voice that sound like a old radio, "No it is not" Foxy said, "Well now it is my friend" the fox click his finger and the neon sing turned orange and the text changed to Lolbit Show, Foxy step in front of him "The animal from today is the….", "Serial killer of the ocean, the shark" Lolbit said interrupting Foxy.

A pair of red curtains behind Foxy and Lolbit opened showing a boat in the ocean, Foxy was wearing now fisherman clothes, "The shark has a really bad reputation because movies, shows and videogames, a lot of people think that they are blood thirsty monsters but this is not…..", "Is so true as the fact that the ocean is blue" Lolbit wearing a movie director costume interrupted Foxy, "That is not true even dogs kill more humans than the sharks" Foxy said, now Lolbit had a disappointment expresion, "And the ocean isn't really blue that is that the sky reflects on the water" Foxy said, now Lolbit looked anoyed, "Listen the true doesn,t sale that is why he doesn,t like watch your show", Lolbit said pointing his finger to the direction of the TV screen, "¿Who?" Foxy ask, "That doesn,t mater", Lolbit said with anger on his voice, "I am the only thing that is going to…..hahaha", Lolbit anger was gone as he speak and began to laugh "I am the only thing that keeps you afloat hahaha", Lolbit said, Foxy keepend a neutral face, "You keep your self quiet while i use this bait to attract the sharks", Foxy grab a bucket with fish guts, "That doesn,t look like is enougth, let me fix it" Lolbit them click his fingers, the guts in the buche became more big and a bunch of eyes appeared on the mix of blood and flesh, Lolbit took the bucket from Foxy hands a throw it  to the water, "¿What have you done to the bait?", Foxy ask, "If you want to attract a man eater you need  the right bait", Foxy look at Lolbit expecting a answer, Lolbit got closer to Foxy and whisper on his ear, Foxy look shock "¿You are not being serious rigth?", "Of course i am joking, i connot belive you fall to it haha", "You shouldn,t ….." Lolbit click his fingers and Foxy voice muted, his mount moved but no words came out, "Now i understand why you don,t like this show Samuel", "¿Are you talking to me?, Samuel ask, "Of course you dummy, there is no other Samuel in here right", Sam was in shock, this couldn,t be true, this most be some type of prank made by his father, Sam got up from the bed and come closer to the TV, it was really hot and the smell from befere was stronger, it made Sam remember the times his father got the meat burned while making food, but worst, "¿Can you see me using the screen?", Don,t be silly, the screen only works in one way", Sam was going to speak again but Lolbit was faster, "I am watching you from the window", in that instant the ambient of the room changed, Lolbit turn to see Foxy still speaking, "¡Look is a megalodon!", Foxy turn to see and Lolbit push him into the water, then cartoon sharks comically jump into Foxy, Sam was worriend, them Foxy head come out of the water, "Don't worry, is fine", Lolbit grab Foxy head but it was just the head, now covered in bloody water, "Oh no...…anyway lest move on"

Lolbit click his fingers and the red curtains covered the screem, Sam feel like a invisible force keep him in place, "Now is funtime with Circus Baby" a animatronic with a red dress and blue eyes said, Sam remembered that the show was divided in four sections one for every member of the funtime crew first Foxy, then Baby, then Ballora and to end Freddy, but he usually just watch to the Baby part because the other two were to late at night, Sam took a quick look at the window, it was closed but this didn,t make him feel less worried, "¿What is your thing?, Lolbit that appeared from thin air, still holding Foxy head ask, "I teach how to cook", "Hahaha, but you are a clow, ¿Who is the stupid that decided that?!, and besides ¿What are you going to cock? Your nose, Hahaha", Baby look angry, "¿What do you suggest me to do Mr. Personality?, Baby ask annoyed, "Be funny of course, let me show you how is done, ¿why did a woman throw a packet of butter through the window?, Lolbit made a pause, "To make a butterfly, ", Lolbit happy expresion changed to a anoyed one, "That was a horrible joke" he said looking up, "Is your joke", Baby said, "No is not, my jokes are from the writer", "¿What writer?" Sam and Baby ask at the same time, Lolbit turn to see Sam, "The one writing this scene, well all the book to be precise, Oh no, sorry i shouldn,t talk about this he could get angry" Lolbit said with concer on his voice, he click his fingers nothing look diferente but then Sam realiced that Baby eyes were now green and she was standing in a oddly statue like position, "Ok, let,s try that again", Lolbit said, Baby didn,t said anything she didn't even move a inch it was very unsettling, "A guy…", "HAHAHAHAHA", Lolbit was cut by a maniatic laugth coming from Baby, "I didn,t tell the….", Lolbit counld,t keep talking because the laugth of Baby was more loud, until she stop abruptly, Lolbit click his fingers and now was on a nurse outfit, and put his ear on Baby chest, "Well, i suppose that another one bited the dust" Lolbit said while throwing Foxy head on top of Baby.

