Shadows At The Prom

It was a sunny day in the town of Golden Reef, the birds sing and the wind blows calmly, in the top of a hill stands the Golden Reef Highschool, one of the oldest buildings in town, a institution with the slogan of "In post of a bright future".

A muscular man with tanned skin stands besides a large swimming pool, "Listen I want all of you to give the best you have but remember there is no need for pushing yourself beyond your limits, this is not a competition, just try to do it the best you can, this last exercise does account for your final results so have fun, whoever doesn't want to doesn't have to participate" after those words the students dive in two, the ones that sit down ready to watch and the ones that are going to swim, the ones standing in the starter line are mostly the athletic people, although there are some exceptions, "Kevin, are sure about this?", "Come on Elias, what is the worst that can happen?", "That you do horrible and I have to go to your rescue and therefore losing the opportunity to improve my personal record", "What is more importan, your personal record or your best friend's life?", Elias put his hand on his chin not responding at the question as if he had trouble choosing the answer, "You are so mean Elias" Kevin said before heading to the starting line, Elias was going to do the same when someone patted him on the back, it was the muscular man, the physical education teacher, Mr. Brian or as the students called him Mr. Bear, "Hey Elias are we going to see another one of your amazing performances today?", "Well I'll try my best Mr. Brian, I aim to beat my personal record", the man patted him on the back again, "That's the spirit kid".

"Ready, Set, Go!!!"the students jump to the the water immediately as Mr. Brian gave the signal, during the first seconds it seemed as if it was going to be a very thigh race, however it quickly changed, as Elias easily outpaced the rest of the students by a large difference, while the others keep a steady pace and Kevin fallen behind, Elias sit on the side of the pull caching his breath when Mr. Brian approached him "Wonderful time kid, you flied!", "Flying in the water, Brian?", "Hey kid, don't you forget that until tomorrow I am still your teacher so don't get all friendly, is Mr. Brian for you", "S-Sorry, Mr. Brian I didn't mean to be disrespectful","Hey kid relax I am just messing with you call me whatever you want, haha", "Oh, ok Mr. Bear, haha", "Don't push your luck kid, I still demand a bit of respect", "Sorry", "That aside I am glad to inform you that you bested your best time by twenty-four seconds, you know if you keep it like this you could go to the Olympics, have you think about it?", "Yes I have but I am not sure", "Well if you do go to the Olympics I will be cheering you" Mr. Brian said before turning to face the rest of the class, "OK, that's it, it has been a pleasure being your teacher, you can go to clean yourselfs up and go to your classroom, I will be seeing you tomorrow night at the prom" after that everyone headed to the showers, "Hey Elias, do you want to have a movie night tomorrow at my home?", "But tomorrow is the prom day", "You are going to assist?", "Aren't you going to assist?", "As if, you cannot assist to a prom alone, is the golden rule", "You really don't have any girl to ask to come with you?", "You sound as if you had someone to accompany you, who are you coming with to the prom? , huh, your sister or your mom?", "Carla", "No way dude", "Yes way dude", "You are telling me that you convinced miss queen of the class to go to the prom with you?", Elias turned to face Kevin but didn't said a word he just smiled, "The world is so unfair" Kevin said with a defeated tone.

"Ok, class, today is your last day at Golden Reef Highschool it has been a long journey but it finally has come to an end I will miss you all" Mrs. Sally said, "And since is the final class of the last day I will allow you to do whatever you want" Mrs. Sally said, every student in the class began to cheer, "Mrs. Sally is the best teacher", "We love you Mrs. Sally" were among the things that could be hear in the chaos that had become the classroom, "What about going home before the class ends?" Kevin ask causing the whole class to become silent immediately, "Well... I allow it", in that very moment every student began to grab their belongings and exit the class, "Don't forget that tomorrow night is the prom day and don't forget that if you want to assist in it's preparation and placing the decoration you can come earlier!" Mrs. Sally said as the students abandoned the classroom like a stampede of rhinos.

