Training and Talk

After Haru settled in one of the rooms in the dome, Sorahiko, and Haru walked toward the mansion.

"You better behave yourself, Haru. After dinner, I'll be going back to my house."

"I'm not a kid, Ojīsan. Also, it's more like an apartment than a house."

Sorahiko snorted at his words.

The two arrived very shortly as the distance wasn't far. They were escorted by a maid into a big dining room with a long rectangular wooden table full of food. Sitting there were 3 people, Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu, and a girl with long black hair draped across her back.

"Welcome, Torino-san, Haru-kun. Please take a seat and eat with us."

Mrs. Yaoyorozu said and gestured at the chairs. Mr. Yaoyorozu was seated at the main chair while on his right was Mrs. Yaoyorozu and beside her was Momo. Sorahiko and Haru went to sit in the opposite chairs of the two women with Haru right in front of Momo who was looking at him with some curiosity and excitement. Mr. Yaoyorozu then said

"This is our daughter."

While gesturing at Momo who stood up and introduced herself.

"Good evening, My name is Yaoyorozu Momo."

She then did a quick curtsy. Sorahiko responded first and introduced himself before Haru.

"You can call me Torino Sorahiko, young lady."

"I'm Torino Haru, it's a pleasure, Yaoyorozu-san."

Haru said while showing a charming smile at Momo. She also smiled and said

"Please, call me Momo."

Haru nodded and replied

"Momo it is. You can call me Haru then."

That got Momo excited as it's her first time calling someone of a similar age their name.

"Shall we eat then?"

With the introductions done, Mr. Yaoyorozu asked and all of them started eating dinner.

Sorahiko together with Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu started conversing while Haru and Momo listened. Soon, dinner was done and it was time for Sorahiko to go home. Haru, together with the Yaoyorozus accompanied the old man to the front of the mansion where a black car was waiting. Mr. Yaoyorozu goaded Sorahiko earlier when they were eating to allow him to send him back with a car. The goodbyes didn't last long and soon, Haru walked back toward the dome.

He arrived there shortly and took a shower before heading to bed, intending to start training tomorrow morning.




Haru woke up at 5 in the morning. He cast [Unseen Servant] and ordered it to cook breakfast as the refrigerator in the room had tons of food. He then went to the bathroom and did his thing. Afterward, he changed his clothes into something more comfortable moving around in and ate a light breakfast. That took him an hour and now it's 6 AM. Haru went for a jog around the dome and stopped when it was 7 AM. Then, he started doing some exercises which took another hour. He finished a few minutes past 8 AM.

After his workout, he went back to his room and took a shower. He filled the bathtub with cold water and lay there for about 15 minutes. He dried himself using [Create/Destroy Water], naturally destroying the water around his body and hair. Haru took a seat on the floor of his room and meditated till 10 AM.

Haru meditated for at least an hour and a half.

After that, he went towards the training grounds and summoned Orion. He telepathically ordered it to fly around and search for cameras which it quickly found a lot of them. He thought for a bit, thinking of a plan. Haru asked Orion to look at where the cameras were pointing and used their connection with each other to see through Orion's eyes. Once he got the image of where the cameras were pointing. Haru cast [Silent Image] in every single camera, and an image of an empty training ground appeared in front of the cameras.

(A-note: Like a literal picture.)

Haru nodded to himself and ordered Orion to keep on the lookout if someone was coming.

With that, Haru started training his spells while also using [Silent Image] over and over again. Doing so also served as training.

He started to use all the 1st level spells he knew, practicing how to cast them faster by imagining the spell better and more precise.

A single [Burning Hands] would take 6 seconds in D&D for a normal wizard no matter the level, while he could cast them in 3, by training like this, he was able cast them in 2, and if he continued, maybe 1, but what if he pushed it to the limits? How fast? 0.1? 0.001?




While Haru was training, three guards were inside a room that looks like a security room.

Two were seated in the chairs in front of the many monitors while the other was standing behind them, hands crossed.

"The boss said to keep an eye on the kid and report what his quirk can do."

