Night Fall

-Stella was in the living room waiting for her husband to come back home, again, like so many times she did expecting that he would be at home at a reasonable hour to enjoy the time left of the day together but it was always the same he would end the work and instead of returning to home he would go out to have fun with his friend something that Stella wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the type of game and who this friend was, the game being poker in a not very respectful place and betting money and the friend being his so call "The brothers I never had", "the worst man in the world if not the entire galaxy, no, of the universe, no, of the whole reality", that were Stella through on him just thinking about him made his blood boil, just hear his name, the name in this case being "David Myers".

This time was different she was going to have a serious talk with him, it was night time, Stella didn't need to see outside or see the hour after time she just know that his husband wouldn't come sooner, she hear a car, after so many times she could recognize the sound of the engine of the car of David, she opened the door to see a orange car with orange sits drive by a guy with a orange jacket and a orange tie, the only thing not orange on the car "Thanks to God", Stella through, was the skin and hair of the driver and Stella's husband "Harry", she looked at David he looked back and smiled, Stella hates that, she believes no one could do a more sinister and suspicious smile even if he tried, the worst part was how natural that smile looked on his face, it was very unsettling.

Harry looked obviously drunk like always he goes out with David, "Sorry for the delay, the game got interesting and we got a little carried away", David said, "Like always", Stella said with clear anger on her voice, "You should not speak so loud, Harry is not in condition to hear us argument, you don't want him to hear us talk bad things about each other, right Stella?, we both know who is the one that has more things that Harry shouldn't know", David respond, Stella didn't answer she know he was right, she help Harry to get out of the car and enter the house, "See you tomorrow first hour in the morning Harry" David said before beginning to drive.

Stella left Harry in the couch and put a blanket over him so he wouldn't catch a cold, she didn't had the stomach to force him to listen to her, Stella feel trapped a feeling that she didn't feel since a long while, she was between the sword and the wall, if she tried to tell something about David she would have to reveal to him her past with David and even if she did tell him she wasn't sure if he would incline more to her side or more to David's side, a few years ago she could have dare to do it since they were recently married and their trust was fresh and strong, she never believed that marriage would bring her happiness, in fact happiness wasn't of her concern when thinking about getting married she just wanted an escape from her previous life both before and after meeting David, poor Harry was oblivious to this he was deep in love in his eyes Stella was not less than an angel but Stella only saw Harry as a mean to a end however with time she began to appreciate him and eventually she realized that Harry was the love of her life, Stella began to believe that a happy ending was possibly for her until reality give her a wake up call, "Stella this is David my coworker, David this is Stella my wife", Stella remembered well that day, how many were the probabilities?, it was a cruel joke, that now that she began to truly believe that she could be happy her past comes back, although, was it truly a surprise?, her past always comes back to haunt her, it always comes back.

Stella was in the bedroom looking over the photos of her wedding, the first time that she saw them was a few days after the wedding, Harry was very excited to show the album to her, at the moment Stella just faked a smile and nodded not really caring about the content of the album, however Harry would bring up the album to show it to family, friends or just to himself over the years and Stella began to feel happy, proud, even whole in a way, like Harry was what she has always wanted in her life, what she deserved, eventually the day of their marriage had become Stella's most happiest day ever, Stella placed the album back in the small box in the closet, her wedding dress was hanged up in there, a beautiful reminder of that day that now is a mockery that remembers her the lies she has told and the crimes she committed, Stella couldn't stay in front of it, not even for a second, she leaved the room to looking behind, she got down stairs, Harry was deeply a sleep, Stella couldn't look at him, she had to clear her mind, she exited the house quietly.

It was a beautiful night, the sky was covered by stars, it was a beautiful sight, Stella was used to give walks in the night, it had become an habit after years of spending the night on a empty house, big but empty, Stella never realized how big the house was until Harry began to arrive late or not arrive at all during the nights, Stella never would have believed that she would be complaining about having a big house but here she was, Stella never thought she would yearn for company or care, she always believed that if she could be left alone forever she would do it but not anymore.