"I cannot believe is finally over, after all the sweat, tears and blood, it is finally over" Kevin said as he raised his first in the air, his eyes being slightly watery , "You are being overly dramatic dude" Elias said as he walked outside he noticed Mary a girl from their class staring at a truck of which some workers were unloading various machines from it, "Hey Kevin go ask her to go to the prom with you", Kevin began to blush, "A-a-are crazy, she is the smartest person of the class and I am... Well, me" Elias grabbed Kevin by the shoulders and pushed him towards the girl in question, now Elias and Kevin stranded besides Mary, "I cannot believe that the school is actually installing a Sommia generator" Mary said, "Wait its that what this is? Of course, right when we are graduating is when they dicide to install cool things" Elias said, "Yes, yes... What is a Sommia generator?", both Mary and Elias looked a Kevin in shock, "You don't watch the news?" Elias said, "The CEO of Silver Diamond, Wallter Argentum Adamas presents the future source of energy, clean, safe and most important unlimited, Sommia", "Unlimited, like infinite, is that possible?" Kevin asked, "Of course not, time will eventually prove that something like that is imposible to exit, it is just as the name of the generator, how fitting", "Sommia, what does it mean?"Kevin asked, "Dude, we have classes of Latin, you really don't know what it means?" Kevin just shrugged in response, "Well Mr. Argentum seems to have a predilection for using Latin, Sommia means dream, that's why I said that it is fitting, it's a matter of time that some proves that a energy like that can only exist in a dream" Mary said "Waoh, you are so smart Mary, it's incredibly" Kevin said while blushing, the worker kept transporting the pieces completely ignoring the three students, "Hey Mary I think that Kevin wanted to ask you something" Elias said, Kevin turned around to be face to face with his friend but Elias had already run away leaving Kevin and Mary alone, "So, what did you want to ask me?", "Haha, a well, I...well you see... Ehh, the thing is... Arrrrggg... I swear that if I catch you Elias I am going to kick your ass", "What did you say? ", "Nothing, nothing... I.. I.."

Elias waited under one of the many large trees that formed the forest, he couldn't help but smile think about how Kevin may be handling the situation, Elias stares at the building, he cannot help but feel a bit of sadness, Kevin was exaggerating about the whole blood and tears but it was true that they did gave a lot of time and effort to this place and he had to admit that he would be missing this place, Elias closed his eyes enjoying the hot wind blowing, "Elias, I am going to kick your ass!" Elias open his eyes to see Kevin approaching fast, "So did you ask her?" Elias said rising a eyebrow, Kevin's fury was quickly quench, "Well... Yes... Kinda" Elias looked at Kevin profusely "Ok, ok, yes I asked her if she wanted to come with me to the prom", "And?", "She said yes" Kevin said and then proceeded to hide his face with his hands, "That's great" Elias said giving Kevin a pat on the shoulder, "No!", "No?", "Well, yes, is great and I am happy", "But?", "What you did wasn't cool dude, you know what cool is? Well what you did is the opposite of that" Elias began to laugh, "Yeah, laugh as much as you want karma will get to you" Elias keep laughing, "God, I hope someone comes in and just... I don't know... Like, humiliates you in a swimming contest, some that leaves you crying on the ground, yeah someone that gives you a lesson so freaking strong that you will never be the same man", "Dude, what are you saying", "I don't know, ok? , my brain is working like at half capacity right now", "It isn't that the usual?, haha", "Elias, at times like this I ask myself if we are truly friends", "There you are again being overly dramatic", Elias said as he place his right arm on Kevin's back, Kevin sigh, "Let's just go" Kevin said with a defeated tone, "Yeah let's... Oh... Oh dammit!" "What?", "I forgot my sports bag and it's the good one", "You mean the blue one, right?" Elias nodded, "Well let's go search for it the school is still open", "Weren't you angry with me just now", Kevin gave a dead stare to Elias "Let's go before I change my mind" and then both of then turned around and got back inside the school.

