Springtrapped Epiloge

A voice reverberates on the dark "Wake up, wake up, wake up...."

Larson open his eyes with difficulty "Oh you are finally awake detective, Master Wallter will be happy to know this" a sweet and calm voice said, Larson looked at the source of the voice, his vision was blurry, everything around him seemed to shake, he felt weak and confused, his body was numb, he examined carefully his surroundings as his vision adjusted he began to identify the things around him, he was in a room full of hospital beds, the room was blue and had a sunflower patron, the walls had drawings painted over them made with crayons, Larson could see that he was attached to heart monitor and was wearing an hospital gown, he tried to sit straight to let his senses adjust then he felt a strong pain on his left foot, he looked at it, he had a scar on it, no, it wasn't a scar, examining it more he noticed that it was a clean cut, a incision and it was stitched, it looked like a work made by a professional, as Larson numbness disappeared he could feel discomfort in different parts of his body, as he looked at himself he noticed more incisions all over his body, arms, legs and stomach, Larson tried to remember what had happened but he was strike by a strong headache, he rubbed his forehead with one of his hands trying to subdue the pain, then he felt something odd, as he touched around his forehead he finally identified the strange feeling, he had stitches on his forehead, "W-w-what....Whe-where" Larson had trouble forming sentences, his thoughts were foggy, "Here take some water while I disconnected everything" the gentle voice said, someone grabbed Larson'a hand and guided it to a glass of water in a nerdy small bedside table, Larson had some trouble but eventually he managed to drink the water, it felt quite refreshing, his senses sharpened as a intravenous route was removed from his arm.

Larson felt more awake, his vision wasn't blurry anymore, he looked at all the medical equipment that was besides him, he quickly came to the conclusion that he had been out for quite sometime, "Feeling better Mr. Everette?", Larson looked at the women who had been talking to him, a young woman with long light-brown hair and bright brown eyes, Larson didn't know how to explain it but the woman felt familiar, something about her was familiar however her face didn't seem familiar or rather the contrary, she looks like an average person, nothing that would made her stand out yet Larson was sure they had meet before, the woman had a soft expression, her face was expressing any particular emotion although she had a shy smile and the glimmer on her eyes transmites trust, Larson stared profusely at her trying to identify what was so familiar about her but nothing came to mind, she was wearing a blue dress with a pink lasso around her waist and a blue brimmed hat with pink ruffles.

"Are you feeling alright, Mr Larson?" the woman asked , "I have been better but I'll survive, where I am?", "You are currently being held captive against your own will by orden of Master Wallter", Larson's eyes widen as he began to remember, he remembered being contacted by Silver Diamond, his meeting with Wallter, the drone that inject him with something, the strange laboratory under the office and thing that talked from within the computer but everything was black from that point on, "Wallter? Where is he?! What is the hell is this place?!" Larson shouted at the woman while trying to walk forward but his legs trembled and he fell to the bed, "Be calm, Master Wallter said he wanted to resume your conversation as soon as you awaken, so, reserve your questions", as Larson feel the strength coming back to him he got up and but the woman put a hand on his shoulder making him sit down "Down" the woman's voice sounded odd, it didn't sound as her voice, it sounded as if someone else's voice was mixed with hers and the glimmer on her eyes had disappeared, her eyes looked dark and foggy, Larson tried to get the hand of the woman away but the woman grabbed Larson's other shoulder, "We'll continue our talk when I say so, now, down" the woman eyes had turn grey and her soft smile had contorted into a deranged smile, after Larsen didn't respond the face and eyes of the woman turned back to normal, "Please wait while I go notify your awakening" the woman said before leaving the room, a few seconds after Larson couldn't hear the steps of the women he got up and headed to the door, it looked like a automatic door made out of glass, it had a panel with number and some type of scanner, Larson examined the panel trying to see if he could identify with number had been pressed but then he heard the sound of steps approaching, Larson made a sprint and jumped into the bed right before the door was opened.

