
In a dark night in a silent street a building stands, a neon sing that doesn't shine anymore, "Freddy's Junior", inside the building quietness reigns absolute in every single part of it, except in one small hidden room, the sound of struggling for breath, the sound of pain, of suffering, of agony, as William sits completely immobile, his body rendered completely paralyzed by the metal digging into his flesh, William takes deep breaths but is forced to stop as the blood fills his lungs, with the little strength left on his body he opens his mouth allowing the blood to exit his body, leaving a disgusting metallic taste on his mouth and a irritating sensation on his throat and this process repeats and repeats, William takes and deep breath and next opens his mouth and spamming his body he expelled out the blood on his lungs, he wasn't going to die like this, he couldn't die like this and much less by the hands of his victims, no, he would survive, he had done it before.

"Uncle William, have to seen my father?" a young Charlie asks the man inside the springbonnie suit, "Hello little one, sorry but I haven't seen your dad, not also have I seen that uncle of yours" a goofy voice coming from William from inside the suit, "Uncle William, I am not a kid anymore I know that is you" the young Charlie said clearly annoyed, "And I told you that I am not this William fellow you are talking about, all through I am sure he is a fine gentleman" a small chuckle coming out of the rabbit suit accompanies this sentence, Charlie keeps a frown on her face clearly not amused by the act of William, "Please tell my father that I want to leave", "Oh don't be a party pooper, every one is having fun, why don't you join them?" Charlie expression did change at all, "You are such a killjoy, listen I got you something" William said while handing a cupcake to the girl, "Let's make a deal, I have to go to the stage to perform for a birthday, so while I do that you can enjoy this delicious cupcake that I have take just for you, I made sure that it has no chocolate and after that we can go to look for your father, deal?" William said with a gentle tone, a small smile began to form on Charlie's face," And after we found your father we can go looking for that uncle that you don't stop confusing with me" Charlie began to laugh, "Deal but only If you something for me", "Ohhhh, what can do good old springbonnie for you?" Charlie made a gesture with her hand to tell William to get closer while with her remaining left hand she hold the cupcakes and right in the moment he did, "You can have a taste of this cupcake" Charlie proceeded to shove the cupcake in the mouth of the suit and then she began to laugh, "That wasn't funny young girl" William said while trying to hold his own laugh as he wipes out the cupcake out of his face but then a metalic sound and a large quantity of blood expelled out of the springbonny suit splashing Charlie, the strength on William's legs faded instantly and his body falls into the ball pit, William feels a strong burning sensation as the suit begins to crush his body, William cannot see anything except the different colored balls of the pit getting cover by blood, a bopping sound in his ears silenced anything but the screams of the children, to his own surprise the whole experience felt almost peaceful in a weird and twisted way as he closed his eyes, once he opened he saw Henry with his eyes reddened and watery, "Oh, thank goodness you are awake William" Henry hugged William but quickly let go as William grunted in pain, "Uncle William I am sorry, I am sorry! " Charlie said while holding onto the leg of his father incapable of looking william in the eyes, "It's fine it was an accident, it wasn't your fault Charlie" William said as he patted the head of the little girl. It took long time for everything to settle down, the workers were afraid of using the springlock suits and some of them even questioned Henry's and William's skills with basically anything, Charlie blamed her self for almost killing William and William couldn't bare the sing of the scars all over his body but time changes everything, the workers needed the money so they got back to their duties, Charlie accepted that what had happened was an accident and William, he had began to see the scars into a different light, a symbol, a reminder of him surviving dead, a message send by destiny telling him that he would succeed in his ambitions, he would find the key to eternal life.

William opened his eyes and take a long breath, he couldn't feel blood inside his lungs anymore, he didn't need to expel blood out of his body every time he needed to breathe anymore, William began to chuckle, feeling refresh as his breathing became normal, he was breathing normally now, how long did it take him?, he couldn't tell, he scanned the room but there was only darkness, he could see the room, he could see anything but it didn't matter he was going to survive just as he did that time, although that time he was helped by Henry, in the back of his mind this through awakened his anxiety at the possibility of him not surviving, his breath became irregular, William fights to control his breathing, slowly he calms as his breathing synchronizes with the sound of the water drops falling from the ceiling, this however became an annoyance as it remembered him the sound of the clock in the classroom of Mr. Phineas from when he when to highschool.

