Red In The Blue

-Liam was in his grandfather bakery and was getting ready to go with his friends Lucas, Reginald and Tom to a camping trip to celebrate that they finished university.

"¿Do you have everything you need for the trip?" Liam grandfather ask, "Yes, don't worry I got everything I need" Liam said, "I don't think so, you are forgetting this" his grandfather said holding a small bag, "I made you muffins, I know you love them" he said to Liam, "Thanks grandpa you are the best" Liam said and then he hugged him before leaving the bakery.

His friends were already waiting in the car outside, "¿Ready for the trip of your life?" Reginald said from the driver sit, "As ready as I can be" Liam answered, "Now that we are all finally together, ¿can someone tell were are we going exactly?" Tom said, "We are going to "Clear Lake" in "Golden Reef" Reginald answered, "Wait, ¿the one next to the old abandoned prison?" Tom ask, "Yes that one" Reginald said before starting the car, after the engine was on Reginald said before beginning to drive "!Hope you didn't left anything important behind because we are not coming back my friends¡.

Liam had a not very happy expression and he wasn't trying to hide it either, since he heard the word lake his excitement disappeared completely "Come on dude you could at least try to fake a smile" Lucas said "You are ruining the experience and we didn't even reach the lake" Tom add, "Hello passengers is talking your handsome pilot just to remain you that any mood killer will be kick out of the car" Reginald said, "Yes, you don't want that to happen Liam" Lucas said, "Hah you wouldn't dare, not with the car on at least" Liam said with a daring tone on his voice, "¿Are you challenging us?" Lucas said, "Guys I think Liam is challenging us to throw him out of the car" Reginald said, "Well if our dear friend Liam ask us such favor I said is our mission as friends to help him out" Reginald said, "I would prefer to by throw out of the car right now that go to that stupid lake" Liam said "The lake isn't stupid is "Clear" Lucas said, "You guys aren't funny" Liam replied, "You are the one that is not funny" Tom said, "Listen I know that water isn't your element but you are with us so is gonna be great I assure you" Reginald said, Liam expression change to one more bright now, "Besides ¿What is the worst thing that could happen?" Lucas ask, "That I lose my mind, that I drawn, that...." Liam was stop by Reginald "Just relax buddy, just relax", "Be water my friend" Lucas said, "Just breath in and out" Tom said, and like that Liam was now more relaxed although he was still a bit tense but that tiny bit melted away as he and his friends continued to speak.

To Liam the trip was made sort thanks to his friends constantly distracting him of the rest of the world and before he realized they arrived at point were the road ends and the forest begins but were stop by a forest vigilant," Hello gentlemen I have to ask you to guide your identifications" the vigilant said, "¿All of us?" Lucas said, "Yes is a new rule and I am afraid that if you don't have your identification here I will not let you pass", the four of them give him their identifications and the vigilant passed them to a person next to him, this second person didn't look like a forests vigilant but more like a person that would work with radioactive material, he was using a containment suit of black color with a very particular logo on it, this person scanned the identifications and then returned to the four friends, "¿Has anything happened here? Liam ask," Don't worry, is just that there have been reports of strange animals in the forest and the guys of "Silver Diamond" believe it maybe a endangered specie but don't worry they said is not dangerous, but if you see anything weird make sure to let us know but I doubt you will find anything, if I am honest I think they are just catching smoke at this point, anyway have fun" the forest vigilant said, "Thanks" the four friends said.

As the three friends continued the trip Liam began to speak "He said that that person works for "Silver Diamond", ¿Isn't that that new company that appeared out of nowhere, made a fortune in record time and now is taking over every type industry that they can get their hands on?", "Yes, it is, they made a new revolutionary VR sistem, and when they released that video game with the weird name they just got covered in gold" Reginald respond, Tom quickly speak "The name is "Yggdrasil" and although it did allot of money it only did well mostly in Japan mostly because is only compatible with "Silver Diamond" own VR sistem and not all can afford it but is a great game", "You didn't speak so well about it the other day after that undead spellcaster kicked your ass", Tom didn't respond and only put a angry expression, "Of course you like that game someone like you that has all his daddy and mommy money to buy all the good stuff of the game "Reginald said, "My parents aren't that rich", "Dude your parents buy you a boat just for this camping trip" Lucas said pointing at the boat that was attached behind the car, Tom decided that it was a good idea to remained silent until they reached "Clear Lake".

