Down The Pit

"Are you done already?! a strong scream reverberates inside the building," Wait I found something big!" a equally loud voice responds, Jeff sighs as the two men keep screaming at each other despite being barely a few meters apart," Will it take you much longer?" Jeff asks tired of the constant ruckus, "Wait a second" the man turns around "What the hell is taking you so long?!", "This is not easy to move around!," "Do you need help or what?!", "Yes come over here!", Jeff sighs once more while taking one of his hands to his forehead as the two men continue to scream at the top of their lungs, as Jeff is about to turn around he hears a sudden sound as if something metallic had crashed, "Be careful you idiot!" Jeff turn around to see the two men arguing when something catches his attention a old and rusty animatronic on the white and black floor, as soon as Jeff got close the two men stopped arguing and turn their attention to the animatronic on the floor, a large white and pink fox with one yellow eye on the left eye socked and the other one empty, "Wow I have never see one like this", "What are you talking about it is just another old piece of junk, we have saw this fox like two hundred damm times already", "No, I don't think so, it looks to be quite old but the technology seems very advance, how strange", Jeff watches as the two men raised the animatronic from the floor, its face seems to be segmented and by applying some pressure it was easily open revealing an endoskeleton composed of large cables, "I have never see a endoskeleton like this, I think we hit the jackpot man", "While you are interested in that piece of junk I am interested in what is holding", the attention of the three quickly shifted to a box that the animatronic had between its arms almost like hugging it for dear life, the box was blueish and considerable big with two locks keeping it closed, "You think there is something of value on the box?", "You saw how heavy this thing was, this piece of junk isn't that big to weigh so much, there most be something quite heavy in the box" a smirk forms on the man's face "And would you look at that, it seems that the locks are busted", the two men began to try moving the arms of the fox away from the box to no avail, "Damm it has a good grip on it", "Yeah, ahhh, screw it, let's go get the truck we load it in and we'll get it done later" the two man then leaved without any other word leaving the fox and the box right besides the ball pit, "Ah, finally some peace" Jeff says as he sits on a chair and glances at the old and dusty pizzeria that now he owns, he takes a deep breath something that proved to be a bad idea when Jeff's lungs were filled with a large amount of dust, as Jeff coughs his attention returns to the fox, Jeff examines it from head to toe, "Hmmmm, I didn't know they made them in pink" a small chuckle escaped Jeff's mouth and it quickly faded to silent once more, until a second chuckle is hear but it wasn't Jeff's.

Jeff got up from the chair and came closer to the fox, the chuckle seemed to be closer accompanied by a dripping sound, a black substance was falling down from the box, Jeff didn't know why but he had a bad feeling about what was happening, he grabbed the broom and wield it like a spear, he gave the fox a little tap and nothing happened, then he tentatively moved the broom towards the box slowly, as Jeff began to feel an irrational amount of dread, the broom finally touched the box, nothing seemed to happen.

CLANK!!!, the broom was completely destroyed by the fox who savagely bite it and began thrashing it, Jeff backed away ready to be attacked but the attack never came, the fox was also backing away, holding the box protectively, the only sound that could be hear was the menacing growl of the fox that only stopped once it turn its attention to the box as if it was examining it, Jeff take the chance and backed away more and throw one of the tables down to use it as a barrier, the fox backed again once more, its single yellow eye darting at Jeff's own eyes but them the eye contact was break as the fox fell down into the ball pit and them nothing, silence once more, yet Jeff didn't take any risk and stayed in place, nothing happened, the fox had suddenly disappear.

Jeff breathed calmly once again and wipe the sweat on his forehead, "What in the world just happened?", "No idea however I bet my tail it will be relevant for the overall plot of the book", Jeff slowly turn to his left, "Hello, name is Lolbit, the pleasure is all yours", Jeff turned around to see straight and after a second he looked at his left again, "You are so rude you know?, when someone says hello, you should answer with a hello as well, is common courtesy, even if the person is a complete stranger or not even a person at all, both things which are applicable in this situation", Jeff turn around once more before turning to his left one final time, "Are you going to talk to me? Because if not then this is going to be a quite boring chapter", "Aaaaaaaahhhhhh" Jeff screamed at the top of his lungs running to hide in the kitchen, "Hmmmm, was something I said?" the creature said standing up from behind the table, the large humanoid fox stretched its limbs and yawned, it's silver grey eyes traced around the place "Well, let's get to work.