"You already finished, Mr. Afton? Impressive" the man said as William handed him the exam and going back to his desk, now he was left with nothing to do but to listen to the sound of the clock, each second giving the impression of becoming louder, the sound pierced merciless through William's ear, time never stops, each second is a step closer to the end, to dead and it seemed as the purpose of the clock was to remind him that, William placed his face against the desk, he was using so much strength that his face began to hurt, he looked at the other students, most of them focusing on their exams, other doing paper airplanes and one very intriguing, he was writing or drawing in a small notebook, the curious thing is that he was losing time, William could see that his exam was already completed, this was surprising to him as no other student besides him finishes the exams of Mr. Phineas this fast but why didn't he hand it over, William quietly reached the conclusion that he probably didn't want to be seen as an smart-ass, with was understandable William knew what the others do to people like him, bullying, harassment, the daily routine, however things change when you are the adoptive son of a rich man, William chuckle remembering how his bullies when to ask for forgiveness immediately after discovering it, William looked back at the boy with the found himself observing the notebook as soon as the other students began to hand over their exams so did him, William began to look more at the boy since that day and realizing that he was smart, very smart, enough so William could consider him his equal although he didn't show it, William tried to look as neutral as he could to not rise suspicions, he gave the boy the same glance he gave to every one, "I hate when he looks at me, those whitish eyes are so creepy" one of his companions said, "Well, I think it looks good, his eyes are like snow fields, he is... He is kinda cute" Elise said, Elise was one of of William's classmates, and probably the only one that treat him nicely before knowing that he was basically rich, although William didn't care about her, infant her affection was quite annoying at times.

William began to learn more about the boy of the notebook, Henry Emily, a child from a humble family, he was a normal student an with middle grades or that was what Henry wanted everyone to think, William knew that he was smarter than he wanted to appear, although Henry unknowingly awakened William's curiosity, William didn't had a reason to reveal this to him until one day Henry left his notebook in the classroom, William looked at the content on the book the first pages were drawings of a yellow bear with standing in two legs, the same bear was drawn in various pages with small changes, some times with a hat, a bow tie or both and also with different colors, William was losing interest until he reached a page that had the bear drawn with a mechanical arm inside, William was surprised by the detail and complexity of the mechanism and the more pages William flipped the more thighs were drawn inside the bear until William reached a scheme of a fully mechanical structure designed to resemble a skeleton, William now had a reason to approach Henry although he was subtle, he returned the notebook to Henry who was grateful of having it back, from that day Henry and William began to spend time together, doing homework together, studying, sharing things that they were invested in, Henry wanted to create animatronic mascots that would entertain the children, he wanted to open a restaurant with that thematic, William quickly expressed how that would be a waste of such brilliant design and ideas, Henry didn't mind he was fully set on his dream, until William began to share his own ambitions, Hendry became captivated by the idea and so William and Henry began to do research on the soul and its properties and Mr. Phineas was happy to provide equipment and a place to do experiments, he had said that this could help his own research, everything was going great until their first ever test.

The fruit of their work, remnant, William and Henry manage to create a cocktail of molten metal and the essence of the human soul, of course obtaining the metal was easy, the difficult part was the soul, there were a lot of unknown risk to trying to extract a part of a soul and possibly side effects but they wouldn't go anywhere without the key ingredient of their research, so a small device was created, to extract a minimal amount of essence and mix it with the molten metal, Henry offered himself as voluntary but William wanted to be the one to be use to take the sample, he felt like it was his obligation, now ready to test their creation they designed a basic endoskeleton modeled after Henry's original design, it was a torso with a head a one single arm, the endoskeleton became animated when the remnant was inject on it, this was a huge first step and both William and Henry watched as the endoskeleton scanned the are and the itself, however the endoskeleton became violent when it looked at it self, it thrashed the equipment and then it began to tear itself apart, ripping of his own head and begin to smash it against his own body, the remnant oozed out of his body before stop moving, William had a wide smile he knew that he was in the right path, "We are bloody geniuses, we are going to change the world" William said while hugging Henry but Henry had other plans, "I don't think we should continue this experiment" he said, William couldn't even respond, "Listen William life is the way it is for a reason, I don't think whe should toy with something like that, humans shouldn't play God, we aren't even sure if our experiment could really lead to eternal life and even if we wanted to continue our research when do have a way of obtaining enough raw material to experiment", William was shocked to hear this but more shocking was the fact that he believed that Henry was right, "You... Are right, Henry, like you always are, I suppose that is just the foolish dream of a little boy... ".

