
'Huh?! Holy shit! Something WAS there! Why did Rob didn't talk to me? I guess the rob was reading my thoughts or something. Hey, at least it said good luck. Now, where the fuck am I? It's still dark but more... Restrictive? It's very hard to move and I can't move much anyway. So I'm in a womb huh... Oh, damn... I feel..... sleepy.

(9 months later)

'Hmmm... That was the best sleep I have ever had to date. I'm still here? When am I- Oh, shit, I'm moving! This feels so weird.'

He thought to himself as his mother gets into labor. Being born was quite an odd feeling.

He felt quite a bit of pain when he was being pushed out, causing him to cry out.

It took hours for him to finally get out. He couldn't open his eyes yet but he could hear. Though he didn't understand their language, he knew it was Japanese. He could also feel a tiny something between his legs so it's confirmed that he's a HE.

(A-Note: The MC can't understand what they're saying.)

"It's a boy."

The doctor said as he passed the baby towards a nurse. The woman on the operating table grunted and motioned for the nurse to bring her baby closer. Instead of doing what the woman asked, the nurse looked at the doctor first.

The doctor thought for a moment before nodding heavily. The nurse brought the baby over but the woman couldn't even lift her arms. Even though she was incredibly pale, it didn't diminish her beauty. She was a 10/10.

She looks at her child with a charming smile. Even though she doesn't know who his father is, he's her child. With all her strength, she pushed her body up and kissed her child's forehead.

"Haru... Your name will be Haru."

She said before looking toward the nurse. She motions for the nurse to get closer.

The nurse hesitated but came close anyway.

"Please, take my child away from here."

The nurse was about to step away as she doesn't want to deal with this and she could even lose her life but again, with renowned strength, the woman held her in place.

"Please, listen. Just send him somewhere. You don't have to take care of him.

In Yamanashi Prefecture, there's a park. It's the one closest to the train stations. There's a big tree there, behind that tree is a smaller one. Dig below the x mark there, it has 1M Yen. Take my child and leave him there."

The woman begged. The nurse didn't know what to do. The nurse just shook her head and stepped away but the woman says

"Please... Thank you."

The nurse stopped. The others there were busy doing their work while the doctor just sighed. They didn't want to get into the two's deal. They didn't want to die. Then, the doors of the operating room swung open. Revealing a bunch of thug-looking men.

"Hey! Make sure she survives! If this bitch doesn't, then you'll go with her!"

the thug in the middle shouted.

The medical staff tried their best to save the woman but it was impossible. The woman was already tired and was quite beaten up.

With the thug's declaration though, the nurse steeled her decision since she knew that the woman wasn't going to make it. They all knew.

While the commotion was happening, she silently headed out. With Haru in tow.

As she walks out of the shabby building, she hears a bunch of gunshots coming from inside. She quickly runs away towards the train station, her clothing already changed.




A few minutes ago, inside the building.

The doctor looked at the thugs in despair.

"S-She couldn't make it! She was too beaten up! Her body was already tired when you brought her to us! We tried!"

The doctor shouted pleadingly. The woman's condition was terrible. Heck, it was a miracle that the child survived.

"Tch! I knew we should have aborted the baby!"

One of the thugs shouted. Pissed off.

"Shut up! Those pigs wanted to do a pregnant woman. They paid a shit of cash too."

Another reasoned.

"Urgh! Fuck!"

The leader of the thugs, the one who threatened the medical staff earlier, cursed.

"This is all your fucking fault!"

The leader shouted and started shooting, completely forgetting about the baby.




It took a few hours for the nurse to reach Yamanashi Prefecture. Haru was confused about what was happening. All he heard was men shouting before he was able to open his eyes. Though he couldn't see properly and everything was blurry. He deduced that the woman carrying him probably wasn't his mother. She carried him and boarded a train?

He didn't know what was happening anymore.

Did this woman yoink him?

Anyway, he couldn't do anything about it.

When they reached their destination, Haru was very hungry. He already cried a few times just to get sent to sleep. Now Haru was left on a bench.

Yes, Haru was left by the nurse on a bench as she headed for the money. She won't be coming back for Haru as she already finished her side of the deal. She's now hoping that the 1M Yen was there so that she can use it to get the fuck out of Japan because those thugs will be looking for her. Probably.

(Haru POV)

'Damn... That woman just left me here? What the heck happened to my birth mother anyway? And why do I feel like that woman isn't coming back?'

