Entrance Exam

Another year passed by!

(1 Year Later, Haru - 15 Years old)


With a groan, Haru smacked the alarm clock stopping it from beeping.

He opened his eyes and sees an unfamiliar ceiling.

'I forgot... I'm not in Ojīsan's house anymore.'

He thought before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Haru looked around at his newly rented apartment. He only got here last night.

It was a cheap apartment in Musutafu, 30 minutes away from U.A via train.

He looks at the time and sees that it's 5 AM, 3 hours before the practical skill exam starts. Haru decided to cast the 1st level spell [Unseen Servant] and ordered it to cook breakfast.

'Haaah~ such a useful spell.'

He thought as he started doing a basic workout routine for an hour. Then he went to the bathroom to shower.

After showering and eating breakfast which took another one hour, Haru was ready to go to U.A. He wore his previous school uniform and brought a simple flamingo-colored hoodie, white sweatpants, and a white facemask. Then he looked at them, admiring his clothes for a moment.

"Nah, too bright. My hero costume is already bright. Too much and I'll look like I'm asking for attention."

Haru said out loud and switched his hoodie for a gray one but kept the pants. He also switched his white facemask for a black one.

Nodding to himself, he wore his school shoes and also brought his workout shoes.

As he was locking his door, he hears the door of his neighbor open. He glanced at his side and saw a familiar person. A short girl of a rather thin build, with honey brown hair, curved inwards in a mushroom-shaped bob that reaches just below her narrow shoulders. She has a long fringe that completely covers her eyes, hiding most of her face, and her mouth is notably large.

(A-Note: Copy pasted, lmao)

The girl went out of her apartment and was locking the door before she slowly turns her head toward Haru. Her eyes showed through her bangs. Unobscured, her eyes are wide and rather cat-like; tilted inwards with rather long lower eyelashes, and her irises are warm brown color. Her pupils are little black crosses, both together highly resembling the caps of cross-sliced shiitake mushrooms.

"I-I, U-Um, I-I"

The girl tried to say something but was stuttering and slowly turning red due to embarrassment. Haru recognized her from Class 1-B but forgot her name. He chuckled and finished locking the door. The girl thought that he was making fun of her so she got even more embarrassed. Haru walked toward her

"Good morning. I'm Torino Haru, I just moved in last night."

He smiled and offered a handshake.


The girl continued to stutter as a handsome boy was introducing himself to her.

"Alright, calm down. Breathe in and out, close your eyes and slowly count to ten."

The girl hesitated but still took a deep breath. Haru didn't know if she followed his advice because he couldn't see her eyes but it did take her 10 seconds or more before she finally introduced herself.

"G-Good M-Morning. I'm Komori Kinoko..."

She shook his hand, albeit shyly, and an awkward silence ensued for a few seconds.

Haru decided to take the blow as he sees Kinoko start to get fidgety.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Komori-san but I'm going to get late."

Kinoko also remembered the time and her eyes probably widen, at least Haru thought so.


She stopped Haru who was walking away. "Yes, Komori-san?"

"A-A you also going to U-U.A for the Entrance E-Exam?"

Haru nodded and replies

"Yep. I'm guessing you're also going so... Wanna go with me?"

Haru invited.

Haru could see her smile and she was turning red again from embarrassment but she nodded her head cutely. The two walked out of the apartment building together with Kinoko walking behind Haru. The walkout was awkward as nobody was speaking but as the two walked toward the train station, Kinoko kept looking at Haru then on the ground, then at Haru again.

She finally found the courage from... somewhere and asked a question.

"W-Where are y-you from, Torino-san?"

"You can call me Haru, Komori-san. I'm from Yamanashi Prefecture."

She looked at him for a few seconds before shyly nodding her head, her cheeks a bit red.



"Y-You c-can a-also c-call me Kinoko..."

Her voice got softer and softer until she was whispering her name. Haru looked at her and was quite shocked at how this girl can be so cute. He teasingly smiled, though Kinoko couldn't see it as he already wore his mask,

"Ehhh... If you say so, K-I-N-O-K-O-C-H-A-N~"

Haru teasingly said.

Kinoko's whole head became red and steam was coming out of it. Haru pleasantly laughed at her cuteness before he started patting her head.

"You look so cute, Kinoko-chan!"

Kinoko lowered her head in embarrassment but didn't shy away from his pats as it felt quite nice. Though she didn't know that Haru cast [Mage Armor] and [False Life] on her.

And yes. Haru could concentrate on a bunch of spells simultaneously like a boss. It's probably a cheat given to him by the ROB that reincarnated him.

Then, Haru pretended to take something out of his bag and used [Goodberry].

"Want some? They taste good."

Kinoko looked curiously at the berries in his hand and decided to taste one. One bite, then one moan. She moaned from the deliciousness of the berry. Haru along with every single person in the vicinity stopped. They looked at the still savoring the taste, Kinoko.

"E-Ehem. Let's go, or else we'll be late, Kinoko-chan."

That took her out of her daze

"Oh no! Let's go, Haru-san!"

She said, not shy or being embarrassed anymore because Haru cast [Heroism] on her so that she wouldn't turn into a stuttering mess when she realizes that she moaned, quite loudly in fact, in public.

While they walked faster, Kinoko kept asking for berries and Haru kept giving them.