"Hahahahahaha, but you were wrong Henry, you always lacked the guts to go were I did, hahaha, this was my experiment, my research, MY DESTINY!", William said ecstatic, so deep into his memories that he had forgotten were was he now, a loud cough followed after his shouting, his body felt numb, there was no more pain, at least until he tried to move, then the pain came back extinguishing any idea of moving that William had, he felt tired, a strange sensation traveled through his entire body, his skin felt weir, a constant and displeasing tingle was invading him, he couldn't remain still, he moved his body a little bit but every move was respond with a strong pain, William tried to look at him self to identify what was happening to his skin, but the darkness only allowed him to appreciate a bit of the springbonnie suit with its yellow color now old and cover in small patches of green moss, how long has it been, the sensation didn't stop, it was driving him mad, what has it, William tried to look at his nose but he failed to see anything, at this point he didn't care if he felt pain when he moves his body he needs to do something and so William tries to get up his mind as cold as ice resist the pain but his body doesn't, quickly giving up just after lean on the wall to stand, his body succumbs and fall in the same sitting position than before, however now William notices something in the corner of his eyes, bugs, crawling inside his skin, William feels like he was about to throw up however all that comes out of his mouth is few drops of blood and some bone, now he knows what the sensation on his skin is, the bugs feasting on his flesh, "Arrrrggg, get me OUT OF THE HERE!, I am alive, get of me, you filth, I am alive, alive, alive, alive...", "Hahaha", "Who is there?", "Hahaha", "I said who is there?!", had the spirits of the kids come back to finish him, no, the fear began to kick in as William remembered how he was chased by the spirit of the kids until he putted on the springbonnie suit, how foolish believing that he was safe, "And how foolish being scare of ghost, I SURVIVED, you failed to kill me, you cannot laugh, I can, hahahahaha, you hear me laughing?, Alive and kicking and when I finally manage to get out of here I'll send you some new friends to play with", "Hahaha", "Don't laugh, I am not dead, I am not scare of you, who would be scared of such stupidity? Hahahahah" William said so absorbed in his throughs that he couldn't her the sound of the workers sealing the room.

"William what happens? Why are you hiding? " Henry asked William who was behind a tree near by the school's main gate, "Hiding?..... Me? What are you on about Henry? Is the sun..... affecting you or... Or something" William said visibly nervous, Henry looked at the crowd of people searching for anything that could have caused that type of reaction out of some like William, when his eyes glance at a man dressed up as a clown handing out pamphlets, the circus was in the town, then it came to his mind, the little information that William gave him about his biological father was enough to trace a conclusion, "William are you scared of clowns?", "I am not scare of clowns, who would be scared of such stupidity? Hahaha.... Didn't I tell you that..." Henry interrupted William, "That your father worked at a circus as a clown? , yes you told me, is perfectly fine if you don't want to talk about it", "I.... I am still the same.... So small so weak, I am sorry.... Mom... Cassidy" William fall to his knees as tears began to drop front his eyes, Henry help him up and let him cry on his arm.

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Henry asked William who now stood in front of the entrance of the of the circus, "I have to do it alone", "Don't pressure yourself if you feel overwhelmed, just leave" without any more words William proceeded to go in, he looked at the sing about his head that said "Stargaze Circus".

Welcome ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, to the Stargaze Circus, a place for all the stars of the world, meet Maverick the strongest man alive, Veronica the diviner, Thomas the man who can speak to the beast and Balleria the dancer, among other many, the ringleader said, he t was dressed with the typical ringleader outfit and the hat, it was of a dark blue color with yellow stars all over it, accompanied with a cane. It didn't took to much time for William to begging to feel uncomfortable, in every corner there was a person dress up as a clown, expected considering that it is a circus but William had expected one or at max three, however he had counted over twenty, he couldn't bare it but he couldn't just run away like a coward, he decided enter the main tent who had the same dark blue color and star pattern that the ringleader's outfit, "Now give a huge applause to Balleria", as the people applauded William didn't ever look at the performance he was busy looking all around him making sure that there were no clowns, however when he looked at the performance he was stunned, graceful and elegant moves perform by a beautiful girl about his own age, his hair was painted blue complementing her blue eyes that left William without breath, it was love.