I thought to myself. I was still confused but decided to not think about these things for now as I am hungry. At least the woman covered my face with the cloth I'm on so the sun isn't directly shining on my face.

'I'm hungry... Fuck this, I'm a baby anyway.'

I thought before I stopped suppressing my urge to cry. I wailed very loudly. Even though it was morning, there weren't a lot of people in the park but luckily, there were a few.

A few people came over to me and looked around for my guardian. A man looking like the average uncle even carried me, trying to pacify me. Soon, the authorities were called and I was brought to a hospital by the police.

'Is it just me, or do some of these people look weird?'

I thought to myself as I try to look around but can't see very far with my blurry vision.

I thought for a moment that one of the policemen had an antenna on his head.

I shake my head, well try at least, to get those thoughts out of my head. I was probably imagining it or it's my vision.

Anyway, the doctors checked me up. I could hear the gasps of the nurses and doctors when they saw me. Why? I was born a few hours ago. I couldn't understand what they were talking about but I could guess that they'll try to see who my parents are and contact them if possible. If they don't find out, then my destination is probably an orphanage.

I wasn't that worried though. I don't have any feelings for my biological parents. I'm thankful though but I barely know them.

Moving on, my vision got a bit better as time goes on. Though the people in this world are weird. Some look very beautiful and handsome, some average. I haven't seen any ugly people so far. The heights though... A lot of old people are quite short. At least, the few that I saw. Child-like short. Especially one of the doctors. She was very short.

I was trying to learn Japanese by listening to the people around me but it was hard. I only know my name which is Haru... but I'll learn the language in the future. Probably.




(1 month later, Haru - One month old)

They couldn't find my parents... unlucky.

Orphanage it is. I'm also starting to learn a few Japanese words. One of the biggest happenings was related to my eyes. I can now see perfectly! By that, I mean like a normal human. And boy oh boy was I shocked.

Some people do have weird stuff about them.

For example, one of the nurses, a beautiful woman in her 20s, has elongated, sharp, ears. Another example is a doctor having dog ears and a tail. So I wasn't in a normal modern society...

(11 months later, Haru- One-year-old)

I had a hunch about which world this was and I was right. I am in My Hero Academia. An interesting world, full of people with superpowers known as quirks. It's because I hear the word Hero a lot and because I saw All Might on the television when I was able to move my body. An interesting fact about me is that I have goat horns coming out the side of my head. The best description I could give is that my horns look like Roygun Belphegor from High School DxD...

Oh, another interesting thing is that my body was quite strong, just 3 months in and I could already stand. In 4 I was walking properly. It should've been impossible but I did it. The doctors weren't that shocked about it though. After 5 months, I was finally out of the hospital and brought into an orphanage.

Damn was it the worst. First of all, the kids are brats. They always poked fun at my horns. Saying I looked ugly or some other stuff, I don't know I wasn't listening to their childish insults. The caretakers were nice though.




(2 Years Later, Haru- Three years old)

A lot of the brats got adopted while more was added. I haven't been adopted yet though. I'm not a narcissist but I'm quite cute, and handsome in the future. I guess I was just unlucky. School started and I hated it. I mostly slept during class which got me into trouble but I would always answer correctly if they asked me questions. Our exams were so easy that I perfected them all.

I was somewhat hated by the male brats though because I was "handsome" if you're into that and smart. They would constantly taunt me, calling me names that I didn't bother hearing. There's only one that I remember though. Horned Poop.

The horned I could understand... but poop?

Anyway, if calling me names didn't work, they would try and gang up on me. Good luck with that. I realized at a very early age that my body strength is comparable to adults. Yeah, I was called into the principal's office with the parents of those brats but I turned the blame around!

(Flash Back)

'Ugh. I was sleeping nicely too. Fucking brats.'

I thought to myself as I yawn. I was standing in the middle of the room in the principal's office with the brats that I pummeled alongside their parents. They were looking at me while their brats were "crying".

"Haru... Did you beat these classmates of yours?"

The old principal asked me. Of course, I did.

"Yes, Kocho-sensei. I did."

(A-Note: Kocho means principal... I think.)

The principal looked me in the eyes.

"Why? Tell me what happened."

I nodded my head and started explaining.

"Yesterday, I asked Sakura-sensei if I could go to the bathroom. She allowed me and I went on my way. But these four followed me."

I pointed at the four brats.

"Then, they blocked me and started calling me names. They even said that I didn't have any parents."

