Old Man?

After school, I would sneak out of the orphanage and go to the park and try to find a place where there aren't many people so I could try some of my more offensive cantrips.

I'm now alone behind the public restrooms in the park, where those doujins happen. I don't know if I'm lucky or not that there wasn't anyone there. Either way, I used [Fire bolt], a mote of fire hurls out of my outstretched hand and created a scorched mark on the back wall of the public restroom. Nodding to myself, I took my shirt and pulled it up to cover my nose. With an outstretched hand again, I used

"[Poison Spray]" and a puff of noxious gas came out in front of my palm. It hit the wall and did nothing but I'm sure it would have incapacitated someone. I continued testing my cantrips before deciding to head home, unaware at the time that a short old man was watching me.




(???? POV)

'That kid... what the hell was up with his quirk?! Flames, Ice, Poison, Telekinesis, Transformation, Plant Manipulation, Lightning, what the hell?! Does this kid have multiple quirks? No, that's impossible. He's dead...

Tch! Now, where is this brat going?'

The old man thought to himself as he silently followed Haru who went towards a convenience store.

Just outside of the convenience store, a group of high school delinquent-looking students was pestering a female student.

Haru saw this and showed a cheeky grin.

'What is this brat up to?'

The old man asked himself and watched.

Haru went towards a nearby alley and used [Mage Hand] taking the bags of the four male students one by one.

He searched through them and found a wallet. He took the money and put the wallet back while thinking

'Unlucky, the other three probably have it with them...'

Then, he threw all the stuff of those guys out of their bags in the alley and used

[Mage Hand] again and brought the bags back to their previous places. Haru pointed toward the bags and quickly used [Fire Bolt] on each of them. The bags started to burn.

The female student that those dudes were harassing saw [Fire Bolt]s and her eyes widen.

She looked toward the cause and saw Haru smiling at her while waving his hands.

The delinquents were wondering where she was looking and saw their bags burning.

They quickly ran towards their respective bags and tried to put the fire out.

Haru walked toward the female student.

"You should get out of here, Onee-san."

She smiled and thanked him. She quickly ran away before those bullies from her school sees her. Haru walked inside the store while counting how much he got from the one wallet.

'..... Did he just? This Kid is interesting!'

The old man thought. He knew stealing was bad and what Haru did was wrong but he didn't mind as those brats were noisy. At least Haru only burned their bags and not their stuff. The old man passed by the downtrodden delinquents while seemingly talking to himself.

"Hmmm... That man sure ran fast... At least he left their stuff in the alley."

They looked at him confused before seeing that their stuff wasn't inside the burning bags. They ran towards the only nearby alley and saw their stuff on the floor while one was cursing loudly as his money was stolen.

The old man went inside the store and saw Haru carrying a bunch of cup noodles in his hands with a stupid grin on his face.

The old man walked to his side and says

"You know, using quirks like that is illegal."

Haru was still picking up more noodles and didn't look at the old man and replied

"I know. Those guys deserve it though. That Onee-san was minding her own business... probably, I don't know, it looked like they were harassing her."

The old man nodded to himself before saying

"While stealing is a crime punishable by law."

Haru finally finished picking which one he liked.

"I know. Don't worry about it old man. Those guys wore expensive stuff so money isn't a problem for them... probably."

Haru said, not minding the questioning of the old man since if the old man wanted him to give the money back, he wouldn't be asking him these questions.

Haru then went toward the cash register, standing in line. Feeling someone standing behind him, he finally turns around and sees the appearance of the old man.

A short old man, slightly taller than him, with grey hair and brown eyes. Heavy wrinkles on his face coupled with his scrawny build scream old. Haru feels like he has seen this old man before somewhere.

"Hmmm... What's your name, old man?"

Haru curiously asked. This man looks like Gran Torino but he isn't sure.

"Me? I'm Torino Sorahiko. What about you?"

Haru kept a poker face but was cheering loudly inside. Finally! A person that appeared on the series!

"I'm Haru, Torino-san."

Sorahiko looked at Haru weirdly and asks

"Just Haru? What's your last name?"

"I don't have one. I'm an orphan, Torino-san."

Sorahiko showed a sad expression and tries to say sorry but was interrupted by Haru.

"Don't worry about it, Torino-san. I didn't know them so it's fine."

Sorahiko nodded solemnly seemingly thinking about something. While the old man was doing that, it was finally Haru's turn so he paid for the many, many noodles while the cashier was looking at the four-year-old weirdly.

Probably because of the unhealthy amount.

Haru walked back to Sorahiko who was still spacing out.

"Are you gonna buy anything, Torino-san?"

That brought the old man out of his thoughts.

Sorahiko shook his head while Haru nodded his head and walks out.

The old man followed him and asks

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the name of your quirk?"

Haru glanced at the retired hero and thinks why was the old man so serious? Wasn't he supposed to act senile?

"It's called [Magic]. I could make magic tricks using my quirk."

Sorahiko nodded to himself and his mind wanders again. The old man only got out of his daze when he saw that they were already in front of the Orphanage.

"Well, this is my stop. Where are you going now, Torino-san?"

Haru asked while excited because of his purchase earlier.