"Hahaha", William is throw out of his memories by the laughs, and he couldn't help but wonder if they were outside or inside his head, "Hahaha, I am still here, I haven't take my last breath yet" he said but soon he realized, was he breathing?, he kept breathing but he couldn't feel the air filling his lungs, a uncomfortable but familiar sensation began to extend through his insides, as he taked deep breaths, he noticed it, he didn't need to see it, there were holes in his lungs, as he looked down he was able to see his eyes finally adjusting to the dark, he saw through a small hole in the suit, holes on his lungs, the bugs who were finished with his skin now enjoyed devouring his insides, particularly his lungs, William lose it in that moment, he moved his arm, the sound of the bone cracking and the metal snapping was dimmed by William's screams,, "GET AWAY FROM ME, I AM ALIVE!!! " he said while digging inside the hole of the suit to remove the bugs, he ripped off anything he could grab inside himself, metal, flesh, bugs and bile, as he did this he caused the hole to become bigger revealing more of the rotten and infected flesh and the creatures living inside of it, not only bugs, William didn't processes it but he had just removed a full grown rat that had live inside his stomach for 4 years, he could feel himself faint after two hour of removing parts from inside his own body.

"So, when are you going to introduce me this girl you speak so much about it?", "I don't know everything was so.... Sudden" William responded with a blush, "Look at you all red because a girl, so adorable, I am so proud of you", "Don't mess with me Henry!".

"William there is something important that I need to tell you...", "What is....", "I am pregnant" the silence was quick to follow, "Listen I know that this... Problematic but I think there is a... Way that we can solve this problem", "Is fantastic!", "Wh-What?", William lifted Balleria in he air while holding her in a tight hug, "I am so happy, I am going to be such a good father, you and that kid are going to live the best life possible, we can call him Willson if it's a boy or if it's a girl.....", "Stop, Stop, are you serious about this?" she said as she freed her self from the hug and backed away, William had difficulties finding words at the moment so he just nodded, Balleria placed her hand on her face in sign of desesperation, "So all that about love was serious, no, no... This wasn't supposed to be like this", "Balleria, what are you talking about?", "Listen neither of us is an adult yet and.... Screw it, listen I don't love you I just wanted to get closer to you so I could leave the circus", "I.... I...", "I was going to marry you and then leave you but that could have taken years so I decided.... That getting pregnant was the easiest way of obtaining some money, I.... I don't love you William... I don't want this baby, I through you would want me to abort.... ", "WHAT!?", William shout without realizing his tone as he walked menacingly towards her, "William stay back!", "You just wanted to use me!" he said as he pushed her against the worktop of the kitchen, "William you are hurting me", "I AM THE ONE HURTING YOU!?", Balleria's hand moved behind her trying to grab something to defend with, with a quick swim of a kitchen knife Balleria managed to make William recoil, in her left hand she hold the knife, "Throw that knife", "If you try anything I can swear I'll kill you", what could he do in this situation, William's right had grabbed something from his pocket a utility knife gifted to him by his father, with a fast step William cut on Balleria's wrist causing her to drop the knife, both of then had only seconds of what to do next as soon as the knife touched the floor, both leaned to grab it but William was faster I a involuntary reflex he stabbed her on the chest, she fell down, blood covering the wooden floor, William grabbed Balleria and take her to a small improvised workshop on the garage that he had made to continue with the experiments to obtain immortality, he her to live even if it was just to keep the child alive, William covered Balleria's wound the best he could but he knew that she would resist for long and she wouldn't survive the trip to the hospital, luckily he had a small dosage of remnant prepared for future tests, he was unsure of what it could cause on a human or even if it was going to work, quickly he inject the remnant onto Balleria's body and waited while trying to stop her bleeding but after a few minutes, "I hope you burn... In hell" as she said this the life left her body, William checked her pulse nothing, what could he do, he would end like his father, look up in a psychiatric asylum and coming suicide, no, he couldn't allow it, he grabbed Balleria's body and put a blanket around her body, William run through the rain until he was near by the Stargaze Circus, he dropped the body in the mud and escaped, the rain hide his own tears.