Larson looked at the door the door woman had return, Larson waved his hand while trying to dissimulate his fast breathing, "Woah, that was fast" Larson said faking a smile, "What was fast?", "You said you were going to...", "You must have meet one of the other assistants" Larson raised a eyebrow and he examined the woman from head to toe, she was identical to the one before, Larson considered that maybe they were just two similar persons, after all they had a pretty common aspect but Larson dismissed that because Larson HD the same familiar feeling that he had with the other woman, different ideas swirled in Larson's head, twins?, or maybe he was so tired he was imagining things but none of the possibilities he thought convinced him, "I have some clothes for you" the women said while handing over some formal clothes, the door opened and the woman from before entered the room, now that the two women were standing side by side Larson couldn't help but think he was seeing double, "As soon as you finish dressing up go to the door, someone will be waiting" the first woman said, then the second woman talked, "We have more duties to do, so we'll be leaving you" then both women bowed down and said simultaneously "It was a pleasure taking care of you all this time, goodbye Mr. Larson" and the two of them left the room, Larson was astonished, what should he do?, he didn't had many options he thought, for now all he could do was play along, he take off the hospital gown and put on the clothes they had given him, except the tie, after finishing he turned around a looked at the door before starting to walk.

Now standing in front of the door he wandered what he should do, looking through the glass of the door, there was supposed to be someone waiting for him but he saw nobody, Larson examined the panel of the door once more, he wouldn't be able to discover the code, the panel was pristine, he looked at the scanner, he didn't even bother to try using his hand to open it as he was being held captive, Larson turned around searching for any other way out but the room was completely isolated, the door opened behind, in the stood a woman with bright red hair tied into two pigtails, Larson looked at her green eyes, he remembered this woman, she was outside Wallter's office, the woman had a annoyed expression which quickly faded into a smug one, "I found him!, Finally, we found you, I am sure Wallter's little dolls told you why I am here" the woman said with a smirk, "It was about time" another voice coming from the side said, a woman identical in every aspect to the redhead in front of him except her hair was blond and she didn't had the pigtails. "I am Eliza" the red haired woman said, "And I am Beth", Larson remained silent, "Don't feel like talking, well, that's fine" Eliza said, "Surely you will get more talkative soon, hehe, let's get going" Beth said, Eliza placed a hand on Larson's back a push him lightly, Larson began to walk, Beth was leading and Eliza followed behind Larson.

Larson made sure to memorize the layout of the place but it was easier said than done, the place was a labyrinth, there were endless corridors and no trace of any doors or rooms, Larson noticed how from time to time the two women changed the pace of their walk at some crossings but careful to not stop moving, Larson through about his options right now, "These two don't know the layout of the place themselves, at best they have a slightly idea of the pat they took to reach me, if I run now they probably wouldn't be able to follow me, however I also don't know the place and as little they knowledge may be they probably can travel through this place more efficiently, is a risky bet" Larson through, Larson gave a discreet look at Beth she was breathing on his neck, "What if I just I play along with them, Wallter obviously has a lot of information and I have a equal amount of questions but who is to say he will talk. He obviously wants me alive for now, I don't know how long I was here but I can assume they want something from me" Larson then remembered how Wallter wanted his help to capture the Stitchwraith, "Both options are risky and don't guarantee me getting out of this" Larson stopped walking, his eyes catched a glimpse of a big paper stick to one of the walls of a corridor, although he wasn't able to see it well he read the word "map" on top with big yellow letters, in that moment Larson decided to take the gamble.

"Why did you stop?" Beth asked, Eliza turned around to face Larson, "What's the matter?", "My legs hurt and I am tired" Larson responded, "Hoho, did you hear that? He probably thinks that we care" Beth said, "Ohhhh poor thing, I think he needs a little motivation" Eliza said taking out a syringe of one of her pockets, the syringe was full of a glowing red liquid, Larson recognized the substance, it was the same thing that drone had inject him with, "That thing is... ", "Oh, that's right, you have experience it before, this one of Wallter's many incredible inventions, the SM1L3, a dose of this an you'll become a obedient little puppy, hehe", "Fine I won't complain anymore" the three of them began walking again, Larson tried to keep track of were the map was but it was getting more difficult as they continued walking if he was going to go for it, he needed to do it now.

