Celebration and Yaoyorozu

After the call with his adoptive grandfather, Haru was opening his door when he hears the sound of Kinoko's doors opening suddenly and loudly. Haru walked out and was tackled into a hug by Kinoko.

"Haru! I made it! I MADE IT!!!"

She exclaimed very loudly. Haru laughed at her antics and returned her hug. He was thinking of doing one of those spinning while carrying hugs but he thought it was cringe as they weren't in a relationship and he could feel someone staring at him, or them from Kinoko's apartment.

"Congratulations, Kinoko-chan!"

She giggled happily but suddenly stops.

"W-Wait, did you make it, Haru?!"

She asked with both of her eyes showing.

"Huh? Didn't you see the scoreboard?"

Kinoko thought back to when the scoreboard appeared on the hologram. She only glanced at the names so it didn't click in her mind when she saw Haru's name in the first place.


She shouted very loudly, her voice probably being heard by everyone in the apartment building. Haru smiled and nodded.

"W-what... HOW?!"

"What do you mean how? I'm very strong, you know."

"You didn't tell me you were! All you showed me were magic tricks."

"I didn't? Oh, well."

She was about to retort but her mind started to register their position.

A blush slowly crept from her neck toward her cheek, finally enveloping her whole head.


She stuttered, trying to say something.

"Ehhh... Are you being embarrassed again, Kinoko-chan? Do you remember what I'll do to you when you get embarrassed with me again?"

Now steam started coming out of her head.

Haru then started tickling Kinoko causing her to start laughing very loudly.

"HAHAH- Please- AHAHAH Stop!! HAHA-"

Haru stopped after a few more seconds. Kinoko was smiling while gasping for air. Her previous embarrassment was gone.

"Mouuu~ I'll suffocate you, Haru-kun!"

"So you'll use the technique I told you about at me? How cruel. Also, why add kun now? You already called me Haru a few times earlier."

Kinoko started blushing again but she shook her head before Haru could call her out for it.

"A-Alright, y-you can also call me Kinoko, H-Haru..."

She was going quieter causing her to whisper his name. Kinoko now had a healthy blush on her cheeks. Haru showed a genuine smile.

"If you say so, Kinoko~"

Kinoko was about to say something when an "Ehem" cut her off. The two looked at where the sound came from and saw a lady that looked a bit like Kinoko except for the color of their hair.

(A-Note: I don't know what's the name of the color.)


Haru heard Kinoko whisper.

'So this lady is Kinoko's elder sister.'

Haru thought before smiling

at her and offering a handshake.

"It's nice to finally meet you. It's our first time seeing each other but I've heard a lot about you from Kinoko. I'm Torino Haru, just moved here around a week ago, a friend, possibly classmate, but surely schoolmate of Kinoko."

She also smiled at Haru and accepted the handshake.

"It's nice to meet you too, Torino-kun. I'm Komori Nameko, as you know, the older sister of Kinoko."

"You can call me Haru, Komori-san."

"Then you can also call me Nameko."

"Kinoko also talked about you during dinner. She talks about you a lot."

Kinoko started blushing again and says

"Mouuu~ Onee-chan!"

"What she didn't tell me was how handsome you are. Not only that, you are very tall, Haru~"

Nameko teased her little sister. For the nth time, steam started coming out of Kinoko's head. Haru poked her side, getting a laugh out of the embarrassed Kinoko, aka mushroom.

Kinoko looked at Haru and Nameko with an "angry" glare. Haru looked at Nameko and say

"Are you free today, Nameko-san? You see, I was thinking of inviting Kinoko here to eat outside as both of us passed and managed to enter U.A."

Kinoko's eyes widen, though the two didn't see.

'Haru is going to invite me to a date?!'

Her mind started to wonder while the two talked. Nameko showed a sad smile and says

"I'm sorry, Haru-kun but I can't. I already used the excuse of getting sick this month."

Haru nodded and glanced at the spacing out Kinoko.

"Can I still take her though? You see I'm going back to my grandfather's place tomorrow. I'll stay there for a month for private reasons."

Nameko smiled and says

"Of course, you can. Just make sure she gets home in one piece."

Haru smiled and nodded at her words. Nameko then took her sister's hand and pulled her into their apartment.

"She'll be ready in an hour, Haru-kun~"

"Huh? What's happening?"

Kinoko said, confused as she wasn't listening.


The door of their apartment closed with a loud bang. Haru smiled and shook his head. It seems he'll have to wait before they could go out.




(Haru POV)

I had to wait 3 hours instead of one. Luckily, I saw it coming so I watched a movie.

Just as the movie ended, my doorbell rang.

I turned the television off and wore my brown overcoat. My clothes were a light grey turtle-neck sweater coupled with a brown overcoat and some light brown pants.

I went and opened the door and saw Kinoko looking down at the ground. She wore a red dress with white polka dots, similar to her hero costume. One of the sides of her bangs was split open, showing her eye. Haru smiled.

"It seems you're ready."

He said as he stepped out and locked his door.


Haru patted the mushroom girl and said

"Well be going, Nameko-san."

Nameko, who was standing at the door of their apartment, nodded and says

"Enjoy your date~"

Kinoko blushed and I just laughed. The two of us walked out of the apartment building and Kinoko's embarrassment started to go away.

Like I said earlier, we were going to celebrate.