Now after settling the tents and put sunscreen on they aboard the boat and get in to the center of the lake, "Well time for some diving in search of the treasure" Reginald said, "¿What are you rambling about now?" Liam said, "This lake became pretty famous because the workers of the old presion used to throw the body's of the prisoners that died in "mysterious" circumstances but all the bodies were recovered a few years ago" Tom said, without any other word Reginald grabbed both Tom and Lucas by the shoulders and threw them in to the water and the he jump behind them, this was the main reason why Liam didn't want to come to this place but they put it on voting and all except him wanted to come to the place that Reginald suggested although he kinda cheated because instead of just saying were he wanted to go he said that it was a secret place in a mystic forest, Lucas and Tom bite the fishhook instantly but Liam know that Reginald was hiding something, Liam saw his friends come in and out of the water all day he began to get bored and his eyes began to look around the area, he saw some deers besides the lake, fishes in the water birds on the sky, until he looked at the prision, he could swear that there was light inside the building but he quietly changed his mind and assumed it was the reflection of the sun, he look around some more and found a modest port, not to far from his tents he was turning around we he saw moment in the port, a figure was carrying some bags, Liam was a bit surprised since there were not signs of other campers and the town of "Golden Reef" was pretty far away, he watched as the figure walked directly into the water, Liam mind in his confusion went to other place ¿how much time were his friends underwater?, Liam stare at the water and he freaked out when he saw the red color of blood staining the beautiful blue of the water, Liam began to panic but quickly calmed down, he feel relieved whe he saw his friends come out fine although Tom had a cut on his leg and Liam was sure that he was going to made a whole act just for a tiny cut.

"I almost lose my leg because you wanted to go into one of your stupid ghost hunts" Tom said, "Is just a scratch, you will survive, so stop crying, you prince of the drama, please" Reginald said with tired voice, Liam was paying minimum attention to the conversation for two reasons, first it wasn't on the mood to hear Tom and second that he was thinking on the figure that he saw walk straight into the water wandering what that was, he had already considered that it may be was someone going to swim or a animal but in his memory he recreated the moment when he saw it happen something was odd about its shape and movement but in the end he attribute it to being exposed to the sun to much time, "Well, I need to rest to heal my terrible wound" Tom said, "I also need to sleep but in need it to regain the energy that your little speech of how much pain you feel tock from me" Lucas said, "Yes you are right we all should do that" Reginald said that, "I support that idea" Liam add, "You are all so mean" Tom said although you could hear a small chuckle coming from him before getting in his tent.

Liam wasn't really tired so he decided to go beside the lake to admire how peaceful it looks, "You should really learn to swim" Reginald said surprising and scaring Liam, "¿You want me to learn how to swim in a lake that was used to dispose of human bodies? Because it doesn't appeal me to much", "I could help you to learn", "Haha, yes you are very funny, you say want to be my teacher?" Reginald didn't respond to this and Liam didn't said any other word they remained in silence until they hear screams and saw Tom and Lucas running towards them while being chased by wolfs soon the four were running for their lives but Reginald fall down, while Tom and Lucas were to far away to notice it but Liam did notice it and he come back to help him but the wolfs just ignored the friends, with Reginald breathing with difficulty on the ground the other three friends reunited, "¿! What the hell was that¡? ¿! Were they running away¡?" Reginald said, "Who knows, not only they are boring but also stupid" Tom said, "¿Boring?" Liam ask, "I have to agree with Tom, wolfs are to overused, movies, books, TV, games, etc..." Lucas said, "Don't be ridiculous, wolfs are cool" Liam said, "If you like them so much go and give one of them a kiss" Reginald said now back up and calmer, the friends returned to their tents, they decided to take turns to watch over just in case.