"Are you sure you left it here?", "Of course I am sure Kevin!", "Ok, ok, chill no need to get aggressive dude", "Sorry, is just... You know that it is my lucky bag", "That's something I will never understand, people have all sorts of lucky charms and from all things you could choose you have a sports bag", "So?", "Nothing, I just think is funny... Dude I don't see it here", "Could have someone take it?", "I think that's very unlikely, unless of course you were carrying gold or diamonds in it", Elias and Kevin searched for a while but eventually they gave up, they had searched in the showers and in the classroom already,they were leaving the building when their attention was drawn by a loud metallic sound, both of then went to examinate the source of the noise, they entered the room of the boiler of the school, both of then quickly noticed a large machine that wasn't there before, it said Sommia on the side of the machine, "Woah, those are some efficient workers they have already every installed" Kevin said, Elias simply nodded, then the noise was hear again, the friends moved to the side and discovered a a woman with red hair and a Silver Diamond worker outfit, doing something to the machine, Kevin was already ready to leave but it was stopped by Elias, he had noticed that the woman was suspicious, it was quite obvious that she wasn't familiar with the machine, hammer in hand smashing parts of the machine tearing out the cables she was making a disaster, the damage on the machine was obvious, "What are you doing?", The woman turned around she looked nervous, "I have been call because the generator is giving troubles", "But it was installed tod..." Kevin was stopped by Elias who placed his hand on Kevin's mouth, "Oh, ok, we heard the noise and we trough that maybe someone was hurt" Elias said, "Well nobody is hurt I am just doing my job, you can leave", Elias nodded and dragged Kevin out of the room.

"Why are we hiding here? " said Kevin wondering why he and Elias were hiding inside a empty classroom watching over the boiler room throughout the glass on the wooden door, "Haven't you see that woman?" Elias said surprised that his friend didn't find the woman suspicious,"Yes, she is pretty hot", Elias proceeded to punch his friend on the shoulder, "Could you please use the other half of your brain for once", "Auch, dude that hurts", before Elias could reply the lights of the building turned off, the friends watched as the red haired woman leaved the boiling room and carrying a very familiar blue sports bag, "Hey that's mine!" Elias shouted as he and Kevin ran up to the woman, the woman was quick to exit the building through a emergency exit and run inside the forest making impossible to follow her, when the friends returned inside the building they saw Mr. Brian standing in front of the boiler room, "Kids, what the hell happened?, there is no electricity in the building", "A red haired woman sabotaged it", "She also stole Elias sports bag", Mr. Brian looked confused, after a small interrogation Elias and Kevin were allow to leave, Mr. Brian informed that he would contact the police and also Silver Diamond's customer service, Elias and Kevin were worried that this may cause the prom to be canceled, however Mr. Brian reassured that they still had the old generator.

The wait felt short to Elias, tonight it was the prom, he was standing in front of Carla's house, "Wait just a minute Carla will be ready in a moment" Carla's mom said, Elias nodded, he rested his back again a three, even during the night the gentle heat of the summer could be felt, it combined with the cold of the night creating the perfect temperature, it was a perfect night to be outside, Elias closed his eyes feeling the breeze, the air was like a gently caressing his face but the pleasant moments was interrupted by a shift in the air, both the cold and the heat on the air were gone and all that was left was an uneasy humid sensation, the air was heavy, Elias felt a uncomfortable sensation as the air traveled to his lungs, he would have walk away from the trees but he felt the need to check on it as he saw the red color of blood that contrasted with the green of the grass right besides the tree that he had his back against just a moment ago, he went around the tree, he looked down when he stepped on something, it looked like bone, fragments of bone to large to be of a human, Elias looked up and saw the body of a dead bear hanging upside-down from the tree, its pawn were pierced by tree branches in a fashion as if had been crucified, it had a giant hole on that covered its stomach and chest, it was as if something had burst out of it, a black liquid falling from its eyes, mouth and the giant hole in its stomach mixing with the blood, Elias began to puke once his brain had processed what he has seen, Elias looked down not daring to lock at the horrible scene, what could do something like that to a full grown bear and then hang it from the tree and all without even a sound?, Elias could hear something moving in the bushes, or at least that's how he interpret the sound, however it didn't sound like movement it sounded like splashing sounds, Elias ran out of the forest and back to Carla's house, Carla was waiting at the door, "Are you alright? You look as if you had seen a ghost", Elias almost puke again at the thought of the image of the dead bear but he resist it, "I am... alright, let's get going".

Elias and Carla were now in front of the school, a banner said in bright colored letters "Tonight Dance", the music could be already be hear, and the purple and blue lights could be seen through the halls, the music was loud and the lights bring, there were already a lot of people, there were tables with snacks and big speakers, it was a complete chaos, every person was doing its own kinda of dance or at least trying, "Hey dude we were waiting for you" Kevin said Mary was grabbed to Kevin's arm, Kevin then made a gesture with his hand giving a signal to the student in the DJ table that was in charge of the music, the loud rock was changed to a calm classic one, one for a slow dance, "Kevin, what is this?", "It's part of the golden rule, you have to dance with the person you bring to the prom", every person proceeded to grab onto the person they were accompanied by, the teachers smiled at the sight, then the students began to cheer the professors to join the dance, the professors of course refused, most of them at least, Mr. Brian extended his hand to Mrs. Sally, "Would you allow me this dance" Mrs. Sally giggled a bit before grabbing onto Mr. Brian's hand, the students leaved a big open space in the middle of the crowd, as both teachers began to get closer ready to dance the students began to murmur, "Watch closely kids, I am going to show you how we dance back I my day" Mrs. Sally giggled again but there would be only one more dances that night, the dance of the dead.