So we went to an all-you-can-eat buffet! We went to one where they had some dishes with mushrooms as Kinoko liked those. I even used [Disguise Self] to appear older and bought a single can of beer. I naturally hid from anyone and cameras. I used [Minor Illusion] at the can and made it look like some other drink that isn't beer.

After that, we went to the arcade. We played around and I used [Mage Hand] to get Kinoko a mushroom plushie from the crane machines. I of course blended it with the actual crane so that it doesn't look like the plushie just floated. I wanted to try and use [Catapult] at the basketball shooting but my sane side stopped the notion as that would either break the hoop, the backboard, or the ball. Then, we went to the booth where a camera would take pictures of us. After that, we decided to call it a day.

As we were walking home, I told Kinoko that I'll be gone for a while. She was sad at first but I told her some ideas on how she could use her mushrooms. Like releasing toxic gases that could paralyze someone, give them excruciating pain, some headache, make them nauseous, or send them to sleep. I even told her to research something called plants vs zombies. She was confused until I told her that there were a bunch of interesting mushrooms on them.

We ended the day with both of us satisfied.

Kinoko said that she would train herself and that I better prepare myself. I chuckled at her and nodded, accepting the challenge.




(3rd POV)

When Haru got back inside his apartment, he cast [Unseen Servant] and ordered it to prepare a few sets of clothes for exercising.

On the following morning, Haru had a bag over his shoulder and was ready to leave. Kinoko hugged him and said goodbye, Nameko was also up and said goodbye with a take care.

Haru walked to the train station and boarded, heading towards Gran Torino's apartment.

The ride took a few hours as Sorahiko's apartment is in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Nevertheless, he arrived at his grandpa's apartment and had to immediately dodge a kick to the face. The two of them didn't exchange any words and started sparring.

Haru didn't use any spells and Gran Torino used his quirk, [Jet], to bounce around. They stopped after 3 hours as Haru is hyperventilating and Gran Torino was also gasping for air. Haru due to tiredness and Sorahiko due to old age. The two then went towards the kitchen and ate their favorite food while Haru explained what happened in the entrance exam.

While the two lounged around on the couch Haru glanced at Sorahiko and asks

"Do you know a place where I can train my quirk, Sorahiko-ojīsan?"

Sorahiko caressed his beard for a moment before nodding and murmuring

"Hmmm... That family owns me a favor if I remember... What was their name again?

Yaozero? Yaorozuyo? Yaozuyoro?"

Haru's eyes widen and ask


"Yes! That one. Yaoyorozu. How do you know them, Haru?"

"They're rich, Sorahiko-ojīsan. Very rich."

Haru replied while thinking of a black-haired girl with big assets.





The next day, Sorahiko and Haru arrived at Aichi Prefecture via train. As they stepped off, they see a middle-aged man standing a few meters away wearing a gray suit while being guarded by 4 black-suited buff men. The middle-aged man smiled and walked toward them, the guards naturally follow.

"Torino-san, it's been a while."

The man said as he handed his hand for a shake. Sorahiko returned the gesture.

"I could say the same to you, Yaoyorozu-kun. This is my grandson, Haru."

Sorahiko introduced Haru who was wearing casual clothes. The man smiled and extended his hand towards Haru who reciprocated.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yaoyorozu-san."

"The pleasure's all mine, Haru-kun."

Mr. Yaoyorozu motioned for them to walk and the two followed.

They talked pleasantries until they reached a mini convoy. A shorter, black limousine-looking car was in the middle of two SUVs. Two of the guards went to separate SUVs while one opened the door for them and the other towards the driver's seat. Once the three of them are inside, the guard that opened the door went towards the other seat in the front. Mr. Yaoyorozu asks

"I heard that you will be attending U.A, is that true, Haru-kun?"

Haru looked at the man and nodded.

"Yep. I was accepted, Yaoyorozu-san."

"Is that so. You see, my daughter is also going to attend U.A but she told me that hasn't seen you in the Recommendation Entrance Exam."

"Ohhh... It's because I did a public entrance exam, Yaoyorozu-san."

Mr. Yaoyorozu's eyes widen a little and nodded. He looked at Sorahiko and asks

"Didn't you have a recommendation letter, Torino-san?"

Sorahiko nodded and says

"I do. I even gave it to this brat but he didn't want it. He wanted to do the Public one."

Mr. Yaoyorozu nodded and say "I see.".

After that, Mr. Yaoyorozu and Sorahiko talked about trivial things throughout the ride.

After a few minutes of passing through lavish mansions, they arrived in front of a gated estate. The gates immediately open when the mini convoy arrived in front. Behind the gate was a large forested area with a single road leading to a big mansion, bigger and more luxurious compared to the ones they passed by. A line of guards and staff were waiting in front of the mansion, awaiting their boss.

When Mr. Yaoyorozu stepped out, they all did a bow and said, welcome master. It was an interesting experience for Haru and Sorahiko.

Mr. Yaoyorozu lead them inside and they met with Mrs. Yaoyorozu. She looked a bit like Momo instead older and had wrinkles. Mrs.Yaoyorozu explained that Momo was still studying so she won't be able to meet them at the moment. The couple then accompanied Sorahiko and Haru toward the area where Haru would be training. It was a domed building directly behind the mansion. The dome had everything Haru needed. A gym, a training area, and even rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom.

Mr. Yaoyorozu said that Haru can come and stay here whenever he wanted, followed by an "Its was the least I could do for Torino-san"

The couple then asked if Sorahiko and Haru could join them for dinner and they agreed.