"Wait the girl that you were talking about was Elise all along" Henry said surprise, William had lied to Henry but it wasn't enough with just saying it, so he started dating Elise, now he was stuck with this annoying girl who acted like a crazy fan at time, William had planned to broke up with her after finishing high school but after losing Balleria and Willson a part of William craved the affection and love that she gave him and so eventually Michael Afton was born, William felt happy, really happy however it was as when he discovered that Balleria was pregnant, the feeling was a bit less genuine, he wanted to love the boy as much as he could but something didn't allow him and things just got worse, after a few years since Michael was born things were going fairly well, William helped Henry to open Fazbear Family Diner and he was happy to allow Henry to accomplish his dream, both friends would use the springlock suits to perform for the kids, it made William smile everybody cheering with big smiles this was what his dream as a kid, entertain people, "And this is just the begging Henry, we will open up more restaurants, we will go bigger and better as my old man used to say go big or go home", he was also happy with Elisa and Michael although he felt like something was lacking he was happy, until Henry decided to marry a woman called Victoria, William knew that she didn't like him the very second they meet, with dark black hair as charcoal and cold blue eyes, the woman was quick to express her dislike for wealthy people like William at that moment William's and Henry's friendship began to get shaky and when Henry announced that he was about to be father of twins jealousy was beginning to cloud his vision, "The boy is going to be, Sammy and the girl Charlotte", it was unbearable for William to look at Henry's happy expression, "Why did he look more happy than me?", William through, in his mind it was unfair that his friend was so genuinely happy as he received everything he could ever wanted while he had to conform with the leftovers and so he take a decision, two children were to much for Henry, so after a long wait and an a small transaction to the bank account of one of a nurse, Sammy Emily was reported as dead due to complications during the birth and a new addition was made to the Afton family.

"You and Elise are going to adopt a baby?" Henry said while holding Charlotte on his arms, "Yes, we through that Michael would appreciate having a little brother, we've are naming it Evan", "That's wonderful, I am so happy for you", it was very annoying seeing how happy Henry was for him but there was no time to think in it as the surprise was double when Elisa announced that she was pregnant again.

"Haha, oh, Henry always so pure, such a good person, shame that you don't go anywhere in life with just kindness, haha", William laughed at this memory, looking back at the past it was obvious how slowly everything began to went down hill, "Hahaha", "Oh you are back to laugh at me? I suppose my suffering most be every amusing, I understand that feeling, the satisfaction as you watch the struggle for life, the thrill of having someone's life in your hands, hahaha..... I wonder who you are, so many possibilities, Charlie, Henry, Elizabeth, Michael, Willson... No, Willson didn't even born he wouldn't even know me to be able to hate me, maybe then, perhaps... Little Andrew, poor solitary boy wondering around the backstage, hahaha.... Or.... Cassidy?"," Hahaha", "Oh, did I guess correctly, is that you big sister!?", "Hahaha", "If it's you does it mean that you also seek revenge, I always wondered If that little voice in my dreams was reassuring or vengeful, hahaha", "Hahaha", "I cannot blame you if it is really you, you are after all dead because of me, hahaha, I shouldn't have told father that you were going to escape, I should have trusted you when you said that you would come back with help for me and mom", "Hahaha", "Hahaha, I remember how mother said to me that it wasn't my fault and then I told her that I told father you were going to abandon us, hahaha, were you there?, her face was priceless, hahaha", "Hahaha", "And then she told me that she would stay with me and the very next day she was gone, hahaha, dad was really angry he tried to kill me, hahaha, but once a clown always a clown, hahaha, everything was burning and then they came and take dad away, haha", "Hahaha", "Yes, yes, it's very funny isn't it, hilarious, hahaha, everything that I do ends backfiring and now I am here, hahah..." William laugher began to fade away, "AND NOW I AM TRAPPED HERE!!! BUT.... BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER I AM ALIVE AND WELL, I WILL GET OUT OF HERE AND CUT YOUR THROATS!", William struggled moving in every direction, the suit produced multiple metallic sounds as it settled, William was unable to move from his position while his body shakes, he was able to move his body but failed to get up, it was like his body was held in place by chains, after a while the struggle stopped and he calmed down, a mixture of oil, old blood and dead bugs came out of William's mouth causing his teeth to fall in the process, "If it's you Cassidy I always wonder, why did you send that little clown boy to my house, what was his name... Well no matter, he was Elizabeth's friend right? At least for a while, were you trying to save Elizabeth, it probably was really disappointing see him dying like he did, hahaha"