" Keep it together Jeff, there is no way that was real, you didn't saw that" Jeff said as he slapped his own face with all the strength he could gather, "Well if what you saw was a beautiful and mesmerizing white and orange fox then your eyes are working absolutely fine", Jeff looked in front of him, Lolbit had somehow appear inside the kitchen, "Guess you are a bit shocked, why don't we try that again? I am Lolbit, the one and only" Jeff kicked opponent the door of the kitchen leaving lolbit behind, "Ok this is not working, I need a different approach" lolbit say clapping it's hands and disappearing in a cloud of orange smoke and confetti.

Jeff ran to the door when he feel himself being lift from the ground by a invisible force and put on a chair, then lolbit came from behind and tie Jeff to the chair, "There we go now we can talk, Jeff I believe was your name, right? " lolbit said as it examined a paper that said "Scrip", Jeff struggled trying to free himself but failed miserably, he calmed once Lolbit didn't try to do anything to him, maybe it wasn't hostile, then what did it want?, "Are... are you a robot or... No how could you be a robot?" Jeff said, Lolbit grabbed its chin and murmured something to itself "I mean I do have a robotic skeleton but I have actual flesh and organs, what category do I fall in?", "Don't tell me you are one of.. Of those people", "Those people?" lolbit asked puzzled, "You know... Those people, they like animals if you follow me", "Ohhhh, those people... What? No, this isn't a costume!", Jeff examined Lolbit, he didn't look very convinced by lolbit words, then lolbit proceed to rip a chunk of flesh from its arm with its teeth, the blood poured from the wound covering the floor but stopped soon afterwards as Lolbit's arm healed by itself, "So who or what are you and why are you in my pizzeria?", "Didn't you listen the last two times, I am lolbit, the splendid, fantastic ....mmmm... The incredible.... The... The amazing .....The... The.. Arrgg, screw it, I know how to make sure you listen this time.... with a musical number, it's show time" Lolbit clicked its finger and a strong current of air went through the pizzeria cleaning up the dust, a bunch of multicolored lights that came out of nowhere shined towards the stage that now looked in pristine condition, a enormous curtain with Lolbit's face appeared and then a bunch of Lolbites appeared dressed in ballerina outfits and one in the middle with a composer custume, then music started playing.

Listen up, it has arrived

Who has arrived?

The one, the only, Lolbit!!!

White as Snow

Time for the Show

Orange like Mango

Dances a Tango

Time for it take Hold

The curtains now Unfold

All is Fun

No need to Run

Bringing the entertainment

With your life as payment

Nightmares and Dreams

Nothing is what it Seems

Make sure to listen Up

Not time to take a Nap

Better say to your family Farewell

This is going to be a Bombshell

Now listen the name is Lolbit

Remember or you'll go down the Pit

In heaven or Hell

All will be Well

From the TV or the Internet

With Lolbit you can Connect

When you hear the Static

You know it's about to get Dramatic

It won't let you be Calm

You are already on its Palm

Time for the Rain

Time for the Pain

Crashing the Stars

Taking the Tears

Orange and White

Rage and Bite

Metal and Bone

All hope is Gone

It's time to Bow

To Lolbit Now

The music stops and a bunch of Lolbites appear around Jeff and begin clapping and throwing white roses at the stage, "I still don't know what are you or what are you doing here?" Jeff said and the clapping stopped, slowly the pizzeria recovered its old and dusty look and the lights faded into nothingness until finally all the Lolbites were gone.

"Weren't you listening?!" the original Lolbit had appeared right besides Jeff, "I mean, I get that your name is Lolbit and you are here to perform... But I am not interested, so if you could untie me...", "No, no, you got it wrong, you see I am not here to entertain you, you are part of the show as well", Jeff took a moment to process this new information but didn't know what to make out of it, "Could you elaborate?", "No", "... Why?", "Because I can't", "I am getting tired of this", "Listen pal don't blame me I just follow the scrip, I was told I need to be were the P.L.O.T. was, so here I am", "You! Listen! to! me!, I don't care what type of mental institution have you escape from, this is real life, there is no plot and you are just a freak in a costume, untie me or I'll call the cops!", "First, you cannot call the cops unleash I untie you, second, this is not a costume I am as my Papa made me and third, I say P.L.O.T., not plot, I'll show you, is time for Profesor Lolbit", the chair was lifted in the air again and placed close to the ball pit.

