Showtime Epiloge:

The day was grey and cold, gentle rain falling from the sky, silencing any other sound, a dark figure sits under a railroad bridge, the Stitchwraith with his black coat lurks in the shadows under the bridge completely still invisible to anyone passing by.

Jake contemplates the rain falling down through the eyes of the Stitchwraith, he sits in complete silence, loneliness is now his only companion, after the battle against the Amalgamation Jake was left alone, Andrew was gone but even then Jake was determined to keep looking for objects infected by agony and dispose of them, however, day after day more and more of this objects seem to appear, it was a never ending task, it didn't matter how many he destroyed more appeared afterwards, in Jake's mind there was no doubt that it was most likely the work of the red haired animatronic, Eleanor, if Jake wanted to make sure that no more people were harmed he knew that he needed to stop Eleanor but it was easier to say that doing it.

Jake had come very close when he managed to catch her leaving a school building while carrying a blue bag, however it seemed as luck was on Eleanor's side a woman entered the forest and confronted him, the woman was obviously deceived by Eleanor's illusion, to make matters worse it seems as Eleanor had intentions of stepping up her game, Jake was left speechless when out of the bag that Eleanor had emerged a entity of with nature Jake had never seen ever before, agony, pure and simple agony, it wasn't a item infected by agony, it was a soul, a human soul, or at least it was part of one at some point, it felt like it was incomplete, missing pieces of itself, fragmented, Jake had managed to catch glimpses of memories but they were completely chaotic, it turned out impossible to understand them but Jake was sure that there memories inside the entity, however whatever this thing was at the moment was secondary, it was dangerous, much more than any other thing that Jake has ever seen, he had to neutralize it, he had no other option but to chase the shadowy entity even if it meant letting Eleanor scape.

As Jake chased the entity through the woods its form seemed to change, Jake could feel the agony becoming stronger, the emotions going wild inside of the entity, becoming a salvaje animal as it take the form of a nightmarish rabbit made out of shadows, "could be this entity be related to the Amalgamation in some way?, Where did it come from? What where Eleanor's plants for it? " were thoughts that crossed Jake's mind, the night progressed and the chase continued relentlessly but it was more difficult to track down the entity with each second as not only was the strength of its agony increasing, it was extending all over the place, growing in power and extension, Jake tremble thinking about the idea that this entity was just a part of another being, the chase extended through the whole day until night time, Jake searched aimless as now the presence of the entity was around the whole area, the whole world around Jake felt wrong, although he couldn't see anything different something was definitely different, the atmosphere was dense, and the winds whispered incomprehensible sentences, by mere chance Jake crashed in to the entity, the entity went flying into a tree breaking apart into a black stain in the tree but it quickly put itself back together, jumping from the tree to the ground getting on a quadruped stance, mouth wide open ready to launch itself at Jake, as the entity attacked Jake he moved out of its way and when the entity finally touched the ground again, Jake pounced on it immobilizing it, while Jake hold it he was bombarded by a overwhelming feeling of agony, defying all the laws of nature, Jake felt pain through the Stitchwraith's body, by being in direct contact with the entity Jake was experiencing physical pain like he had skin and was hugging a piece of incandescent metal but Jake wasn't going to let the entity scape he hold onto it strongly, with all of his will he resisted the pain as best as he could but then the unthinkable happened, the monstrous rabbit began to split into two new rabbits, Jake was quickly overpowered by the two rabbits who far from becoming smaller and weaker when separated they had become bigger and stronger, Jake was on the ground and he saw that all around him there were even more of those rabbits, Jake got up and stand prepared for the attack, the rabbits began to produce a sound that reminisced laughter, Jake witnessed as the rabbits began to split again, doubling their numbers on the blink of an eye, Jake wasn't certain that there was any possibility of he surviving but then the wind changed a powerful gust of wind carried a strong presence, "Come back to me", Jake could hear the will of whoever was the source of this new presence, the rabbits who had a vicious expression on their faces as they were about the rip Jake to shreds just a few seconds ago turned around and leaved immediately leaving Jake alone, Jake could feel the environment turn back to normal leaving no evidence of the entity ever being there.

The sound of the train passing above him pulled Jake out of his memory, Jake can feel the emotions of the people that are in the trains that past by it makes him feel a little less lonely, the last days he hasn't move much, he had been vigilant of a nerdy town called "Golden Reef", it seems as Eleanor decided to use its forest to hide for the time being day after day Jake goes to explore the forest searching for Eleanor however it seems as if he is always moving in circles, no doubt some type of trick devised by Eleanor, Jake through that she would eventually escape to another place but she remained hidden on the forest and Jake had a slightly idea of why, Jake could feel the presence of Eleanor on the forest, her emotions that way he was able to tell if Eleanor was or wasn't on the forest but Jake was surprised, there was something besides anger and malice, fear, Eleanor was afraid of someone or something and Jake had the bad feeling that whatever it was, it wasn't him.