Larson stopped walking again and faked a caught causing Eliza to turn around, Larson moved forward letting himself fall on Eliza's arms, "Hey get your hands off me, get it together" she said moving away letting Larson fall to the floor, "Sorry, sorry" Larson talked weakly, "Help him walk" Eliza said "Why me?" "Because you are the younger one", "That's a lie and you know it" Eliza ignored Beth's complains and turned around, Larson could hear the blond woman murmur as she reached toward him, Beth helped Larson to stand, Larson rested his back against the wall, "How much will I'll have to walk?", "There is still quite the long way, so shut it" Eliza said, Larson turned towards Beth, "What do you say?", "Huh, she already answered" Beth said pointing at Eliza, "She is completely lost, you seem to be the smart one of the two", Eliza frowned while Beth smiled and giggled, "He is delusional, all those chemicals must be getting in his brain", "I don't think so, he is a detective, he catches those type of things" Beth responded, the two women started arguing with each other, Larson took a deep breath, now it was his chance.

Larson began to run as fast as he could, it took a moment for the two women to realize it but once they did they began to give chase, without enough time to think which direction go, Larson began to take turns randomly, finally he managed to lose the two of them but now he didn't know where the map was, "Dammit.... It's not time to complain I have to keep moving" Larson said to himself, running through the endless halls he was now completely lost, then he began to hear steps approaching, Larson stooped running, he looked from the corner and saw shadows on the walls large grup was heading way, Larson walked in the opposite direction cautious to no make any sound, Larson began to notice how he could hear more steps coming from each hall that he went to, each time he chooses a path he has to back away, he was getting out of options until there was only one path left to take, the sound of a large crowd was following behind slowly but steady, Larson was losing hope, however he wasn't going to give up, as he walked through the hall he saw stairs going up, once he reached the second floor, it was more illuminated and the hallways wider, Larson moved slow with his back against the wall listening carefully, it looked like this floor was less crowded, still he didn't take any risk and kept quiet.

A single sound filled the stance, Larson tried to identify it and all he could come up with was the sound of a horse's hoofs, so that couldn't possibly be, Larson saw a blue light up ahead, there was a window in the side of hallway, Larson peaked through it, he saw a stance a few meters below with a olympic poll, Larson saw the same brown haired woman who was in the nursery or at least another identical double, she had a chronometer in the hand, Larson looked at the pull something was inside of it, moving very fast, he discerned the color red in the water, Larson pass in front of the window as quickly as he could, once he passed he heard a loud splash and then as if something hit the wall, Larson looked back Larson could see a large shadow, something was standing on the window, he stopped moving and even held his breath, once there seemed to be no danger he continued to move, Larson saw something up ahead, a door an a bright light behind it, this could be a exit, this door did to have a panel with numbers, Larson was about to curse on all of his ancestors when he noticed that the door wasn't closed, something was obstructing it, Larson opened.