Lolbit was now dressed as a teacher, it had some glasses on and a laser pointer on its hand, a digital whiteboard was behind it showing a image of the ball pit, "Listen up class, specially you Jeff, you are falling behind in my class, today we are learning about the P.L.O.T., does anyone know what it is?", Jeff stayed quiet with a irritated expression, "No one?, Well, don't worry, that's fine after all you come to class to learn, ok so, P.L.O.T stands for Partial Lingering Otherworldly Transition, this acronym is used when referring to a object that for one reason or another it has accumulated so much spiritual energy that it has built a connection with the very fabric of reality, this particular P.L.O.T. operates thanks to pain, suffering, betrayal, sadness but I don't mean the regular ones I mean more like: My best friend killed my daughter, kidnapped my son, caused my wife to leave me and ruined my entire life's work, kinda of sadness", as lolbit finished explaining, it grabbed something that was wrapped with a blanket and throw it inside the ball pit, the blanket unwrapped revealing a small dead body that was in a very late state of decomposition, the body was quickly suck in to the pit, "See this P.L.O.T. loves dead children and such things", while lolbit continued talking Jeff kept trying to break free however the rope only seemed to become more thigh, although he wasn't in immediate danger, to him was obvious that this "Lolbit" guy had some type of schizophrenia and although Jeff was still convinced that all the supernatural phenomenons and the dead body were fake he knew that he couldn't just sit and wait, unless?, Jeff immediately remembered that the two junkyard workers were going to come back at any moment, so all Jeff needed to do was wait, "Profesor Lolbit could you elaborate more, this is very interesting", Lolbit smile widened, "Oh, so you are interested in the subject, good", Jeff smiled to, he just needs to stay on the good side of this freak for a bit, "Ok class, listen up this will be important for incoming classes, so let's dive into the connection with the fabric of reality, so this put in simple words the P.L.O.T. allows to travel through the space and time, however usually is impossible to know or choose were you'll end", Jeff nodded as if he was paying attention to this nonsense, "Alright time for a demonstration, any volunteer?, you Jeff, since you are so interested in the subject and the rest of the class doesn't exists in or current plane of existence, you are the lucky one", "Wait, what?" lolbit grabbed the chair with one hand and throw it against the ceiling breaking it and freeing Jeff, however since Jeff was on said chair now he was falling down, before he could even scream he was surrounded by a rainbow, he was now inside the ball pit now.

How deep was he?, Jeff didn't know, he was surrounded by colors in every direction, he tried to make his way through but it seemed as if he was stuck in place, he began to thrash around then he feel like he was falling even deeper until a blinding light came through the space between the plastic balls but it came from below however when Jeff reached the light he came out from the side, Jeff was now on the floor, he look around hoping to find the exit of the pizzeria but he wasn't on it, he was in some sort of office, it seemed old and dusty, even more that his pizzeria, spider webs were all around the place and no signs of life, "Well, here we are?, Wherever here is" Lolbit voice came from behind, a rusty locker opened behind Jeff and Lolbit appeared, a few plastic balls rolled out of the locker behind lolbit, "Where have you take me to?, this is a kidnapping", "I have no idea of were we are... Wait... Kidnapping?, We just travel through basically a magical ball pit", "You need help, magic is not real", "Well if it isn't magic... How would you explain all that I been doing until now?", "Smoke and Mirrors" Jeff said with a stoic voice and a serious face, lolbit opened its mouth before closing it, it began to make gestures and stammer, "SMOKE AND!!... excuse me, Smoke and mirrors?, I begin to think that you are crazier than kinda scares me", lolbit said with concern, "I don't believe I magic, time traveling, God, or those things", "That's fine, you can believe or not believe whatever you want but you can just deny what you are seeing", Jeff didn't respond, he stood up and walked away leaving a shocked lolbit behind.