Stella walked aimless through the town, Golden Reef wasn't particularly big, Stella had already memorized the whole town to a point it was almost bothersome her house feels so big and the town so small, although the extension of the town includes the the whole forest up to the lake and the old prision, it was quite ridiculous, the forest was more than double the extent of the town, Stella reached a small red bench, the same one she always sits on before heading back to home, the bench was oddly place, it was right besides a small park but it wasn't really on the park, the park had its own green benches placed symmetrically on it for the parents to sit in them, the bench that Stella sits on is placed right behind those, like instead of looking over the children you are looking over the parents, the bench is also right were the forest beginnings, like marking the live were the town ends and the forest begins.

Stella was about to head home, she wasn't really thrilled about the idea, she stood still thinking on any type of excuse to avoid it, like go to say "hello" to the neighbors but it was late night, so that wasn't a option, Stella began to walk in circles almost ready to give up when she stopped walking on circles she was looking in the direction of the red bench, looking straight up to the forest, a thought crossed Stella's mind, "what about a night stroll through the forest?", what a stupid through Stella realized as she began to laugh at such idea, Stella look up, she couldn't see the sky, the trees were massive, they make the house of the town look like they are toys, Stella stared at the giant trees, the more she looked at them the bigger they feel.

Stella turned around realizing that going back to home was inevitable, well not really, she could always recurre to run away her good old trick to deal with anything that she didn't want to deal with but she didn't want to she did want to go back home with Harry but she also wanted to avoid the guilt and sorrow that she feels, her legs felt heavy, no, her entire body felt heavy, like being alive was a burden, Stella was thrown out of her throughs by a loud metallic noise coming from the forest, she shouldn't go inside the forest she through but she was used to do things that people shouldn't do.

Stella didn't walk to long until she saw a blue sports bag lying on the ground, Stella picked it up, it was quite heavy, in fact since Stella had grabbed it with just one hand not expecting it to be so heavy she dropped the bag, when it hit the ground it produced the same sound that Stella heared, the underneath of the bag began to turn darker like a liquid had been spilled on it, fearing that she had break something Stella decided to open the bag but she couldn't, when she placed her hands on the bag they would move, Stella began to feel, she didn't know what, it was a lot, so familiar yet so foreign, her hands trembled, her breathing became irregular, she felt like someone was squeezing her lungs, like a her blood was boiling, her eyes twitched in different directions from one another like they had gain mind of their own, Stella collected all her mental strength and kicked the bag away, the bag leaved a trail of a black substance in the ground as it slides, Stella could feel that whatever had happened to her was slowly fading, Stella got her head down resting on the ground caching breath, she looked at her hands, the veins on them looked swollen, Stella moved her hand, they felt numb, then she noticed something, the black substance was moving, up?, the drops of the black substance were gurgling and slowly fighting to extend upwards, Stella blinked, she stare at the substance, it wasn't moving anymore, was really moving to begin with?, Stella felt the strength coming back to her body, starting from the neck and going down slowly, she take a deep breath and looked up, her eyes meet with the stars on the sky no clouds on sight, the trees forming a circle around like a glorified frame for the most beautiful picture ever, when the strength had fully returned to her body Stella didn't feel the need to stand up, she closed her eyes and even then, she could picture the night sky perfectly, like it was engraved on to her mind, it felt like the pictures of her wedding, she wished she could live in one of those for all of her life and forget about everything else but then the peace and quietness of the forest was interrupted by something, whispers, the sound of a young kid, it sounded sad, hopeless, "out.... dark inside....out....cold..... more....more....more....out.." as the whispers continued repeating, it sounded different less sad and more angry, "Home..... Star... gaze.... Stargaze..... home.... were....out....out....", it didn't sound like a kid anymore, "Crying..... crying.... child.... more.... out.... no home, no love, no family.... just cold... more.... bite.... tear apart.... hurt... more... more... become more", the voice didn't even sound human anymore, Stella could feel that the peaceful breeze was turning more violent, the atmosphere began to feel cold, everything looked more grey like the the color of the world was being drain, Stella felt a strong impulse to move, to stand, she felt dread even through she was alone, it was like a primal instinct, a primal fear, one that cannot be understood, a unnatural feeling that something terrible was about to happen, Stella looked at the blue bag, it was moving, something inside was moving violently, "Out.... Out.... More.. More.... Dark... Dark.... Dark... Hurt.... Bite... Bite... Slash... Cut.... More... More.. Sleep and die.....Open it.... Open it.... Is dark inside...." Stella couldn't move, she just couldn't, she wanted to but a dreadful through didn't allow her," open it, open it, open it", but why?, she didn't want to, it was like something was inserting its own throughs inside her mind, Stella's legs began moving, she opened the bag, inside there were different types of devices and wires but she could only look at one thing, a metallic cylinder it looked very robust, to much in fact to break by falling to the ground, no the fall didn't do anything to the object, the shape of the dents, something was breaking it from inside, pitch black liquid pored out of the object, the object had write something on it "Property of Silver Diamond", Stella extend her arm, when she saw a figure running in the corner of her eye, it grabbed the bag, a tall hooded figure stood in front of Stella, Stella looked into the figures face, she had seeing it before, it was on the TV, "The police are still searching for the individual under the nickname of Stitchwraith, multiple disappearances have been link to it, is considered a dangerous and violent person".