The music stopped and smoke began to come out of the speakers and then they burst into pieces, every one looked confused, Mr Brian was about to said something but the a loud noise come out from outside the building, dust raised and cracks appear on the walls, something was hitting the wall from outside, then silence for a moment everyones attention was directed toward the emergency exit, a noise as if claws were scraping metal was heard, all the persons looked a bit nervous, "It is a bear?" a student said, "Don't worry whatever it is Mr. Bear can take it on" another student said, with a strong push Mr. Brian opened the door, he and the other teachers exited the building, a long silence followed, after a tense minute, the teachers began to enter back into the building, "It was probably just raccoons" Kevin said, "Unless we are talking about three meter long raccoons I see it unlikely!" Elias said, as slowly the calm returned to the ambience but then a loud crashing sound, the metallic door went flying, propelled at such speed that it decapitated three of the teachers like it was nothing, the metal door hit a wall and ended embedded on it, the door dripped blood onto the snacks of one of the tables, Elias saw as the people began to take a deep breath all ready to launch a simultaneous scream but they were stopped by Mr. Brian's strong voice "Everybody don't make any sound" everyone turn to face the direction that Mr. Brian was facing, were the exit door was previously now a tall figure stood, it's shape was indiscernable from the darkness of the forest only a smiling mouth and big eyes made out of light were visible, "Back away slowly and don't make any sound" Mr. Brian said, he was holding Mrs. Sally, her stomach was cut by the door, she was bleeding, the figure began to walk inside the building now the purple and blue lights shined on it, a tall and slimy black creature, with a shape that mimics a rabbit stood in front of the grup of teachers, it's shining white eyes traveled through the crowd, a laughter come out of its mouth as it stretched its neck, it's head just at centimeters of distance from Mrs. Sally, the creature emitted a cloud of black smoke from its mouth as it breaths, its arm extend and with a swipe of it cut through the flesh of the teachers as it was paper, the creature's arm then divided into smaller tendrils and wrapped around the lifeless body's of the teachers and drag them outside leaving a trail of fresh blood on the floor.

People were overtaken by fear they couldn't even scream juts cry and tremble as they tried to open the door but they wouldn't budge, a black liquid began to ooze out of the door, the people backed away from the door, then all persons looked up as a warm red liquid fall from the ceiling, the bodies of the teacher were pinned all over the ceiling by metal bars, the dark creature jumped down, the crowd dispersed leaving a open in the middle of it, although not all were fast enough a boy from first year who had a plastered leg couldn't move in time, he was pierced by the long and pointy limbs of the creature causing a eruption of blood that splashed everyone that was nearby the body, the students tried to force open the gates as the creature stood up, Elias grabbed a fire extinguisher and threw it at the creature which recoiled a little but was ultimately unharmed by the attack, a student grabbed that same extinguisher and use it to hit the creature repeatedly, the creature didn't try to do anything in response it just emitted a laugh every time it was hit, the student backed away a little and then the creature made it's attack, the student tried to use the extinguisher as a shield but the appendages of the creature pierced both the extinguisher and the chest of the students and lift it in the air, the student kicked the creature but to no avail, the mouth of the creature grow larger and ripped of the head of the students and store it on its mouth for a few seconds before spitting it out to the crowd, then the creature throw away the body of the student.