Jeff looked around, he felt weird, floaty, he cleaned a window using one of his sleeves, it was very foggy outside, Jeff hear mumble from behind, lolbit was saying something to itself clearly annoyed, Jeff couldn't fully understand what it was saying but he heard the words "stupid, boring and unreasonable", Jeff kept looking to the outside, he could tell were this building was, Jeff moved away from the window, maybe he can find someone in the street to help him, "Hey, hey, hey, look!" Lolbit said, Jeff didn't even turn around until the entire building shake causing Jeff to fall against the window causing it to crack a bit, Jeff quickly moved away before the window was shattered, both lolbit and Jeff looked through the broken window, the fog had disappeared, the building was suspended in the air, floating through the sky, a large body of water could be seeing various hundreds of meters down covering up to the horizon, looking in front of themselves they could see various other buildings floating, skyscrapers, houses, and also mountains and islands, Jeff feel his legs lose strength, he fell down overwhelm by this, lolbit jumped and rise its first, a triumphal look on its face, the building shake again, in front of the windows passed flying a bunch of creatures resembling sharks but slightly bigger and of a intense white color, feathers coming out of their fins and a blue shell covers the upper half of their body, one of the Caellodon's noticed them and prepared to attack, as both Jeff and lolbit backed away, before the Caellodon could reach the building it was attacked by bigger creature, a bipedal mammal similar to a bat, without wings, it had no eyes instead its face was all covered with various tiny holes, it moved around jumping from building to building using its powerful legs and grabbing to them with its curved claws, the Caellodon was grab by the Tongula who break it's shell with its claws and then with its tube tongue it began to drink the blood of the Caellodon, Jeff ran toward the locker and jumped inside, Jeff moved through the vast darkness, he hit something hard, like a wall, he began to scratch until a light appeared.

Jeff dig his way out of the ground, he took a moment to breathe when something push him from below, lolbit came out of the hole, both looked around, they were in a corn field, everything seemed pretty normal except that the corn field was everywere, no trace of anything except a bunch of pipes with bizarre shapes and the corn was completely red instead of yellow, Jeff looked at lolbit ready to ask for explanations but Jeff noticed that the hole had disappeared, a sound was hear as if somethin was being drag on the ground, lolbit ran away with no word and Jeff didn't wait to discover what was coming, both of them now running through the corn field as fast as they could but while Jeff looked terrific, lolbit looked amused, they ran various meters but the sound seemed to be caching up, then Jeff tripped with one of the pipes while lolbit jump over it grateful, Jeff tried to get however before he could something emerged from the corn, something resembling a scarecrow made with plastic bags with no arm or legs, a pair of eyes and a mouth painted with red, were the legs should be the was a large and thick tail, the creature was built similar to a worm, the creature slither through the ground getting closer to Jeff, sound began to come from various points around him, more Scareworms surrounded Jeff, stalking Jeff from every corner, "Aaaahhh!" Jeff screamed as he felt like something grabbed him from down below, as he was pulled underground he was received by Lolbit's shining eyes, Jeff made a attempt to talk but was stopped by the fox, Lolbit pointed at something behind Jeff, a large entity with a human like appearance, disproportionate limps, its skin was covered in dirt, various pieces of clothing were tie around its body, a large sickle was sitting besides it and a black cloth covered its head, the Harvester grabbed a sack that had the same face of the Scareworms, the creature then grabbed various human bodies that were lying on the dirt, it kept doing it until it was fully filled, then the creature moved away the cloth on its face, the creature had a crow head, it opened its beak letting out a bunch of worms, dirty and blood inside the sack and then the Scareworm came to life, the bird man put the Scareworm inside one of the pipes, the Harvester hummed a song as it eats some of the red corn before repeating the process, Jeff was dragged to the side by lolbit, lolbit's clawed finger pointed at a hole on the ground near the Harvester, Lolbit then made a sign to Jeff indicating him to follow behind, sneakily both of them approached the hole, the Harvester didn't seem to notice, lolbit entered the hole quickly but silently, Jeff hesitated for a moment, lolbit's head poked from the hole and stared intensely into Jeff's eyes, it was obvious that Jeff was unsure if following the fox was a good idea, as Jeff considered his options Lolbit whistled causing Jeff to be thrown out of his train of thought and caching the attention of the Harvester who grabbed the large sickle ready to rip him open, before the Harvester could strike him, Jeff jumped into the hole.

"Well that wasn't to bad" Lolbit said while Jeff tried to slow down his breathing, "Are you having fun yet?" Lolbit ask, Jeff looked at the fox with eyes of disbelief, instead of answering he pushed the fox aside and proceeded inward, "So rude" lolbit said following Jeff, Jeff scratched the dirt paying no mind to Lolbit after a while a pink plastic ball came out of the ground, Jeff digged faster, until a barrage of plastic balls erupted from the ground surrounding him.

Jeff struggled to move through the plastic balls he could faintly hear lolbit's voice behind him, then Jeff reached a point in which he couldn't go further, something blocked the way, he pushed with all his mighty until he finally went through a large mass of snow.