Sorahiko didn't say anything and walked inside while Haru shrugs his shoulder and follows.

A caretaker was at the reception area and saw Haru. She lectured Haru to stop sneaking out and going home so late. She also asked where did he get the cup noodles. Haru pointed at Sorahiko who was standing on the side and said "Torino-san bought it for me."

The caretaker looked at the elder man and apologized for the inconvenience.

Sorahiko just shook his head and played along with Haru's excuse.

Haru couldn't wait any longer and said goodbye to the two. He first ran towards his room and then towards the kitchen with a cup. The caretaker apologize again while Sorahiko had a little smile.

The two talked about some things resulting in the caretaker taking Sorahiko into an office.




After saying goodbye, Haru dropped off the bag full of cup noodles in his room and took one before running towards the kitchen.

Now, Haru can be seen seated in a chair in the dining area smiling happily as he slurped his noodles. After eating, Haru lay in his bed, fully satisfied with his productive day. He was going to sleep even though it was still early but a knock on his door stopped him.

He opened it and saw the caretaker from earlier. She smiled at him and asked him to follow her toward the office of the director of the orphanage.

There, he saw two old men talking to each other. He speculated on what was this about.

'Hmmm... Did Gran Torino sell me out? It's possible... Wait, don't tell me-'

"Ah, here you are Haru. I called you here today because Torino-san wanted to adopt you."

Haru's mouth dropped at the words of the director.




(10 years later, Haru - 14 years old)


A yellow blur passed by Haru, who was in a fighting stance. The blur kept bouncing on the walls at extreme speeds. The blur then dived

towards Haru's back from the ceiling but Haru managed to dodge, albeit narrowly. The blur was naturally Gran Torino or Torino Sorahiko in his hero suit.

As the attack missed, Haru sent a kick toward Gran Torino but the old man also dodge his kick and propelled himself using his quirk towards Haru. The young man was kicked in the chest by the old man's two feet and was sent rolling on the floor. He quickly recovers himself and dodges to the side as Gran Torino appeared in his previous position with a kick.

Haru then dashes toward Gran Torino preparing a right hook but stops inches away from Gran Torino's face as both of them hear two *DING* coming from the kitchen.

They quickly went towards the kitchen with Gran Torino taking a plate of Taiyaki out of a microwave while Haru was pouring hot water into a cup noodle. The two ate without saying anything.

After eating, the two were sitting on the couch while holding their stomachs with satisfied expressions. The first one to talk was Torino.

"So, you're going to U.A, Haru?"

Haru nodded his head and replies

"Yep. Being a hero pays a lot."

Sorahiko deadpanned at his adopted grandson.

"Alright, fine. It's one of the reasons."

Haru confessed.

"Hoh? What are the other reasons?"

Sorahiko curiously asked.

"I heard that there are a lot of beautiful students there. I mean, just look at the students at the U.A Sports Festival."

Haru answered with vigor.

Sorahiko stood up and walked toward Haru.


"Ow! That hurt, Ojīsan!"

"Then stop messing around, ya damn brat!"

"What?! It was you who asked in the first place!"

"Oh, you're talking back to your elders now huh?!"

"What, you think I won't take you on because you're old?!"

"Okay, that's it! Bring it on, zygote!"




After their daily spars, Haru is now sitting in his room meditating. Suddenly, A pitch-black owl with glowing blueish white eyes and constellations glowing in its feathers perched on his shoulder. Haru's eyes open, glowing with white light that soon faded.

He looked at the owl on his shoulder and caressed Its head with a finger.

"Hello, Orion."

Haru said to his familiar. He had this celestial owl as soon as he was able to cast the 1st-level spell [Find Familiar].

He named it Orion from the constellation.

After snuggling, Orion flew off and perched on the window, looking outside. Haru stood up and went towards the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and sees his face, a face very different from his previous one.

His face looks exactly like Merlin from Fate except he has black hair and two goat horns protruding from the sides of his head.

(A-Note: I'll post Merlin's pic.)

Haru used [Disguise Self] to change the color of his hair to white. Now, he could say that he's Merlin. Now, all he needs are the staff and sword.

'Wait... Should I? I mean, why not? I look like him already anyway.'

Haru thought to himself before canceling the spell and shouting

"Sorahiko-Ojīsan! Do you know someone that can make me some stuff?"

"Haaah?! I can't understand you, zygote!"

Haru shook his head and used [Message]

["I said, do you know someone that can make stuff for me, like a hero's costume and tools?"]

"WHAT THE- GEEZ YA BRAT! Come down here and talk like a normal person!"

Haru sighed and went downstairs to talk.

Meanwhile, near Shizuoka Prefecture, a green-haired young man is standing in front of the number 1 Pro Hero, All Might.





"WHA!? ALL MIGHT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE...? Weren't you supposed to be surrounded by the press?"

The green-haired scrawny young man with a round face, a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green color as his hair, giving him an innocent, energized appearance. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek.

(A-Note: Thank you Wiki!)



The very large man coughed up blood and his body deflated like a balloon, turning into a very skinny man with sharp, angular features and long limbs, his neck long and his eyebrows absent. 


The broccoli shouted in surprise.

The two talked for a while and by the end of it, the broccoli was crying his heart out.