The sound of breaking glass was heard as more shadow rabbits jumped through the windows, and surrounded the crowd, the rabbit on the middle produced a bunch of sounds and then a word, a single one, "...R...U...N..", the door was open from the other side and without thinking twice every one ran away, Elias grabbed Carla by the hand and ran, Elias saw how Kevin and Mary were following behind, he also saw that at the side of the door were more of those rabbits grabbing onto it, the rabbits began to gather all standing in a quadruped stance, the creature moved back an fort laughing, once there was a few meters of distance between the rabbits and the crowd of people the chase begin or rather the massacre, running in all four at ridiculous speed the rabbits catch the panicking crowd, the screams of the people getting louder as the space between then and the creatures disappeared, the rabbits jumped onto the students and skillfully attacked at their vital points, piercing their hearts, bite on their throats, the number of people quickly decreased, "Elias lock!"Kevin said, Elias saw the people in front of then run up the stairs, he wonder why they didn't just exit through the main gate running up was a suicide, they will be trapped in the school with the monsters but in truth they didn't have other options, Elias managed to catch glimpses of even more rabbits standing in the middle of the hall, blocking the way.

The crowd went to the second floor, looking down, Elias saw that the rabbits had stopped chasing then instead they sat down on the stairs, a bunch of students began to throw chairs, tables and shelves down the stairs to block the path, the laughs of the rabbits echoed through the halls, "That should give us some time" a student said, then the improvised barrier began to shake, the multiple objects blocking the path were engulfed by a tsunami of black liquid going up the stairs, a bunch of rabbits had come together to form a enormous mass that began to flood the second floor, hands and heads come out of the mass grabbing and bite the people near by the stair, the other students went inside the classrooms and looked themselves up.

"What the hell was that?!, What type of animals are those?!" Kevin said, Elias locked through the window, there was a swarm of those creatures, they were dragging bodies up to the trees and then they placed them at the top of it as if were stakes, some of the creatures were trashing the cars of the teacher, others were all around the building, vigilant, "Those... Things, aren't animals Kevin" Elias said, "Then what in the world are... !", "Human" Kevin was interrupted by Mary, "What? Human?", Mary locked through the same window that Elias, "I don't know what they are but if had to compare them to something it would be a human" everyone locked confused, "Those things, aren't hunting for prey, they are hunting for sport, they aren't eating the bodies of the persons they kill, they play with them, not like when a cat plays with its prey, it's like a human, they have blocked our escape and render useless the cars of the teachers, they made a pincer move to lead us up here, they aren't trying to enter, they could break through the doors or the windows but they haven't, they gave us a few seconds of advantage and one of them even speak on human language to tell us to run", everyone's attention was drawn outside by the scream of a man, when the students looked outside they were astonished for what they saw, "T-Those things can fly?, outside the building a few of the rabbits glide through the air leaving at trail of dark smoke behind then, the rabbits were throwing something at each other, it was Mr. Brian he was barely alive, bleeding as the rabbits played with his body as if was a ball, one of the rabbits grabbed Mr. Brian and began to drag him through the window of the school, Elias could hear the screams of the terrified students from the other classes, as the rabbit began to drag Mr. Brian through the window in front of Elias, he opened the window and grabbed Mr. Brian by the leg, the rabbit made a swim with its arm making lacerations on Elias arm causing a strong bleeding, the rabbit flied away and began to spiral around the flagpole and once it reached the top it pushed Mr. Brian against the top piercing his stomach causing him a slow and painful dead, once the life had left Mr. Brian's body, the rabbits began to dance around the pole bathing themselves in the blood that fall from Mr. Brian.

"Are you alright?" Kevin ask Elias, Elias felt a painful heat on his bleeding arm, the other students came closer to help him stand up but then Elias's arm began to ooze the black liquid of what the creatures were composed, Elias could hear the voices of a child in his head, "Is so dark.. Is so cold.. Out... Please... Out.." but soon the voiced change to one that resemble that of the monstrous rabbit, "Cut... Hurt.. Bite... Die... Dark.. Dark... Sleep... Kill... Run.. Kill..." black liquid began to come out of Elias's eyes and nose, he felt a sudden impulses of violence, he grabbed Kevin by the neck and began bashing his head against the wooden door, "Elias it's me Kevin, wake up!" but Elias continued his assault, the other students had to grab him, Kevin kept trying to talk to Elias but he couldn't hear him anything, Elias kept struggling to break free, he even tried to bite the others, there was no other option, they threw him out of the class, Kevin, Mary and Carla tried to stop them but Elias was already out.