There were candy all over the floor and in the middle of the room a large mountain of candy almost touching the ceiling, Larson moved his feet across the floor with difficulty when he stepped on something that was candy, "Give me hugs, hehe" a creepy voice said, Larson had step on a old and sinister doll, "I would rather hug a cactus" Larson said allowing himself to relax for a moment, he looked at the mountain of candy, he was kinda hungry, "Do you want some of my candy? Papa says that sharing with others is our obligation" a young girl's voice said, that wasn't the doll Larson realized, "Hey, are you alright kid?", "Wait... I know you, You are the detective", "You know me... Forget it, what did they do to you? Were is your family? Did they kidnap you?", there was no answer, "My name is Larson and yours?", "Susie" her voice sounded a bit sad, "That's a beautiful name, hey do you know if there's a exit or a map around..." Larson stopped mid sentence as he saw a transparent liquid falling from the ceiling, Larson looked up, he was blinded by the light for a moment before discerning the shape of the creature, Crosshazard Chica released her grip from the ceiling, Larson backed away slowly, the sound of his foot steps was accompanied by the crunching sound of candy in Chica's beak, Chica looked at Larson with confusion, when Larson was right beside the door Chica moved forward its beak divided in four revealing a various small pointy teeth and the three antennae on her head twitched, Chica dragged her arms across the floor causing the exoskeleton on them to produce a irritating noise, "Why are you backing away? Don't you remember me?, I was there when you brought the cloaked thing to Papa", Larson was to shocked by the sound of the young girl's voice coming out of Chica, to think about what she was saying, Chica got even closer causing Larson to react, he hit her with the creepy doll that was still on his hand, Chica tilted her head and recoiled a bit, Larson saw how Chica'feathers grew out of her exoskeleton forming a pair of asymmetric wings, she was now standing on all four ready to attack, in a second Chica flapped her wings launching herself forward breaking the door and crashing through the wall, Larson had moved just a second before it was to late, Larson ran out of the room, looking back he saw how Chica burst out of a pile of rubble and screeched, Larson ran through the same hall from before, as he was passing in front of the window something break through it, A red creature with a fox head, his head, torso and right arm were covered by bright red fur while the rest of it had a dark red skin, it's left arm was a large tentacle that ended in a spike made of bone, two fins on it's back and on his arm and legs three fingers with webbing. Crosshazard Foxy gave a wide grin revealing two rows of shark like teeth.

A current of air blew from behind Foxy and Chica landed besides him, the two crosshazard animatronics stranded tall and menacingly in front of Larson, they were watching his moves very carefully, waiting, Larson looked at the broken window something that both animatronics easily noticed, he ran to the broken window, Foxy and Chica quickly turned and jumped after him but then Larson ducked and Chica and Foxy fell down, Larson was getting up ready to run again, then the sound of galloping filled the hall and a new creature advanced fast towards him with no time to escape Larson grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall and threw it a the creature however it did nothing to stop it, Larson was about to get run over, he put his hands in front of his face but the hit never came, Larson looked at the creature, completely cover in blue four the creature was built like a centaur, with a lower half that resemble a horse and a humanoid torso, while the two front legs were that of a horse the other two were rabbit like, two big arm with five fingers each came out of the torso of the creature, his head was relative small for the rest of it's body with two rabbit ears coming of each side of the head making up for a total of four and the most shocking feature was that the creature had two faces cramped together, Crosshazard Bonnie looked at Larson with four red eyes, his hands were up in the air as if wanted to grab him but was afraid of hurting him, "Please be still, I don't want to hurt you" Bonnie said with a child's voice, Larson saw how Eliza and Beth were standing behind Bonnie, then Chica flew through the broken window carrying Foxy with her talons, Larson had no escape, he gulped.

"Two steps back look at your right" a voice resound inside Larson's head, Larson didn't have many options, he gave one step back, Eliza and Beth came forward, "So how is it going?" Larson said trying to sound as calm as possible, "I think whe should give him the SM1L3" Beth said, "I very much agree" Eliza said getting even closer while searching in one of her pockets, Larson gave the second step back and looked at his right, he saw a hatch with a sign that said trash, Larson looked back at Eliza who was still searching in her pocket, Larson smiled, a slipped his hand behind himself, "Were the hell is it?!" Eliza shouted, at that moment Larson grabbed the syringe that he had taken from her when he faked his fall and stabbed Foxy with it, the liquid glowed as it moved through his veins, Foxy began to growl and shake, "Attack!!!" Larson screamed at the top of his lungs, Larson lost confidence as he realized that Eliza was smiling, "Well, well, aren't you a resourceful fellow? What a shame that Wallter has countermeasures for something like that" Larson was confused, then he was lifted in the air by Foxy's tentacle, Foxy's veins were black and his yellow eyes were now silver, the spike of the tentacle was pressing against Larson's neck, "If I didn't know any better I would think you don't want to continue our conversation Mr. Larson" Foxy said with a familiar voice "Wallter?" Larson asked, "Even after being in coma for almost a month you still remember me, good", "A month?, that's impossible!", "You would have been sleeping for a bit more but it seems Cassidy couldn't wait" Foxy placed Larson on the floor, "What is going on? What have you done to me? I want answers!" Larson said pointing his finger accusingly, "Haha, you are amusing, you are in no position to demand anything but if you have so many questions, wouldn't it be easier to let them take you to me?", Larson looked down for a moment before sprinting to the hatch, opening it and sliding through it.