The cold breeze hit Jeff like a truck, his body began have shivers, he was now in a town cover in snow but most importantly christmas decoration were all over the place, distorted christmas music comed out of speakers that were everywhere, he could probably find some help here , he moved fast as his body allowed him, looking around the town seemed desert, despite all the lights and christmas decorations Jeff couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right, he could see christmas trees on the forest not to far away, Jeff couldn't feel his legs his body felt heavy, he ended up falling to the ground, ready to give up, when someone help him up, Jeff was surprised to see a person wearing a winter clothing, the person helped him inside a supermarket.

"I think he is waking up", "Are you sure is a good idea we are already struggling with the food", "This poor man needed help he would have die of cold or get ripped apart by a Trasgo", Jeff stood up he had a bunch of blankets on, "Take it easy" someone said, Jeff looked around the place, there was a lot of people, adults, teenagers, children and elderly, probably complete families, they were partially hidden between the shelves, "Were I am? It's that god damm lunatic gone?!", "Don't worry you are safe here... At least more safe than outside", Jeff got up from the floor slowly and then hugged the man who saved him, "Finally normal people, God, it's finally over!" "Ssshhh!" Jeff noticed that the people looked afraid, he was confused by this reaction, "You have a dead wish or what? They'll hear you", "Who?" the man in front of him looked surprised, "You know, the Trasgos", "The what?" Jeff said with a annoyed tone, he was already imagining were this was going.

PUM! PUN! PUN!, "They are here, hide the children!",PUM!, the banging against the metal fence continued, everyone ran away, a old man take out a gun, Jeff didn't know were to go or what to do, "Run you fool, they are about the enter!" the elder man screamed, CRASH! the metal fence went flying, the cold and snowy wind enter the building like a hurricane, Jeff protected his eyes with his arms, the old man started shooting immediately.

"Hey, hey, why the hell are you shooting me?", Jeff recognized the voice immediately, "What in all that is holy is that thing?!" the old man said yelling, "I am not a thing, I am Lolbit, sorry about the door.... I will compensate you all, want some muffins?" Lolbit said shaking a paper bag in its hand, "It's this creature some new type of Trasgo?" the old man asked still aiming at lolbit, "Hi there Jeff, I was starting to miss you", "You know this thing?, is it dangerous?", "Kinda" Jeff said unsure, Lolbit looked offended by this statement, "After all the good moments whe had, after all the laughts, how can you say such things" lolbit said as it began to cry, however it recovered in a matter of seconds, "Any wat, why are you all hiding h..... " Lolbit didn't get to finish the sentence as something attack it," Trasgos!!!, everybody run!",the supermarket was then invaded by monsters of the size of bears, with green fur on its body's and brow fur on its legs, the creatures were quadruped, their whole body was cover by shining big eyes of different colors, their snouts were triangle shaped and their noses were of a inside yellow color and fluorescent, the Trasgos did waste time and began slaughtering everyone, they grabbed the people with their jaws, they crushed their bodies again and again until all the flesh and bone was reduced to nothing more than a bloodied paste and the children were swallowed hole, Jeff began to ran away to the outside, he preferred die of cold that taking chances with those monsters, "Jeff my man, a little help over here" Jeff locked at lolbit who was being thrashed around by two Trasgos, Jeff just ignored it and kept running, until he heard a kid crying, a little girl was trapped under some boxes and a Trasgos was lurking near by, Jeff ran to the girl and tried to help her get out but the Trasgo sent flying the boxes at Jeff with a powerful swipe, while he was down one the floor and dizzy he saw the Trasgo swallowing the little girl, the Trasgo then turned its attention towards Jeff, he crawled away, the Trasgo moved slowly with its teeth showing, hopeless Jeff began to throw fruit at the monster, the Trasgo suddenly stopped, it looked like it was about to throw up a then it regurgitated the little girl, Jeff stood up to help the girl but the kid began to growl at him as a bunch of eyes began to grow out of her skin erupting like pimples, the eyes made squishy sound as the skin around them stretched to open and close as if blinking, Jeff ran away, when he looked back the kid had already fully become a Trasgo.

Outside the supermarket the Trasgos were all around the town hunting down the survivors that were left, Jeff saw how the people running along side him were torn apart by the monsters, Jeff tripped over, one of the Trasgos jumped at him but something intercept it, Jeff saw how lolbit cut through the flesh of the monster as if was paper, Lolbit bit looked at Jeff, the blood dripping from its mouth and claws, "Can't have you dying yet old man the show must go on", Lolbit said a sadistic smile on its face, Jeff turned around and dig into the snow, his nails fell down, the blood covered the snow, "What are you doing?", "Stay away! Let me be!" as Jeff screamed lolbit got closer its hand reaching for Jeff, the snow under them began to melt and both fell down.