Sam was going to get in bed to sleep it was late and he began to feel is heart beat go faster, he was going to turn off the TV but he stop when he hear Lolbit click his fingers again, Lolbit was now with Ballora and Freddy, "Since our only viewer is worried that is to late whe are going to kill to birds with one stone hahaha" Lolbit stop and look up "See that one wasn,t bad" he said talking to the nothingness.

Lolbit click his finger, now he was in a magician outfit, Ballora was in a plataform grabbing a rope in her hands and Freddy was in a box, Sam got nervous when he reconiced the box, "I am going to cut Freddy in halve" Lolbit said holding a comically large saw, Freddy try to speak but no words come out of his mouth, Lolbit began to cut the box, "¿What are you doing?" Ballora ask, "Don,t interrupt please" Lolbit said, "You can,t do that" a new voice said, "I almost forget", Lolbit grab his hat and put his hand inside he began to pull something out, after a while Bonbon, Freddy puppet friend come out of the hat with a loud tearing sound, it was completely lifeless, Lolbit then throw Bonbon to the ground like it was nothing, Lolbit began to cut the box again, while Ballora keep asking questions and Lolbit keep ignoring her, Freddy eyes were going crazy moving to every direction, his mounth was wide open but there was no sound, Sam feel a bit relief that he counldn,t hear Freddy scream but he couldn,t take his eyes out of the screen, eventually Freddy was separeted in to two halves, his eyes were empy and dead, "And to end the Lolbit Show we have your favorite dancer Ballo….." Lolbit turn to see Ballora hang from the neck, "Oh that is horrible" Lolbit said his voice sound with genuine concern" Now the show is ruined" he said, "¿That is what you are worriend about?, you psycho killer fox" Sam said screaming at the TV, "Of course it is, i literally live for the TV" Lolbit said "I am good but i cannot do all alone i need at least one person to..." Lolbit stop, a smile form on his face one that Sam couldn,t had belived the fox could have make, "I know what could make you enjoy the show, be a part of it" Sam feel his heart stop and the blood on his veins frozed, Lolbit click his fingers the red curtains opened and Sam saw himself watching the TV, he also notice that the perspective was from the window, "No, stop it, I don,t want to be part of the show" Sam beg to the fox, "Come on, he create us to entertain them" Lolbit said, "¿Who is he and them?", "I already told you who he is and them are the people that we must entertain, we exist just to entertain them that is the purpose of this history, i wonder what the creator will make us play next HAHAHA let's begin with your final show, I assure you that it will be to die for HAHAHA" Lolbit said with a macabre tone on his voice, Sam was confused and scare, he began to hear steps getting closer at great speed, by instinct in a desperated attemp to stop this madness and whatever was getting closer, he push the TV making it fall and breaking the screen, the steps stop, a browness sustance come out of the broken screen, the smell was now worse than ever and Sam lift the TV to see inside of it and inside was a small mummified corpse with decomposed skin that oozed the brown substance, the body had to be of kid and not older than six years.

Sam rushed to find his father he didn't get to explain what happened but his father decided to follow him after see him so altered and when they come back the corpse was gone and a trail of the brown substance went from inside the TV to the window that was now broken, there were big paw marks on the substance, first Sam belived that the corpse could have scaped using the window, he saw stranger things today after all but after a while he discovered the true, what really happened was that something entered through the window grab the body from inside the TV and left the house using the window again, the trail of substance disapeared in the bushes of the garden, Sam could hear for a brief moment the sound of something moving through the bushes.

His father let him sleep on his bed and he sleep on the couch, while he was in bed he stop to think on what Lolbit said to him and then something that made Sam stop breathing for a time that he didn,t belive it was normal, he realized that he couldn,t remember anything from his life outside this day, no other family except his father, no his time in class or outside the house, not even his own last name or his father first name, he also noticed that since his father turn on the TV he didn't feel sick again but he didn,t get to think more because the invisible force from before that forced him to stare at the TV screen made him close his eyes and sleep and he couldn,t fight it as much as he wanted to do it, whatever this force was it had absolute control, Sam last thoughts were if this force was good or evil but at the same time he was afraid of the answer because if he got an answer that means that Lolbit said the true and that his life, no, his entire reality was just fiction to entertain people but that couldn't be true, right, he thought, the poor kid didn't had any idea of how lucky he was that he got to live in the end of this history.

"That is the end of Samuel history or to be precise the end of all the story that Sam had to offer you all" a ominous voice said in the dark, "But Lolbit history is not over yet, he maybe appeard again on your own history, your TV, or ...…. your window, maybe you are the next big star for his show, but that is for another day, i hope you enjoyed the show, good night".