Stella looked at the fake eyes of the clocked figure eyes without life or will, a mask, it was all that there was to see under the hood, with one hand holding the blue bag which was now completely black and in the other side with its other arm, a girl, a young blond girl was held by the wrists, Stella acted instinctively, "Let that poor girl go you monstrous freak! ", the figure looked at the girl and back to Stella like it didn't understand why Stella is telling it that, once again the figure looked at the girl, it dropped the bag and turn its other hand to the girl, the girl struggled, a heart shaped necklace bounced around her neck, "Don't dare touch her!" Stella run up to the figure which easily stop her with its hand and lifting her up in the air, Stella kicked to no avail, she struggled and screamed for help, the figure looked at Stella, its head moving back and forth in a very weird way almost like it was arguing with itself, the throughs on the mind of the Stitchwraith were interrupted by a loud bursting sound as a black mass teared the sports bag from within, the mass throw itself at the figure and drag it with itself, Stella grabbed the hand of the girl saving her from also being drag with it, the figure managed to get out of the mass, the mass began to do zigzag motions around the trees sliding but then stop the mass begins to look semi-solid, it had take the form of a large blob, at least partially, two appendages that come out of the blob formed what looked like long and tin legs that had a pointy end, the mass was reshaping as it got deeper into the forest the figure looked back at Stella and the girl for a moment before running behind the strange blob.

"Thanks for your help miss" the girl said once she and Stella got out of the forest, "Are you alright, did that... things anything to you? ", "No I am alright, bye" the girl said and without any other world she began walking, "Wait, wait, I cannot let you go alone, is dangerous, that thing could come back, listen ill take you to your house" strangely enough the girl didn't look happy, the girl began to walk slowly and Stella followed behind, when they were getting to the residential area the girl turned around, "You can already leave I will be fine" she says with confidence, "Which one is your house?" the girl pointed at a house without even looking, Stella was about to speak when the girl began to walk away, Stella didn't really know what would be the appropriate course of action, she was so tired so she just began walking back to her home but as she walked she remembered that there is nobody living on that house right now, maybe someone moved in recently, Stella turned around just a second to see the girl ignoring the house and running to the forest, Stella lost sight of her since the house was on the middle of her vision, Stella followed the girl behind the house but instead of the little girl she came across a young woman with red hair and a technician uniform that says "Silver Diamond", "Have you seen a little girl run through here right now?" Stella asked, "No, I haven't seen any little girls running around here" she said before quickly leaving while using her cap blocking Stella's view of the young woman's eyes, could it be all a dream, Stella looked at the sky, the sun was starting to rise.