Jeff opened his eyes he was surrounded by the plastic balls again but this time he didn't try to move he stood still, sobbing a little there man had lost any will to do anything, then a familiar smell reached him, it was the smell of pizza, could it be?, he moved around the smell was stronger, Jeff could almost taste it, finally he emerged and looked around he was still surrounded by the multicolored plastic balls and the smell of pizza was unmistakable, Jeff lay on the pit and took a deep breath letting the familiar scent surround him, finally he looked up, his eyes meet a intense brightness, it was as if he was staring into the sun, were was he, it was a pizzeria, it looked like some type of playground.

"Security alert! Security alert! Woooo! Woooo!", Jeff looked up something he couldn't quite describe was hanging from the ceiling by a cable, a slim figure, dress in bright yellow colors and with a mask that resembled the sun, it didn't appear to be human, Jeff didn't to see more to know he was back at the pizzeria, as he was about to go down again when he hear some doors be aggressively open, Jeff didn't bother to look, he was already half way under when he hear the sound of metal hitting hard the floor, he was grabbed and lifted up, a animatronic hand was grabbing him by the neck strongly, its claws almost piercing his skin, Jeff was being held by a animatronic alligator with a red mohawk without any word the animatronic moved down his star shaped glasses and looked at Jeff before put him on his shoulder and carrying him away.

"Where are you taking me?", there was no response from the animatronic, "Let me go!" Jeff said kicking the animatronic who then stopped moving an placed Jeff on the floor "Oh, thanks, you actually let me go", the animatronic looked down his sunglasses were lying on the floor, "You piece of trash if my glasses are broken the next thing that will be broken will be your spine!", the animatronic raised on his claws, "Monty what are doing?", Monty looked more annoyed than angry now, "Nothing, my glasses fell off and I was just going to pick them up, Freddy", a animatronic bear with a light blue lighting on his chest, "What Freddy like, in Freddy fazbear", "Yeah that's me", Jeff was surprised by this, then maybe he was back home but in a different place, no that would be impossible, fazbear entertainment is practically a dead company, it was on its last legs everyone kept saying that that was the last year of the company, that's why Jeff was able to buy his pizzeria so cheap, how could they build this place?, unless, could Freddy fazbear exist in other world, "What are you doing here Freddy?" Monty ask, "I also caught a intruder I was taking it to officer Vanessa", "Another intruder ?" Monty asked while putting on his glasses, "Yeah a little kid, hey, this is Monty he is a friend of mine" as the "kid" came out Jeff couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

Jeff was in some type of control room sitting on a chair and besides him the "kid", a metal door opened and a woman with blond hair and green eyes entered the room, Jeff was about to talk when the "kid" jumped out of the chair, Lolbit was wearing some over size clothes, it had a pair of sunglasses and a black shirt with a rainbow coming out of a skull, it had also a cap but backwards and it was moving around standing on its knees to look shorter, "Please madame, I am to young go to hail, my Papa would kill me, if he could" lolbit said the last part to himself, "Don't worry kid you aren't I any trouble", "Kid, how can you think this a kid!?" Jeff said not believing what he was hearing "Now you, you are in trouble, an old man sneaking into the Mega Pizzaplex of with a little kid, that won't look good on the news", "That thing is anything but a kid!", "He is so mean to me please send him away" lolbit cried but with a smile on its face, "Miss listen to me I don't know how to explain this but this is not what it looks like", "I have seen pretty weird things, so go on try to explain it" Jeff tried but words wouldn't come out, what was he going to tell her?, this would work, Jeff lay back into the chair and contemplated the situation, "Call the police", Vanessa was surprised but not as much as lolbit, "What are you saying old man? are you crazy?", Jeff did answer, "After all that you are just going to sit here and do nothing?," I am safe here I prefer this, is easier and safer" Jeff said stoic, "No, no, no, no, you can't there is a lot of adventures waiting, the show must go on, this were getting interesting, you can let out fans down", "I am not going to be a part of whatever you are doing any more", "Oh, you are old man, you are", Vanessa tried to enter conversations but both of them completely ignored her, "I have decided, go search for other soul to torment", "Torment, pal, that was the warmup" lolbit said with a threatening voice standing up and clicking its fingers making its clothes dissappear, "What are you doing?" Jeff said standing up and backing away, "It's time for the show" lolbit said drool falling from its mouth, it seemed as it it was getting bigger and more beast like, its long nails become oversized metal claws, a second mouth with a metal jaw appeared inside its mouth, Jeff ran away escaping the control room, Vanessa stood still, Lolbit went through the door but before being completely out it give Vanessa one last smile.