She was about to ask again for more when [Heroism]'s duration ran out.

"H-Haru-san... Could you give me more?"

'It seems she's getting more comfortable around me.'

Haru thought before giving more berries.

The two of them rode the train together towards U.A and kept talking about trivial things and they got close to each other.

When they arrived at U.A, a lot of students were already trickling in. Haru spotted a young man of average height, with a slim, muscular build, and a fair skin tone. He has short, spiky, sandy blonde hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows. His eyes are sharp and bright red walking with a very menacing expression.

He also saw a walking and stuttering broccoli that tripped but was saved from embarrassment by a short girl with a slender yet curvaceous figure. She is fair-skinned with a perpetual blush on her cheeks. Her eyes are large and round, their irises a warm auburn brown, with rather thick upper eyelashes, two longer and more prominent ones protruding outwards on either side, and fewer but more individually pronounced lower eyelashes. Haru looked amused at the two but didn't dally any longer and went inside with Kinoko.




(In Haru's POV)










It was heartbreaking seeing no one answer so I used [Minor Illusion] and created the sound of someone screaming YEAH! on the very back of the room with a random voice.

A lot of the examinees look around and tried to find where that scream came from while Present Mic laughed with happiness because someone responded!

After that, Present Mic began explaining the same thing he said in the manga. What followed that was the short episode in which Iida asked about there being four villain bots yada yada, calling out the broccoli yada yada, Present Mic explaining about the Zero Pointer and finishing the explanations with a Plus Ultra!

Kinoko and I got sent to separate test grounds so we said good luck to each other with a see you later. That mushroom girl is super cute.

Anyway, I was sent to the same test grounds with the broccoli. I don't know if it's fate or the

rob that reincarnated me is messing with me.

I was close to Deku when someone said

"It's so BIG."

I couldn't help myself and used Minor Illusion again, this time, I designated the sound to come from the middle of the examinees.

"That's what she said!"

It earned a bunch of laughs coming from the others and what followed was the bashing of the broccoli while the mobs were snickering.

Honestly, Iida is so uptight. Tighter than...


While the others were confused, I already started running and casting. I cast the spells [Expeditious Retreat], [Jump], [Longstrider], and [Zephy Strike] just for the sake of it, on myself. With a speed slightly faster than probably Iida, I searched for points.

The others were confused by my actions but soon followed me after Present Mic explains that there isn't any count down. I summoned Orion to help me look for bots while I cast buff spells on myself.

[Armor of Agathys], [Blade Ward], [Bless], [False Life], [Heroism], [Mage Armor], [Resistance] cause I can, [Sanctuary] while hoping it would work against robots, [Shield of Faith], and [Sword Burst] because I CAN.

Oh, I also used [Disguise Self] to change my hair color to white.

Orion telepathically told me that there was a bot close to me so I took a metal sign out of the ground and started casting more spells. I was abusing the shit out of cheat ability.

First, [Booming Blade] on my makeshift weapon, followed by [Green-Flame Blade], [Ensnaring Strike] for shit n' giggles, and lastly [Divine Favor]. Now comes the fun part.

[Wrathful Smite], [Thunderous Smite], and [Searing Smite]. The pole was glowing with different colors after I was done.

I turned the corner of the street and saw a Venator Bot, meaning 3 points! I dodged its attack by jumping high and as I came down above it, I smacked it with the pole. The result was scrap metal having been damaged by different elements. It was too easy. I immediately went for more bots.




(3rd POV)

The examinees raced each other to find the robots with vigor. The count down ticked down to 6 minutes from 10. The time kept getting shorter and shorter until it was only 3 minutes left.

Haru was watching the others fight the bots while planning on what to do. How could he make a good impression on Ochako?

He could just steal Deku's spotlight and try to smack the big robot down, saving her in the process but that's gonna fuck with Deku's chances of getting into U.A. He knew that with him being here, the canon was going to get destroyed but it's still too early. So he formulated a plan.

{"2 minutes left!"}

With that, Haru jumped from the building he was on and cast [Feather Fall] on himself. When he reached the ground, he quickly ran towards the area where Ochako was.

Just in time, the Zero Pointer, aka the Executor, was released. Haru saw the rubble of a destroyed building about to drop towards Ochako. He was too far from her. So, he used a second-level spell even though it would deplete almost all of his stamina.

"[Misty Step]!"

Haru shouted as he was briefly surrounded by silvery mist. Teleporting right beside Ochako. He quickly picked her up and threw her as fast as he could. After that, his left leg got hit by a big piece of rubble, causing him to fall. Ends with both of his legs getting stuck in debris.

Ochako was still in shock at what was happening and was about to fall down but luckily, Haru was looking at her. With an outstretched hand, he used [Feather Fall] on her and she gently started to fall.

Haru was spent after that. That woke her up though and she looked back at Haru with wide eyes.

'Fucking hell! Why do I get knocked down with such a big piece of stone?!'

Haru complained as he "tried" to get his feet out.

The broccoli watched what happened and had a monologue first but before he could man up, he was already in the air as his legs already moved without the consent of his brain.



Meanwhile, everyone, including Haru, was looking at the scene in amazement.

'Haaaah~ That scene always made my blood pump but seeing it now in person makes my blood boil!'