Stella walked the path to her house slowly without even looking at it she was practically going on automatic mode, when she finally reached the porch a slightly smile formed in her face, until she saw a very familiar orange car parked in front of the garage.

In the very second Stella opened the door she hear Harry talking to someone and she know who, Stella was expecting Harry to be all worried about her with a concern look on his face, she was surprised to see a serious expression waiting for her, Harry and David were sit on the sofa like they have been waiting for her to arrive, Stella struggled to form words, "David had told that you are hiding something from me, something important", "What has he told you.... my love" she said almost aphonic, "Nothing really, he told me that it would be better for you to tell me" a long pause and a uncomfortable silence were present as Harry said those words, Stella stood still, she looked at David, he had that grin on his face like he had already win, even if there was nothing to be win, Stella looked down and the words came out of her mouth, maybe it was the weariness, the desire to avoid the conflict or just postpone it, "I am pregnant", " What?!" David got up with a shocked face, Harry ran to Stella and hugged her strongly before running exited to the upper floor, Stella didn't know what Harry was going to do and she didn't care, Stella stood still, David got right in front of her, "You are lying, you aren't pregnant", Stella looked straight into David eyes, "Yes, yes, you are lying Stella, I know that expression, is the same one that you used to make every time you said that you loved me" David said with spiteful tone, "Shut up, you trash" Stella said, David face got more relax, "Well, if it turns out to be true let's hope there is no complications on the birth like the first one" he said with a smile from ear to ear, "I know that that was your doing" Stella said, "If you have any evidence go to the police, hahaha" he said as he step through the door, "Ah, congratulations by the way" he said with a mocking tone before closing the door, Stella's anger fade away as David commentary reminded her something.

She contacted the police and told them about the Stitchwraith, a detective called Larson thanked her for the information, Stella also mentioned the strange container, the detective remained silent for a few seconds, Stella asked him if she should contact with "Silver Diamond", "Don't worry, I will personally get in contact with the CEO of Silver Diamond and inform him about it", Stella through it was a bit weird that the the CEO had to be contacted, what was in that container?, Stella was curious but she didn't really care, it wasn't her concern, Stella spend the rest of the day with Harry who decided to skip work today, it was like back in the day, Stella had Harry's love all for her self but she knew that it wouldn't last, she had either to tell him the truth or run away, although she was enjoying the time with Harry she was also suffering, Harry sounded so happy, "This is a second chance, this time there won't be any complications I am sure, it will be born strong and healthy, we will be so happy, I cannot believe it" he said as he kissed Stella and Stella just smiled and nodded.

Now Stella was in bed with Harry, it had been so long since they shared bed that she didn't even remembered the last time but she couldn't enjoy the warmth of her loving husband, the cold embrace of sorrow was all that there was for her, she couldn't sleep, she left the bed and when to the closet and grabbed her wedding dress, she just wanted to feel like everything was good, she just wanted to be back at that day, so she could enjoy it properly not just scroll through it like a burden, now she had change she doesn't see Harry like a thing and the wedding like a contract anymore but now it was late.

Stella went for her usual walk under the stars only one little difference, she was wearing her wedding dress, she went to the red bench but didn't sit on it she just stranded looking at the forest, she could feel it in the air, darkness, something terrible moving through the wind like a invisible presence, a deadly miasma, a voice from the far beyond.

Stella saw a glimpse of red move through the woods and she just followed it, she could perceive the bright red hair though the trees and after walking up a hill Stella saw a big building, "Golden Reef Highschool" said on a golden plaque, "Tonight Dance" said on a big and bright banner, Stella looks at the building something terrible had indeed happened, most of the windows were broken, the lights flickered, there where desk and table lying around the entry of the building and the body of a man was embedded on to the flagpole his blood still fresh covering the flag, Stella could feel it, that instinctive fear that she felt back in the forest, that feeling that the black substance caused her.

As she enters the building the flickering lights revealed the traces of blood in the floor, wall and ceiling tracing and leaving evidence of the massacre that had occurred, there was only one dance in this night and it was the dance of the dead.