"Goddammit, that slippery bastard keeps getting away!" Beth said, "We are sor.....", Eliza was going to apologize but was interrupted by Wallter speaking through Foxy, "Don't even bother, you two are dismissed", "But...", "I am sure Teresa will need help finish the preparation for press conference, is obvious that this task escapes your capabilities" Eliza and Beth made a little reverence and left, "Kids I need you to bring me Mr. Larson, can you do that for me?! ", "Yes, Papa!" Chica and Bonnie said while nodding energetically, "Good, he used the trash duct.... Hehe... Go fetch Gabriel, he will find him in a instant" after that sentence Foxy's eyes turned back to normal.

"Wake up, you need to keep moving" the mysterious voice sounded inside of Larson's head, opening his eyes Larson saw he was standing on a bunch of plastic bags, a horrible smell filled the room, "Almost a month, how could that be?", "Keep moving" "Yes, you are right, you are Cassidy I guess?" there was no answer, "I don't even know why I bother asking" Larson rolled out of the trash pile, he walked with difficulty, he felt tired, luckily this new floor was a straight line, Larson walked for a while until he reached a platform, he looked at a touch screen, pressing a option that a said activate, the platform began to go up, after going up a few floors the platform stopped, Larson was going to activate it again but then a bunch of people walked into it, Larson straightened his back and hide the stitches of his forehead with his hair, "Hello, are you new?", a random person of the crowd asked him, "Yes, I started today", "Welcome to the family" all of the crowd said in synchrony, causing Larson to get a bit nervous, the platform started going up again stopping sometimes to let more workers get in it, the platform stopped one last time and all the workers began walking, Larson followed staying in the middle of all the people, the workers formed lines to enter some rooms, not wanting to stick out Larson joined them, Larson saw how the people leaved the rooms with white cloaks and black rabbit masks, once Larson entered one of the rooms he saw a bunch of cloaks and mask all identical, Larson imitated the actions of the other workers and put the cloak and mask.

Still following the crowd, Larson saw how they were reaching a large opening, they reached a enormous stance, Larson saw that various parts of the place were still under construction, there were different heavy machinery breaking down old wall covered in moss and graffiti and transporting large piles of debri, there were various entrances from which even more people with rabbit masks entered, they were getting on their knees and chanting "Mundum rejicere, puer natus ex mors, domina in caerula, vir in purpura, princeps oriri bestias, agonia et ignis, novum paradisum ad humanitas". There were hundreds and hundreds of persons praying all around a large massive hole, at the sides of the hole there were rock tables with drawings in them, Larson was to far away to discern what was on them, Larson advanced through the masses, a strong putrid smell emanated from the hole, a shadow passed over Larson and the crowd, Larson saw how crosshazard chica glided through the air, Larson got on his knees and began to imitate the words of the others as best as he could, Larson heard loud steps getting closer, he remained calm there was no way that they could locate him between all this people, the steps were getting closer, then he heard the sound of sniffing, it was getting closer, until it was right behind him, then he was lift by a big clawed hand, the creature that resemble a monstruos bear extended to of his claws towards Larson's face grabbing the mask and breaking it, the creature looked like a disproportionated bear his head was enormous and his torso narrow, his arms were extremely big resting its knuckles on the floor, it had no finger it was just claws like that of a mole, bone protrusions exited his body from every angle, most of his body was covered by dense dark brown fur, there was no eyes on its face, were its eyes should be was a mass of red flesh, crosshazard Freddy began walking carrying Larson.