"William I am taking the kids to the circus", William ignored Elise and kept welding, "I said that I am taking the kids to the circus!", "I heard you the first time, do whatever you want and let me work in peace!", without anymore words Elisa left the house with the three Afton kids, William didn't even noticed when they arrived back at home, "Daddy I made a new friend", "That's good now leave", "He is a clown and he helped me paint my face, he is really nice and has a friend that is a magician", "I don't care", William tried his best to be a good father to the three kids at first however he was quite happy at certain moment but like all the good things on his life it quickly faded, he had began to be indifferent towards his family, things eventually escalated, "I hate you, I wish Uncle Henry was my daddy" the young Elizabeth said while sobbing, "Then why don't you go and cry to him!","I am going to leave.... I am going with my friend in the circus and I will leave you and I am never going to come back", "Good, do it, I don't know what you are waiting for!", Elizabeth exit the house immediately, Elisa was perplexed by this, "Don't worry she won't go anywhere, do you really think that the circus will take her? She will be back and she will apologize", "And you?", William looked at Elise, "Will you apologize to?", "I have work to do, don't disturb me" and William closed the door, time proved him to be right as Elizabeth was back at home saying how much she hated his new friend accusing him of being a liar and leaving her behind, William could help but smile as the girl begged to be forgiven, the girl stopped complaining about how Henry was a better father than William and instead she began to complain about how all the good things alway happened to Charlie, things had settled down, until a day when he came back home and saw a young teenager dressed in a white and black clown costume, the boy had blood on his face,William grabbed Michael by the shoulders and demanded a explanation, "That's the clown friend of Elizabeth, he says that an star guided him here, I think he hit his head, he is pretty weird.... But he is also absolutely radical, we were being chased by the neighbors dog again and he saved us by smashing the head of the dog with a rock", William glance at the young teenager dressed as a clown, Elizabeth was Putting bandages on his left arm, "Kids... leave", "Daddy please he is my friend, he is now very sad and doesn't have a place to go", "I thought that you hate him now", "He was angry, he doesn't have the fault" with a small gesture the three Afton kids leaved the kitchen, now only remaining William and the young teenager, "I want you to....", "Please sir, don't send me away" the boy interrupted William, "Why shouldn't I?", "A star told me that someone needs my help and that I follow it I will find what I treasure the most", "Yes, a star, that makes sense, aren't you a little old to believe in fairy tales?", "A person is never to old to dream", "I want you out of my house, right now", "Sir, please Cassidy says....", "Cassidy....?" William got pale at the mention of that name, "The star told me that her name was Cassidy", it couldn't be, did his dead sister communicate with this boy and if so what was her goal?, William couldn't risk to find out, "Well then, you cannot stay at the house but I have a place for you", the young teenager followed William through a trapdoor to the underground facility and when he told him to enter a room he did, looking him up, the boy shouted but the metal walls silenced the words making it impossible to understand, William was sure what do with the boy, he would keep it until he makes a decision, however the decision never came, the next day William carried some food for the boy and when opening the door there was a big puddle of blood and the metal door was covered in blood and had bits of bone embedded on it, the head and the left arm of the boy were completely destroyed, the boy had kill him self trying to escape.

"Hahaha", "Hahaha, you know this is not so bad after a while, hahaha" the voice of William reverberated in the wall, "I am not dead but, I am alive?", the man examined his hands, the yellow fur now was green, completely cover by moss, the metal was visible on his fingers, he looked around the room, he could see as if he was outside, "I don't feel like I am alive.....I feel better, this is.... Great hahaha, hey kids, why aren't you laughing anymore?, Hahaha, I feel great, I may not be alive but I am also not dead, you failed, I win, hahaha, what don't you want to laugh a bit with your old friend springbonnie?, Hahaha", "Did you hear that", William heard a voice coming from the other side of the wall, then he stood up, he felt his moments like they were completely natural, no hesitation and no point, when he reached the wall he hit it, cracks forming on it and again his first felt like a hammer, he felt the strength through his body, a smile formed on his face as he imagined the wall being the head of a kid, "I hear that, it comes from behind this wall".