However recently he hasn't feel Eleanor's presence at all, however Jake stays always vigilant, as Jake got absorbed in his thoughts, someone approached him from behind, "Hey", Jake got up as fast as he could turning around to see Detective Everette Larson, "Don't worry is me, you remember me right?, you saved me from the infection of Afton" the man said, Jake was extremely surprised to see him here, "How did you find me? What are you doing here?", "Well I am a detective tracking you down was easy enough with a bit of help, as for what I doing here?" Larson made a small pause and placed his right hand on the Stitchwraith's shoulder "I am here to save you" he said stoic, the words of the detective didn't really help Jake to understand why he was here, "You are the only one left, is time for you to finally rest", "I don't understand what you mean, I still have a lot of things to, God knows how many items infected by agony or souls with malicious intentions are out there", Larson placed his other hand on the other shoulder of the Stitchwraith, "You don't need to worry about that, it isn't your problem anymore, you can be free", "Wait really, can I?, Jake said feeling a overflowing happiness taking over him," Yes, you can be free, you don't need to worry about anything, I wilI personally take care of everything" Jack was left speechless, he was sure how to react, "Listen, follow me" Larson said without even turning around to see if Jake was following behind, Jake followed Larson through the rain to a van, Larson got inside and Jake did the same.

Larson drive silently, now that Jake's initial excitement had worn out he began to think, should he leave?, Larson said that he will take care of everything once he is gone and although he believes him should he just leave every problem behind for Larson to handle, Jake through that it would be selfish, as if Larson had read Jake's mind he spoke, "Listen you don't need to worry, nothing of this is your responsibility Jake, you did nothing wrong, you don't deserve to have to clean some else's trash, you are just a kid for God's sake" Larson said with a tone between sadness and anger, Jake could feel the emotions of Larson but he was unable to interpret them, it was a whirlwind of emotions and throughs, to complex to be put in mere words.

Larson parked right in front of a enormous building with a big logo in the shape of a diamond that was made of silver inside a figure in form of a star made out of gold, right under the logo Jake could read "Silver Diamond", Jake didn't notice that he stood still looking closely at the building until Larson opened his door, Jake was hesitant to enter the building, he could clearly see workers moving around inside, what would happen if a creepy animatronic that is currently being investigated by the authorities as a suspect for mysterious disappearances just enters through the main door, "They are already expecting you, don't worry" Larson said, Jake trusted the words of Larson and began to walk one the street following closely behind Larson, the main door of the building made Jake feel small which was quite a impressive considering that his mechanical body was anything but small, finally inside the building Larson and Jake stood in the middle of the main area, people passed by they gave quick glances at Jake but they didn't seem to mind they continued doing their things as if wasn't the first time they see something like Jake.

After a while Jake noticed that some of the workers were forming a big circle around Larson and himself, they faces looked expectant for something, Jake looked over the workers wondering what was going on, as if a invisible force moved his head he turn around quickly to face forward and strong presence was getting closer, the power and authoritarian nature of this presence made clear to Jake that it was the one that commanded the shadow rabbits to retreat, a tall man with pale blonde hair came out of a elevator, Jake stare directly in to his eyes feeling like a little ship in presence of a bloodthirsty wolf.

The man was now right in front of Jake, towering over him by a few centimeters although there wasn't much of a height difference Jake felt like he was in front of a giant, "Thanks for your help detective, your help is very appreciated" the man said, Larson moved away from Jake and moved behind the tall man, "did Larson guide him into a trap?" Jake thought, he looked directly at Larson trying to find an answer but instead he noticed that there were other persons along the tall man, a woman that is right beside the tall man she has white hair one of her eyes is yellow while the other is of a lime color, she wears a yellow vest over a white shirt and has a pink tie, Jake glances behind the tall man and the woman with different colored eyes and is shocked when he sees two young womans that looked identical, except by their hair, one had blond hair and the other one had red hair and ponytails, Jake was shocked when looking at the eyes of the two women, those green orbs exactly like Eleanor's but that was imposible, Jake could tell that they weren't robots using illusions, Jake couldn't be sure if those girls were related in any shape or form to Eleanor, he couldn't feel theirs emotions or see theirs memories, in fact he couldn't feel the emotions of anyone in the building, the presence of the tall man was such that it blocked Jake's perception of the souls of other people.

"Hello, Jake and Andrew is a pleasure to meet you, and you to sweat little golden child is been quite sometime since the last time we saw each other" the tall man speak breaking the silence in the room, Jake was about to talk but a voice inside the Stitchwraith stopped him, "KILL HIM, KILL HIM!" Jake recognized Andrew's voice from within the machine, Jake didn't had time to process what was happening when he saw his hand extend towards the tall man but it was stopped centimeters away from reaching, "DON'T GET IN MY WAY JAKE!" , "I didn't do that" Jake could feel someone else within the Stitchwraith's body, Afton?, no, the presence felt familiar to it but it was clear that it wasn't afton, "There are things that never change, isn't that right, Cassidy?" the tall man said a wicked grin formed on his face, then a bunch of drones came out of multiple entrances and swarmed the Stitchwraith then they proceded to shoot harpoons at it, the drones unleashed electric shocks through cables connected to the harpoons, the Stitchwraith struggled to break free but was unable, as the electricity runs through the Stitchwraith its coat catches on fire, the Stitchwraith does a violent movement and screams, it grabs on of the cables, the electricity is then redirected to the drones that then fall to the floor, then lights explode as a great wave of electricity covers the room, the people run in panic but he tall man remains calm.