Larson could hear the sound of birds chirping, Freddy released his grip letting Larson fall, Larson looked around, he was on a forest, the warm light of the sun covered everything making the green foliage look golden, the sound of a river filled the air creating a peaceful atmosphere, Freddy growl taking Larson out of trance, the four crosshazard animatronics were standing besides him and they were slowly moving forward, Larson got up and began walking in a straight line, he saw a table and two chairs on top of a small hill and Wallter was sitting on one of the chairs, he had the same shoes and gloves from their first meeting but now his suit was yellow and had various types of birds on it and his hair wasn't blonde but a soft brown, walking up the hill moving along side the river, some fish jumped splashing some droplets of water on Larson face, it was a bit warm, despite the situation Larson felt at peace.

"Welcome Mr. Everette, finally we can continue our conversation" Larson wasn't paying attention to his words, some birds were resting on Larson's shoulders gently rubbing their small heads against Larson's cheeks, Wallter clapped his hands and the forest began to become distorted, in an instant the forest disappeared, the trees were gone, the beautiful grass was now artificial, the sky and the sun had been replaced by a cold black metal ceiling, and the had turn in a small pull, "You, you! WHAT IS...", "Please take a sit, there is no need to shout let's have a civilized conversation", "I don't know what you are playing but you won't get anything from me", "Ohhh, but I already have all that I wanted from you, if someone should be interested in getting something out of this, it should be you", "I don't want anything from you", "Really?, What about extending the time you have before I dispose of you, or answers about the case of the Stitchwraith, maybe you are interested in knowing all the fun things that have happened while you were sleeping, take a sit, let's talk" as Larson was about to reply a clicking sound came from behind him, he felt something pressing against the back of his head, a person was holding him at gun point, it had the same cloak and black rabbit mask, "You are probably hungry, we have various pastries that my assistants have made, there are of any flavor you can think... Except chocolate, are you a chocolate kinda person?, you look like it" Wallter said and them he made a hand gesture to a woman that was a few meters away, it was another exact double of the ones from before with the same brown hair and blue dress, "Bring something with chocolate for the ex-detective" the woman turned nodded a proceded to leave, the masked person presented the gun harder against Larson's head, Larson sit in the chair, "There we go, thanks you Larson" Wallter said, "I am not doing this because I want to", "Huh?, I am not talking to you", "What?", Wallter pointed his fingers toward the masked person, "He is talking to me" Larson turned around, shocked at the voice he just heard, the masked person took off the mask, "This cannot be..... real" the face and voice of the person were identical to Larson's, "Well, Mr. Everette, I have something to attend I a little while, so let's get this done with, shall we?" a small chuckle escaped Wallter's lips.

- "Every one have ready your identifications when your turn comes!" a bulky guy with a uniform with the Silver Diamond logo screamed to a large crowd composed mostly of journalists.

"Please identification ma'am", a woman with black hair and brown eyes handed some paper to the man, "From the CIA? I see, Mr. Wallter has a especial sit for you, Ms. Tyler", "I feel so honored" the woman said with sarcasm, "Next!", "Hello" a young man with brown hair wearing casual clothes and with a very large backpacks, "You don't look like a journalist", "I am not, I am doing a favor to my friend Ben, " the young man said handing some papers, "I'll need to change the name of your friend, what is yours?", "Oswald", "Perfect, everything looks fine, go on" as Oswald was going through the gate his backpack moved, "Can I see the contents of your bag?", "Yeah, no problem" Oswald said with a nervous smile handing the bag, "What is this?" the man said pulling out a blue plastic rabbit, "Oh, that's Bon-Bon, my little brother must have left it I my bag by error" the man put the rabbit back and let Oswald go.

"I told you to be discreet", "Sorry" a voice coming from the backpack responded, "Don't worry, we are already in, I own you one Ben".