
After Deku smashed the big robot, he was falling due to gravity but was saved by Ochako in the nick of time just like in canon. Afterward, she rushed toward the guy who saved her. Ochako saw a very handsome boy with long beautiful white hair. The sight would be heavenly if Haru wasn't wheezing for breath or wasn't stuck in rubble. And yes, Haru's [Disguise Self] was still on.

With the help of Ochako, he was out of those stones in no time. She was very thankful and helped him stand up, acting as a clutch until he was smooched by Recovery Girl. His injuries weren't that serious as his body was quite strong and durable compared to others. The broccoli was unconscious and was sent into the infirmary.

When Haru received a bandage around his left leg, the other examinees were already gone so he also went home. On the way back, Haru was sure that he'll pass as he counted at least 90 points when he was destroying villain bots. Maybe his points will pass one hundred with the addition of rescue points as he did technically help Ochako.

When he arrived at his apartment, Haru cast [Unseen Servant] ordering it to boil some water so that he could eat cup noodles. He sat on the couch and started removing the bandage on his leg. Haru used [Cure Wounds] on it resulting in the bruising healing instantly. Then he went to take another bath because he felt like it. As he finished showering, he was about to wear some clothes when the doorbell to his apartment rang.


He wondered who it was but then the face of a cute mushroom girl appeared in his mind. Haru grinned cheekily and wore some comfortable shorts. He went towards the door and opened it, just like he suspected it was his cute mushroom neighbor.

Kinoko was about to happily greet him but she froze when she saw his topless state.

Unconsciously gulping at the sight of Haru's muscles and six-packs, her mind became a mess. She started to blush and her shyness came back again. Haru was looking amusedly at her and was about to say something when she hands him a soup container full of creamy mushroom soup.


She yelled out then she continues with

"I-I h-hope b-both of us pass!"

Then she scurried back to her apartment at blinding speed.

Haru looks at the creamy mushroom soup and then towards Kinoko's closed door. He chuckles and walks over to her door and knocks on it a few times.

"Thank you for the soup, Kinoko-chan and I hope both of us pass as well."

Haru went back to his room knowing that there was a blushing mushroom girl who heard him as she was sitting against the door.

After eating the creamy mushroom soup and a cup of noodles, Haru went to his room and started tidying his stuff, putting his clothes into the cabinets and drawers since he hasn't done those yet. When he finished, it was already night so he boiled some water again, ate a cup of noodles, then when to bed.




(Haru POV)


The sound of the alarm clock entered my ears, rousing me awake. I stretched my hand towards the nightstand where the thing was and smacked down, turning it off.

I open my eyes and sit up. I yawned because of drowsiness but still stood up and headed towards the bathroom to wash my face while also casting [Unseen Servant] to make me breakfast.

'Right... The few groceries I have are probably gone by now...'

I thought to myself as I canceled the spell. There wouldn't be anything to cook anyway.

After washing my face in the bathroom, I changed my clothes into a white sleeveless hoodie and black jogger pants. I also took a facemask and a black cap before I explored the area around my apartment. After jogging around for a couple of minutes, I saw a park and decided to jog there. I saw a few people doing the same as me at the park.

I jogged for an hour before going back home to finish my routine and take a shower.

When I arrived, I started doing push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and more exercises.

After finishing those, I immediately went to shower cause I stank. At least for me.

Wearing a simple beige sweater and some pants, I'm now going to the supermarket.

At least, was about to until the same scenario from yesterday happened again. I was locking my door when Kinoko also went out, wearing some casual clothes.

"Good morning, Kinoko-chan."

I called out. She got startled and looked at me with wide eyes. I guessed that she probably started to remember what happened yesterday when she gave me the soup because she started blushing.

"G-Good morning, H-Haru-kun..."

I smiled at her and decided to ask.

"It seems your also going somewhere. Well, I'm going to the supermarket to buy some groceries. What about you Kinoko-chan?"

"R-Really? I-I'm also going to buy some ingredients..."

"I see... Wanna go together? I'd appreciate the company."

She looked very happy when I invited her and nodded cutely.

What happened after was me talking to her, trying to get her more comfortable around me so she stops stuttering. We bought some stuff together, looking like a couple whilst doing so. An old lady saw us in the supermarket and placed her hand on her cheek and said "Youth." It was clear that Kinoko heard her because she started blushing more when I talked to her.

I didn't mind because she looks cute when I get to peek at her face.

We started to get more comfortable with each other, and Kinoko stopped stuttering but she still gets easily embarrassed. Especially when I asked her if she wanted to eat breakfast in a cafe with me. She agreed albeit shyly. Kinoko got even more embarrassed when I off-handedly said that it was like we were on a date. We talked more about trivial things but it soon turned into what was our likes and dislikes, turning our impromptu grocery shopping into a real date. Sort of. She seemed to also realize that when we were on our way back to our apartments.

I learned that she wasn't living alone like me but she was with her elder sister who was working at night as a call center agent so her sister is asleep most of the time during the day. We also talked about our Quirks. I created a rainbow with my hands and said "Magic~"

She was confused about what I meant so I explained to her that my quirk is called [Magic], that it allowed me to do some magic tricks and more potent... tricks. She was amazed by my quirk and she also explained hers. [Mushroom], which allows her to generate and spread fungus spores from their body.