"Where the hell was that playground?!" Jeff ran for dear life trying his best to remember with way Monty had bring him, "I smell you Jeff" lolbit voice echoed with a playful tone, "There you are" Monty was standing on Jeff's way "To hell with this" Jeff said as he dived into the floor sliding across it leaving Monty behind, "Get out of my way stupid crocodile!" Lolbit roared "I am a alligator, you uncultured punk", Monty strike lolbit face leaving deep claw marks on it which healed in a instant, not bad but now is my turn, Lolbit's claws cut Monty I half in a second.

"Intruder in the daycare! Intruder in the daycare! Woooo! Woooo!", "Shut your damm hole!" Jeff said with intense rage, then the a part of the ceiling collapse, "Here is Lolbit!" Jeff took off leaving the sun animatronic behind, "Don't run in the daycare, it goes against the rules!", Jeff looked behind to locate lolbit but he ended tripping with some type of wire, the lights flickered, "Well, well, it seems you ran out of plot armor mister protagonists", "You could have kill me at any moment, you even save my life", "Yes, because it wasn't the right moment but now we are at the climax, don't worry Jeff, like magic souls are real so now that you know that you die with a smile, hahaha" as lolbit was about to strike the lights of the daycare turn off, "Heheh" Jeff hear a sinister laugh but it wasn't lolbit's, "Aaaaarrrggg, take this thing off me!" lolbit said as it was attack by a mysterious thing with shining red eyes, Jeff saw how this thing gouged out lolbit's eyes, then it reaped lolbit's ear splattering blood all over both of them, although lolbit healed quickly the thing just kept attacking and ripping leaving a bloody mess, Jeff didn't think twice and jumped in to the pit.

There was nothing m, just a dark void, it was cold or hot, it wasn't any, Jeff walked around, everything he could see was the most empty emptiness he could have ever imaginate, he look around for a while, he eventually just sat down, he stayed silent in the void, this was bad, it wasn't good either but he was fine, then he heard whistling, he saw a red light on getting closer, "Let me break a lightning bolt, you have a physical form, I cannot believe what I am seeing!" Jeff looked at who was talking, he couldn't quite grasp its form it was very bright, but he could see that it was on a small boat and carried a fishing rod, "Who are you?", "Just a old man", "Where are we?", "You are on the flip side or the afterlife if you prefer it", "Wait then, this is heaven or hell", "It's both", "What?", "That what people call heaven and hell are actually the same place, the flip side takes shape depending on what is inside your soul, is different for everyone", "But this is just a dark void, there is nothing, it's empty", "As I said is different for everyone, I have seen good people who felt guilt experience torture and bad people who didn't felt guilty experience the paradise", "Then if a murder does want to go to hell just needs to not feel guilty", "You say it like you can just do it, something I have learn about this place is that you can't lie to it, it knows you better than yourself, you can just try to convince yourself of something in order to change it", "What does it look to you?", "Mine its also empty, at least of people, I am on this happy and bright carnival but I am all alone, always, sometimes I hear my family laughing in the distance but I never reach them", "Did do bad things when you were alive?", "Yes and I believe that what I have experienced isn't a good enough punishment but you look alright for being trap on void", "It's alright, I am safe and nothing bothers me", "So you don't want to leave", "Can I?", "There are only two ways to reach the flip side, dying or sleeping, since you have your physical body you most have come other way so maybe", "Nah, it's fine I am alright, this place its good enough", "Good enough? I see would you like it to be better?", "You said I cannot change it as I want to", "You can but not just by thinking it or wishing it, the only way you can change it is by living your life", "I have lived my life, I am kite old already and all there is it's void so", "You are old but you are not dead yet are you? Then why just sit here waiting for nothing and expecting nothing? Isn't there something you would do or want?", Jeff didn't answer this time, he look down, then a gentle breeze carrying the smell of pizza hit Jeff," That smell", "Sorry, only you can smell it", "It smells like the pizza my mom used to make, she was the one who teached me to cook", Jeff looked around the old man was gone, Jeff began to walk following the smell, he had his eyes closed, then he heard a sound, he opened his eyes, he was back in the pizzeria.