Elias opened his eyes he felt horrible, his body ache and he had a terrible headache, he slowly got up and tried to open up the door, he saw the others inside the classroom they looked scared, he tried to speak but the words did come out instead he spite spat more than of the black liquid, Elias looked at his left the rabbits were approaching him, he had to run away, just one of the rabbits bothered to chase him the others stayed in place, the creature didn't need to chase him as Elias was stumbling through the hall rather than running, the creature followed behind with little interest making a tentative attack at Elias from time to time, Elias walked down the stairs as best as he could, the barricade had been completely destroyed, Elias felt himself lose control over his arm as it seemed to take conscience and strangle Elias, Elias fight against his own arm ending up falling down the stairs, luckily mostly unharmed, Elias regained control over his arm and look around the hall seemed empty at first glance but he could appreciate the white glowing eyes of the rabbits inside of the lockers and the vents, he also saw the dead bear that he had seen hanged on the tree, it had come back to life animated by the black liquid that pored out of its body, it's eyes shined white, the bear seemed to take notice of Elias and began to run towards him leaving a trail of blood and bone that fall from the hole on its chest but the bear was immobilized by the tendrils of the rabbit that was following Elias, the tendrils ripped the furred skin of the bear revealing the muscle underneath, the tendrils enter the body of the bear through the hole on its chest and went to his head, the head of the bear was blown into pieces as the tendrils expanded inside it.

Elias felt a rush of adrenaline and began to ran, the rabbit laughed and jumped in place for a bit, then he adopted a quadruped stance and when Elias was far enough it began to chase, Elias was not mach for the speed of the rabbit, not on land at least he thought, he made a sharp turn causing the rabbit to hit the wall, Elias ran to the swimming pool of the school, the rabbit burst through the doors and Elias made a decision, he jumped on the water, the rabbit seemed to be hesitant, Elias smiled he was already half way through the pool, but then he hear the splash, he didn't look back, he swam as fast as he could but it was no mach, the rabbit cut its path, surpassing Elias in seconds, Elias tried to swim back the rabbit moved in from of him, Elias tried to change direction again and again but the rabbit was always already right in front of him, "What do you want?!", "Save... From... The.. Pain... ", Elias had already accepted that he wouldn't escape, the rabbit came closer to Elias and opened its mout, the rabbit bite Elias on the mouth, a twisted kiss, a kiss of dead, the rabbit melted and enter into Elias's mouth, the black liquid went down his throat, Elias couldn't breath, his chest and stomach hurt, he swam to the edge of the pool, he could feel liquid coming out of his mouth, eyes, ears and nose, he could feel it burning, blood poring out of his head, he scream as strong as he could, his body began to make strange sounds, his skin began to become transparent, he could see the black sludge moving underneath his skin, his body was becoming bloated and round, he could hear the sound of his bones breaking apart, his arm twist as the liquid began to devastate his body from the inside, then Elias chest and stomach burst, the black liquid reformed into the rabbit once more, the rabbit grabbed Elias body and drag it outside, the rabbit was now covered by Elias's remains, the guts decorated its body as a scarf, the bone protruding out of it give it a menacing look an the blood adorned it as tribal painting.

Elias was thrown to a pile of bodies, collected by the rabbits which then came grabbed one of the bodies and began to dance with it, it was like seeing a kid pretending to dance with a doll, the rabbits dance was childish in nature, without coordination, rhythm or knowledge of any proper dance and once they grow bored they grab the body and hanging on top of the trees, leaving both the trees and themselves cover in bright red color of young blood.

Elias however wasn't take out of the pile of bodies by one of the rabbits but by a red haired robot, deep into the forest.


Note: This one is important compared to the other previous notes, ok so I kinda messed up, if you are really into this story you will notice that Wallter's name has change, previously it was Wallter Argentum Iaspis but now is Wallter Argentum Adamas, you my wonder my beloved readers, why the change?, well because of the meaning, I commit an error with the name, the problem is already take care of, luckily there was only one previous time that his full name was used so there wasn't much to change, many of you probably wouldn't even have noticed the change of the name if I didn't bring it up, however if it exist the possibility that someone is reading this fanfic and actually notices the change of name and wonders why it is, I feel that is my duty as the writer of this fanfic to explain it and acknowledge the fact that I committed a error, a tiny one, yes, but this error pushed me to modify one of the stories that was already posted since quite sometime already, therefore anyone who read it before the change could be confused as why his name is different, of course is not like the name is going to change the whole course of the story, that's the reason for the change of name.

I most point out that on the positive side, Wallter Argentum Adamas sounds way better than Wallter Argentum Iaspis, always think about the positive my beloved readers, until next time.