Walking and walking although she didn't know why, now there was more than blood, the black substance was all over the place, Stella extended her hand to a big puddle on the floor and something was waiting, something was emerging from it, no, the puddle was becoming something, the stains of the black substance began to move, coming out of the lockers, vents, lights and every place imaginable, what had become of the black substance a pack of beast, long and skinny creatures, their bellies moving as if they were breathing, with multiple tentacles with pointy ends that intertwined forming legs and arm, Stella could only describe their bodies as something out of nightmare but the head, three holes of which a white light come out forming two eyes and a mouth, the particular shape of the head could be clearly identified, flat teeth with two of the teeth on the middle being larger and two protrusion comings out on the top of the head, a rabbit made of shadows with a nightmarish twisted body.

Stella was surrounded there was no were to run, the shadow rabbits were move tentatively making small swings at Stella always barely far enough so they wouldn't hit her, the form of their glowing mouth showings a smile, they are playing with her, Stella is absolutely incapable of even processing what is happening, the shadow rabbits make more violent moves each time, jumping around, begin to bite, they slash with their weir tentacles composed arms the ground and it seems as if their appendages become more sharp and resisting each time going from a whip like sound to a metallic one, as the rabbids become more violent they look more solid, they look at Stella like they are waiting for something, four of them suddenly move closer, they bodies change in a second, brown, blue, yellow and red, metallic teeth replaces the old one, a black hat, red bow tie, orange beak, sharp hook, they have change completely, now resembling nightmarish versions of animatronic mascots, they stood above Stella before releasing a loud scream, Stella can take it anymore she cries and begs for salvation, the monsters look satisfied, ready to jump, they big metallic feet making splash the blood on the floor, when a light shines through the whole building, the sound of bursting through doors can be hear, the sound of multiple vehicles and helicopters is all that can be hear, various persons come through the hallway wearing containment suits, and a man, pale, tall with white empty eyes, the creatures growl, the tall man walks, a wide grin of his face as he walks the creatures become smaller and return to a liquid form, Stella cannot think she can only act on instinct, she runs away, like she always does.

Stella runs through a emergency exit, she looks at the building, there are more shadow rabbits grabbed on to the walls outside, like spiders but they look docile, the light that form their eyes and mouth seems attenuated, and their movements are slow and coordinated, like they are just one.

Stella is already deep on the forest, there are no lights, no buildings, no monster, just forest, she has stopped running but keeps walking, deeper and deeper, her mind absolutely bombarded by the experience, she stops and she is unable to think, as she slows down a splashing sound can be hear, one of the shadow rabbits comes out of nowhere and bites Stella's abdomen and lifts her on the air like a dog with a bone and then it bites again, again and more, Stella can feel her mouth filling with blood, what should she do?, she cannot think, Stella falls from the jaw of the creature as the chunk of flesh that it was biting comes of, Stella rolls down and right besides a cliff, the creature follows while munching the chunk of flesh, the creature puts its face right in front of Stella's, blood falls from the chunk of flesh into Stella's face but Stella is not locking at the monster is looking at the sky and she smiles, the monster looks up and drops the chunk of meat, "Sky....out....home... Stargaze" the creature says with the voice of a child, the creature suddenly gets rigid and its form changes the light that form its mouth is gone and the ones that are the eyes become a lot smaller, the ears are gone, it's posture becomes more human and it's face seems to harden and take a mask like appearance and right after that the creature leaves.

"Harry, I need to be with Harry" is all that is on Stella's mind right now, she tries to move her body, her eyelids feel heavy, she closes her eyes and opens them after feeling something strange in the back of her head, she realizes that she is down the cliff, she looks at her legs, completely broken, the bone sticks out of the flesh, the legs twist on impossible ways, one of her feat is almost reaching her face, Stella sees something getting closer, bright red hair, green eyes, a long neck and a heart shaped necklace, Stella looks up to the sky, she cannot think on anything, well, just one thing the day of her wedding, if she could live that day again she wouldn't need anything else she would be happy.