Jeff got out of the ball pit and sat down on a chair, he saw the broken chair and the knocked down table, "So it was real?", then a rumbling come out of the ball pit, Jeff grabbed the broken broom, now it was like a stake, he also grabbed one of the chairs as shield, he was ready for anything.

The plastic balls shot out of the pit, a lanky black creature with a mask and white stripes on its body emerged, causing a strong gust of wind that knocked Jeff down, broke all the tables and cracked the walls, the nightmarish Puppeteer examined the surroundings, its body emitted a dark miasma that felt both as if it was burning and freezing Jeff's skin, he could barely breathe, his body twitched and contorted, he was crying blood and foam came out of his mouth, the Puppeteer returned inside the pit and two cloaked figures came out.

"You think he is alive?" a female voice said, "Of course I was very careful to not kill him and just weaken him", "I think you overdone it, Wallter", "Shut up, Teresa", Jeff got up the figures had heart shaped necklaces and while one was normal size the other was absurdly tall, Jeff opened his mouth but the tall figure hit the floor with his first breaking it, "Name?", "Jeff", "Well, Jeff, what year are we in?," 1998", "So my calculations were correct, it seems we are finally back home Teresa, I told this time was the good one, I had already pin point the correct world it was just a matter of getting the correct time" the tall figure said, "Listen I don't want any trouble", "Relax a bit Jeff, let's talk business", the tall figure helped Jeff to get, then he grabbed something from his cloak, it was a diamond, he hand it over to Jeff, "Now you work for me, I need you to look over this ball pit for a while and during this time I will provide you with welt", "I am not interested in fortune", "You misunderstand me, the deal is that you do what I said and the payment is that you get to keep breathing" the tall figure said menacingly, "The monetary help is just a small reward, I am clear?", Jeff didn't answer, then out of the shadow of the tall figure emerged the Puppeteer, with the movement of one of his fingers lift Jeff in the air, he could feel his skin stretching, "I said, I am clear? I would answer fast, before I reap rip your skin out", "C-cr-crystal clear!" Jeff fall to the ground and the Puppeteer returned back inside the tall figure, Jeff was lying on the floor, "You think he will do it?" the second figure asked, "I'll leave a small watchdog for him" the tall figure said as he got closer to the pit, he opened his mouth and black sludge cameras out, then he deposited it inside the ball pit, "Let's get going, Teresa, don't forget the box", "Yes, Wallter" the second figure said carrying a old and beat down chest.

Jeff waked up he looked around, the pizzeria looked perfectly fine again, nothing was out of place, his eyes ended in the ball pit, Jeff went to the kitchen and grabbed some things, "DO NOT USE" said the sign that Jeff placed on the ball pit, then the door opened, "We are back for the fox!", "And the box, we got the truck ready!", "Sorry I don't know were either of those things are", "You are alright you look a bit tired, did anything happen while we were gone!", Jeff looked at the ball pit he could see shining eyes lurking inside, Wallter's words echoed on his head, "No, nothing happened, nothing at all".

"So we are we going" Teresa asked "Well first make a stop in the auditorium, we'll set ourselves there for the time being, hhhmm, you don't look very enthusiastic about going back", "Neither should you", "I am not but there is equipment that I will need", "And after that?", "Hehehe, after that, hehe, well, we'll prepare our curriculums, I heard that Fazbear Entertainment is looking for people, hehe", then both figures disappear in the dark as the sunset turned to night,while in the distance in the roof of a building the fox of the TV watched closely.

---------------------------------------------------------   Note: Well here we go another new chapter.

Greetings my beloved readers, I been away for some time, I am sorry, you know things happen and I have life, things to do and such but I am back and so it's Lolbit I told you it would come back.

True is that this chapter was ready a few weaks ago but since I take me so long to post a new chapter I decided to make this one extra especial, so I did some changes and added some things, this is as you can see the longest chapter yet, even longer than Springtrapped which at the moment I said I would have been probably the longest chapter well guess I was wrong.

This chapter was a bit of a headache, although this book is telling a large narrative, my intention is that each episode is enjoyable individually, so I hope all of you enjoyed this showcase of exotic worlds and strange creatures

Look forward to next chapter the epiloge number 3, it's going to be a big one I assure you, it will take right from the end of epiloge 2, we will follow Larson who is now trapped in the belly of the beast.

I don't want to give you a date but I will say that I have already started working in the next chapter so it will come soonish and hopefully I will keep a somewhat consistan uploading schedule but I don't want to make any promises.

Take care.