William got back in the same sitting position that he has been all this years in the exact same spot, the sound of hammers hitting the wall sounded like angels to William, the sound of his freedom, his father was right, being patient always pays off.

William was sat on a boat with his father, they were fishing, "Remember Willy, being patient always pays off, never stop trying and you will eventually succeed", William simply nodded, "Dad?", "Yes?", "Why do you hurt Mom and Cassy? ", "Listen son, if you care about something you want to keep it, is a natural desire, wanting to treasure what is dear to you, material things are nothing, what is important is the family, the friends.... Loneliness is like a starving animal, it devours you.... But don't even doubt for a moment that I love you, your mother and your sister", William nodded again, "Hey, I got you a gift" the red haired man said while handing the young William a utility knife, "Happy birthday son I know that is a odd choice and you may not like it which is fine but is a gift made with love", "Thanks dad".

William open his eyes, he remembered gifting that knife to his own son, it was a happy memory but it was overshadowed by the happiness that he is feeling right now, he is free, William extends his arms accommodating his posture, the fleshy sound remembers William of the current state of his body, he looks decayed and rotten, yet he feels so strong, so powerful and big, he began to walk he didn't recognize the location, he was pretty sure that it wasn't Junior's, he walked through the unknown halls, there was the possibility of someone seeing him but why should he care he could snap a human person like it was a tree branch, William glared at the light coming out of the head of a dismantled Bonnie without arms or legs, "Oh, kids, are you still here have you being waiting for your old friend to come back? , hahaha, I feel flattered", he continued to move through the halls there was no rush he had all the time on the world, he had finally obtained immortality.

After a while William found himself in front of a window but it didn't lead outside but to a office, he saw a man standing on a chair, the man was frozen in place staring at William, the man felt familiar to William, however he was unable to identify who he was, William rested his hand on the glass, the man did a motion as he wanted to come closer but was to afraid, it was a lovely thought for William as he break through the glass and tried to attack the man, said person was quick to back away but William grabbed his legs, William emitted a monstrous screech that echoed through the entire building, the man kicked William but to William the man's kick was as a mosquito bite a mere annoyance the man managed to free his legs but in the process he cut his legs with the metal on the tip of the fingers of the springlock suit, William stared at the blood and opened the jaw of the suit to lick the blood, the taste of fear he thought, William looked at one side of the office, there was a door, William looked back at the man and smiled, I a few seconds, William run to the door knocking it down easily, the man was on the floor holding his bleeding leg, William moved slowly, tasting the moment and when he was about to jump, "Hello".

That sound, it couldn't be, a kid inside this place, William's smile widened instantly, a poor child walking around here, alone, surely he would need some company, William left the office following the sound of the kid, he went through every hall and every corner of the building, he could hear it, it was closed, he moved faster and faster, his metallic feet generating loud and imposing sounds, he felt so free and fast, unstoppable, at a moment he was going so fast that he hit a wall, William stared at the wall, he saw a drawing with kids and a yellow rabbit, the drawing had written on it "My friend Springbonnie", William clawed the wall ripping the drawing in half, one of then fall right besides his foot, the half was the drawing of the springbonnie suit, the word was now incomplete "My friend Spring...", William heard the kid again and resume the chase but slower he would get the child, he just needed to be patient, who would stop him, nobody could, he wasn't the weak, scared and pathetic little William, not anymore, "I....am.... Springtrap..." the muttering was followed by a echoing laugh and then there was silence.


Note: Well that was quite something wasn't it my beloved readers?, this is by quite far the longest chapter on this fanfiction and it will probably be the longest even once the story ends, have in mind that this single story was two different stories before I decided to combine them I a single one Mega-Chapter, so this was basically a strong lore dump, I have been exited for long time to write this chapter that explores my version of William's story, ever since story number 2 (Tales to Forget) in which there is already a small exploration of the past of William that was portrayed here, maybe I tried to fit to much lore for this fanfiction in one take but I am quite happy with the result of this Wall of text that it is the descent into madness of Springtrap.

Take care.

Post date: I am now looking at the word count and the only thing I can say is that, "Holy hell I definitely went overboar, but hey if you need something as a good sing about the quality of the story is that the number of words has the funny number on it, jejeje".