Once these spores make contact with a solid surface, they will quickly grow into full-grown mushrooms. The spores can grow from any surface, be it the area, the user's own body, or even other people's bodies. The spores spread easier in an area with high humidity.

(A-Note: From wiki. Also, I need some useful usage of her quirk, ideas people! I'm going to use KaminariIsGayGod's idea of poisonous mushrooms. Instead of eating, the mushrooms will release a toxic gas that can incapacitate someone. Nausea, headaches, extreme pain, if enough gas is produced, or fainting. Just those though.)

We said see you later to each other and went into our respective apartments. When I entered, I cast [Unseen Servant] and ordered it to put the groceries in the kitchen and organize them properly. I watched the television for a bit, seeing a few familiar heroes such as Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, Death Arms, and many more. The most interesting part was when Mt. Lady had to use her [Gigantification] quirk against a villain with the same quirk. The cameraman was surely a man of culture.

After lazing around for an hour or two, I started to practice my quirk by mastering the 1st level spells I know. Making casting spells faster, conserving energy when I cast spells, stuff like that. It was a very interesting day, to say the least.




(3rd POV)

6 days quickly passed by, and a week since the Practical Skill Exam in U.A. Haru and Kinoko talked a bunch of times, the two of them getting closer to each other. Kinoko would sometimes hang out at Haru's apartment and they would watch movies. They would also eat together except for dinner because Kinoko would eat together with her sister, which Haru still hasn't seen.

Now is the day when the results would be delivered. Haru was lazing around in the living room when his doorbell rang. He walked to his door and opened it. The delivery man said good afternoon and gave an envelope with the symbol of U.A. Haru looked at the side and saw Kinoko getting one too. When the two delivery men went away, Kinoko and Haru smiled and waved at each other before both of them went back.

Haru opened the envelope and a circular device popped out. He carried it using [Mage Hand] and soon it activated, showing a rectangular hologram. Unlike Deku who probably had All Might say the news to him, Nezu, also known as Mr. Principal was the one who appeared.

"E-Ehem, Good day to you, Torino-kun! I am the Principal of U.A, Nezu! I am here to congratulate you today as you passed the entrance exams with flying colors!"

The white mouse? dog? bear? wearing a suit explained while putting a teacup down.

"Not only did you ace the written exams, but you also had amazing practical skills taking down 32 Venator Villain bots! Earning yourself 96 Villain points! Just with that, you're already in 1st place, but how could we, Pro Heroes and teachers in U.A, forget about one of the most important things in being a Hero?!"

Nezu explained while waving his little hands? around for dramatic purposes. He then lifted his paw? and showed the scoreboard.

"Rescue Points! One of the most important aspects of being a Pro Hero is rescuing and ensuring the safety of others! The judges have decided to give you 30 rescue points!"

On the scoreboard, Haru's name was first with 96 villain points and 30 rescue points for a whopping 126 points. In the second place was Bakugō Katsuki with 76 villain points and not a single rescue point. The third place was Kirishima Eijirō with 39 villain points and 35 rescue points for a sum of 74 points. In fourth place is Uraraka Ochaco with 28 villain points and 45 rescue points resulting in 73 points! Just one point less than Eijirō. In fifth place was Shiozaki Ibara with 36 villain points and 32 rescue points with a tally of 68 points.

6th place, Kendō Itsuka with 25 villain points and 40 rescue points for a total of 65 points.

7th place, Īda Ten'ya, or, Īida Tenya with 52 villain points and 9 rescue points for a score of 61 points. 8th place, broccoli aka Midoriya Izuku with 0 villain points and 60 rescue points, opposite of Bakugo. 9th place, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu with 49 villain points and 10 rescue points for a total of 59 points. Lastly, in 10th place, Tokoyami Fumikage, with 47 villain points and 10 rescue points for 57 points!

"With that, we teachers in U.A expect to see you at the start of high school in springtime!"

After that last sentence, the holographic device turned off.

"Damn... 126 points? 50 points more than Great Explosion Murder..."

Haru mutters with a shocked expression.

'So, the classes will start next month huh... I need to train. At least until I'm able to use second-level spells a few times without getting drained of my stamina.'

Haru thought to himself before deciding to call Sorahiko.

"Moshi Moshi?"

The voice of a senile old man answered.

"How are you doing, Ojīsan?"

Haru asked as he walks to his room.

"Oh, it's you."

"What's with that dull tone, old man."

"Haaaah~ Did you pass?"

"Of course I did. In the first place even. I'm going back there to celebrate."

"Going back? But you just moved out, a couple of days ago. Tell me the real reason."

"I need to train my quirk."

Gran Torino didn't respond for a few seconds.

"Alright, when are you coming?"

"Tomorrow. I'll celebrate my acceptance with a friend first."

"Hoh? Friend? You? What are you going to tell me next? The sun rising in the east?"

".....Sorahiko-ojīsan... The sun does rise in the east."

"Bah! You know what I meant."