'The brats are looking like they won an award or something while their parents are... shocked? Oh, so they didn't know how much of a pain in the ass their children are?'

"I ignored them because I didn't want any trouble but they didn't let me pass."

One of the brats was about to say something but he was stopped by the principal.

"Then, this guy"

I pointed to one of them.

"Pushed me. I even warned them, like what the heroes do, but they said that I called them villains or something before they all rushed at me. I was only able to defend myself because they lunged at me one by one."

The brats were saying that I was the first that attacked them but they stopped when I say

"Oh yeah? Then why don't we ask the janitor?"

The brats were confused by my words but the adults caught on. A witness.

The principal decided to call the janitor, a nice guy by the way, to the office using his mic thingy. While waiting for the janitor, I continued explaining in detail how I beat the shit out of these kids. I even said a bunch of cringey stuff about how their actions were similar to villains. I was done when the brats were on the verge of tears with their fists bawled up, their parents admonishing them, and the janitor arrived.

When the janitor saw us, he knew immediately what this was about. He explained what he saw and I was given the clear.

'The brats were suspended for a week! Damn, I wish I was them. I should've taken on the bad guy role!'




(1 Year later, Haru- Four years old)

The biggest moment that all four-year-olds are waiting for. The time when quirks generally manifest. It was different for everyone though. Some got theirs earlier than others. I got mine when I was sleeping in the orphanage at night. Unlike others who try to learn what their quirk can do, I already knew mine. I knew because the information was sent into my head. Magic...

Dungeons and Dragons magic spells to be exact.

'I guess this is my cheat? I mean, I'm not gonna lie, this shit is op.'

I thought to myself. My quirk allows me to cast every magic spell from D&D though right now, I'm only able to use cantrips. Still, there are a lot of useful and powerful cantrips as far as I could remember. I decided to try one.

I looked toward a piece of clothing on the floor before thinking of a spell.

"[Mage Hand]"

I said out loud before a transparent blue hand materialized in existence in front of me.

I grinned widely before moving it using my mind. It floated towards the shirt on the floor and picked it up.


I brought the shirt towards me and the

[Mage Hand] snuffed out. I didn't feel tired or anything so I tried it again. After getting bored of it, I tried other cantrips. I tore the shirt in my hands a little before thinking of the spell


The tore patched as if nothing happened.

I grinned widely before using [Mage Hand]

to get a pen in my bag. I snapped the pen in half and used [Mending] again. It worked.

"[Dancing Lights]"

Four bright as fuck, since I slept with the lights off, orbs of light appeared around me. I controlled the lights around the room before I combined them into one and made a humanoid-shaped light. It resembled me.

After one minute, the lights poofed out.

I then used [Minor Illusion] and made an image of myself. After that, a chair. Then a silent whisper. I didn't try creating a screaming sound since it was the middle of the night. The illusions using [Minor Illusion] were pretty easy to spot if you look closely enough but if one were to just take a glance, they wouldn't know what's real and what's not.

I tried [Prestidigitation] and made a cool puff of wind towards me. Then I made a shower of sparkles come out of my hands. It could do a lot more but this cantrip was best used for magic tricks.

I used [Produce Flame] and a flickering flame appears in my hand. It was hot, I could feel it but it didn't hurt. Just hot. I snuffed it out and tried [Thaumaturgy] by swinging the window open and shaking the floors a bit.

I then thought of an idea. I used [Mage Hand]

to bring my school bag towards me. I took out a book. It was a college-level mathematics book that I borrowed from a library nearby.

I tapped my chest and used a spell.


Then I started reading and it worked.

It helped me study. It lasted for a minute but I could use it over and over again. This spell will help me a lot in the future.

The following morning, I told the caretakers that my quirk manifested. They congratulated me and took me to a hospital to identify it.

After a few tests, including X-raying my pinky toe which had a single joint, I was asked to demonstrate my Quirk. Before that, I learned last night that I didn't have to say the name of the spell out loud, I can just think of it which is good but I'll need to concentrate.

I only used [Thaumaturgy], [Minor Illusion],

[Prestidigitation], [Dancing Lights], and

[Mage Hand] which was invisible to other people. My Quirk was like a bunch of magic tricks that have a lot of potentials. At least that's what the doctor said. So for simplicity's sake, I named my Quirk [Magic]. Saves me the hassle to explain. I'll just say


with my hands creating a rainbow using [Minor Illusion].