The Stitchwraith runs towards the tall man but something drops from the ceiling and grabs on the back of the Stitchwraith, the Stitchwraith fights to get free from whatever is attacking it, with a spin the Stitchwraith manages to break free, now it sees what is attacking it, a big humanoid like bird, standing on four legs, its feet, legs, hands and arm were covered by a pale yellow exoskeleton that matches the color of its feathers, the creature has six fingers with curved claws, out of its head come out three long insect antennae, inside it's beak there are various and small pointy teeth, it's tongue had also the same pointy teeth that it's beak, the creature flapped its arms causing the feathers that come out of the exoskeleton on its arms to extend forming bird wings, the creature takes a deep breath, then its beak divides in two four parts and extend taking the appearance of insect jaws, the creature produces a loud screech, the Stitchwraith is then attack from behind being hit by a big arm with blue fur punched him causing it to fall down, the Stitchwraith tried to get up but a long red tentacles wrapped around its body immobilizing it, the red tentacle had a long spike made of bone at the end that then proceed to use to stab the Stitchwraith on the chest, the Stitchwraith was then lifted in the hair by the tentacle and then drop down, as the Stitchwraith raised its head a creature with brown hair pierced through its head with long and irregular bone structures mostly in the form of long spikes, the Stitchwraith was incapable of moving, the tall man walked toward the Stitchwraith, the strange bird-bug creature, followed closely, other three creatures stayed behind, the darkness hidden their forms.

The tall man then began to pet the bird-bug creature which then purred in satisfaction, "Splendid work kids, I will get you some candy as reward" the tall man said before turning his focus to the Stitchwraith, "Please, stop" the voice of a young girl came out of the Stitchwraith, "Is not my fault, if Andrew didn't tried to attack me I wouldn't need to use brute force", "Please, stop" the Stitchwraith repeated, "As long as you all behave" the toll man Saud smiling, "KILL HIM, KILL HIM, KILL HIM!!!" inside the Stitchwraith was taking place a power struggle as Jake holds back Andrew hoping that if the other soul from within the Stitchwraith talks to the tall man they can be saved, however Andrew gains control of the Stitchwraith and attacks once more, "What a shame" the tall man said with disappointment on his voice, out of the tall man's shadow came out a giant arm made of shadow tendrils with white stripes and grabbed the Stitchwraith, the arm was skinny, however it's size alone was enough to allow it to hold the Stitchwraith like it was a toy "I don't like to use violence despite what you might believe" as the tall man said this a second arm came out also grabbing into the Stitchwraith, "However if I need to use violence to obtain what I want...", out of the shadow of the tall man came out a body that connected the arms, a body shaped like a skeleton, sharp teeth, small silver lights that formed the eyes and with a white mask with black tears coming out of its eyes, the shadow was connected both at the tall man's shadow an his body by small shadow threads, a terrific sight as the tall man and the monstrous puppeteer talked in synchrony "So be it".

-Larson began to open his eyes, his body feeling numb and his memories fuzzy, he looks around, he is in a room that looks like that of a hospital, the walls are blue and have a flower patron, Larson can appreciate that there are a lot of things drawn on the walls with crayons probably made by kids, Larson notices that he is wearing a hospital gown and is on a hospital bed, he tries to get up but feels intense pain when his left foot touches the floor, he notices that he has a scar on it, "Oh you are finally awake detective, Master Wallter will be happy to know this".


Note (although not really important/read under your own criterion): I decid to give a name to the bird-bug thing, no like a original name like Jeff or something, I mean a name like in the variations of the fnaf animatronics, you know, toy chica , withered chica , nightmare chica, etc... So the name of the creature is (drum roll) Crosshazard Chica, I just decided to give a name to this creatures to give them more personality, that's the reason of why you may found the description of the creature a bit to detailed I wanted to make you visualize it as close as possible as how I see it in my mind, I most say that I feel kinda proud of the idea of the Crosshazard, other Crosshazard variations will be described in future chapters to come (nothing like the good old trick of teasing your audience, jeje), what? You thought that the autor note would be something important, well sorry to disappoint my beloved readers but reading beyond this point is pretty much losing your time.... I did warn you that it wasn't really important.... That's it..... You may go away....If you want of course I don't mind if you stay...So how is the weather over there? ... Seriously you can go... Nothing important will happen...Although maybe in the future I could pull up the same trick of putting a wall of text without importance and then at the very end put something important... Have a nice day.