The next day was pretty normal they wake up and was already almost dusk, so they combined the lunch with going on the boat, they finished eating and while Reginald and Lucas got on the water Liam and Tom remained on the boat, Liam talked about the strange thing that he saw the past day and after hearing this Tom decided that he would also look around but they didn't see anything weird, "¿Are you sure that you aren't seeing things due to the fear of being in the middle of the lake?" Tom ask "I don't know how to swim but I am not afraid of the water" Liam replied, "Listen Liam we all have fears and is ok to talk about them with your friends besides we all know each other ones so try to hide them is kinda stupid" "I known that there is not point in hiding them since you already know but is just to embarrassing your fears aren't as pathetic as mine", "Hey, listen a little secret, ¿you know why Reginald told me that he chose this place?", "¿Because he wanted to find a dead body on the lake?" "Well yes but he also wanted to use this opportunity to teach you to swim", Liam look at Tom with surprise on his face, "Please don't tell him that I told you this", "I am a tomb", nigh arrived fast and they return to the camping area and as they did "Reginald I have consider what you told me last night and...." ¿Tom told you right?, "Yes he did told me but I really want to try it so if you still want to teach me I'll give it a try".

Like last night Tom a Lucas got to the tents to try to sleep although they were kinda on their nerves because of the wolfs but the weariness was stronger than their fear as for Liam and Reginald were awake but this time they had plans, Reginald was going to teach Liam how to swim but when Liam saw the mysterious figure on the port he ran to in and so did Reginald they couldn't see it very well but could distinguish that it was carrying some type of plastic bags, whe they reach the place were the figure disappeared the water was red, even in the darkness of the night they could see it, Reginald was going to jump in to the water when Liam stopped him "¿¡Are you crazy! ?", "Liam, he could be injured, I have to help this person", Reginald was about to jump but something peaked over the water, their hearts stop for a few seconds as something looked back at them, a twisted creature come out covered in the bloody water, the parts of his skin than weren't covered by it were blue it had four arms, guilds and finds and his chest was wide open reveling a giant organ like sack of flesh, the arms of the creature were to fast and grabbed Liam by the neck and pulled him into to the water, Reginald jump behind them and managed to grab Liam foot, there was a struggle, but soon the creature gain the advantage as Liam and Reginald feel the need for air, Liam watches Reginald pointless attempts to save him and thinks on how he wishes to be with his grandfather back in the bakery eating muffins, the creature now extended his two remaining arms to grab the rest of Liam neck and with a no sound or scream the head was ripped from the body, Reginald saw as everything turned red and the body fall deep down, the creature stares at the head and then leaves swimming with Liam's head still on its hands.

Reginald got in to the car and began to scream to wake up his friends, Tom and Lucas got in to the car but didn't enter, Reginald saw has they began to open their mouths and before they could speak he did it "T-there was a-a m-m-monster and It got Liam there was so... So much b-blood, I couldn't do anything.. I couldn't..." Lucas said, they began to drive Tom and Lucas were hoping that Reginald would calm down and explain with detail what was going on, but Lucas noticed something the path was gone, it changed in the blink of an eye, the trees were moving around them, Lucas stopped the car, as Lucas and Tom watched the trees swarm them Reginald put his hands on his face to cover his eyes while he prayed for salvation, asking to God to be forgive for not have being able to save Liam.

The trees began to become distorted and revealed a new form flying a few meters above the ground, a new form that couldn't be distinguish from the dark sky soon people in yellow containment suits began to came out of the woods and grabbed the three friends and pulled them out of the car by force, Reginald didn't put much resistance, Lucas was completely immobilized by 5 or 6 persons, while 2 grabbed Tom by the arms, "Guess you are our lucky winners" a man said it was the one that they saw with the forest vigilant, "Our family's are going to notice our disappearance and then...." Tom was interrupted by the man in the black containment suit, "Thanks to your identifications we were able to find your family's and I am afraid that they don't remember you anymore", "We won't said anything I swear" Lucas said "You could have being exposed to a dangerous component that only we can clean that if you are lucky so we have to take you but don't worry if you weren't exposed or if we manage to decontaminate you whe will return you" and with that said the three friends were taken by them.

"I hope they didn't watch which way you go, once they figure the route to avoid the illusions our little paradise will be over" a voice echoes in the cracked walls of the abandoned prision, the blue creature still covered in blood walked slowly and clumsily towards the voice, "¿Did you managed to take out the trash Elias?" the voice said, the creature tried to assent with the head but the sound of bone cracking and skin ripped made him stop, "Good, then you can go to play now" the voice said, the creature left quietly after that not noticing that he left Liam head on the floor.