Said the guard standing behind the two.

"We only saw him manifest that weird-looking owl. After it flew around for a bit, the kid went back to his room, and the owl disappeared into a puff of smoke."

Said one of the two sitting on the chair.

The guard nodded and then says

"That's good. I'll report that to the boss. I heard that this kid ranked first in the entrance exam in U.A."

"Really? Must have a powerful quirk then."

"I agree with you there."

The other two responded and the three started chatting, unaware that they wouldn't be able to report anything to their boss starting from today.




(Momo POV)

'I heard from father that Haru-san placed first in the Entrance Exam, what an accomplishment! Father also said that he aced the written exam so he must be very smart like me. Not only is he good-looking, but he's also strong and smart. Hmmmm... He does seem the friendly type so maybe he has a lot of girlfriends? I heard from my mother that boys like that tend to have many women falling for them. I mean, my father has three wives himself.'

I thought to myself as I sip some tea.

'Father also didn't allow me to train in the training facility for now as a precaution so I spent my morning exercising in the mansion.

Haaaah~ I wanted to go to the dome to talk to Haru-san about U.A! Maybe ask for some tips on how to make friends? We could even do some light sparring as I did with my martial arts teacher! Maybe study together like those group studies from the novels!! Alas, I'm not allowed to go there yet. Maybe I could meet him later? Hmmm... He should be training right now... I will ask father!'

I thought before standing up. I headed straight into my father's office and knocked on the door. Then I hear my father's voice, "Enter"

I calmly and gracefully walked inside and stood in front of my father who was writing something on a piece of paper. He looks at me, smiles, and stops his writing. He asked me "Do you need anything, Momo?"

I nodded my head and asked

"Is Haru-san training right now, father?"

Father's brows furrowed just a tiny bit, he sighed and looked at his laptop then back at me.

"No. He isn't doing anything at the moment."

"Can I please meet him then? Just some casual talk over some snacks."

Father sighed again. Why does he keep sighing? No matter, I'll ask mother later.

"Sure, you can. Only in the mansion."

I thanked my father before I walked out.

This will be my first time inviting someone to our house! Well, technically he's already been here but still! I headed back to my room to change into some more casual and friendly-looking clothes and ordered a maid to bake some pastries while I change. After everything was done, I sent a maid to call Haru-san to the parlor.

(A-note: A parlor room is a special, wide-open room in a large house that is especially suited for entertaining guests. It may include several tables, a fireplace, and a sitting area for guests to converse, drink, or eat.)




(Haru POV)

I was about to cast another spell when I received a telepathic message from Orion that a maid was coming. I cast [Silent Image] again at the cameras before I went back to my room. I was a bit sweaty so I destroyed my sweat using [Create/Destroy Water] as I did earlier. Soon, a knock came from the door and I opened it using [Mage Hand].

"Good afternoon, Torino-sama. Momo-sama has ordered me to tell you that she wishes to meet and talk to you over some beverages and snacks."

The maid said while she bowed her head.

"That so? You can tell her that I'll be there but I need to take a shower first."

The maid nodded to my words and went back.

I know I just took a shower a few hours ago but I can't meet Momo while smelling like sweat. So I took a quick shower and dressed nicely before I walked toward the mansion where a maid waited for me outside.

The maid led me into a room that had fancy furniture. Momo was already there waiting for me with some snacks on the table.

"Good afternoon, Momo-san."

I greeted as I walked over.

"Good afternoon to you too, Haru-san. Please, take a sit."

She smiled, greeted, and gestures for the chair opposite her. I nodded back and sat.

"So... what do you want to talk about?"

I asked. That got her excited and then she started questions about the entrance exam, the people I met there, then how old I was, what's my favorite food, and what I liked to do in my past time, she continued on and on.

I answered her questions the best I could and started to ask her some questions about herself. She happily explained her childhood and her likes together with her dislikes.

I told her about my mushroom neighbor and Momo seemed genuinely interested to meet her. She said that she hasn't gotten a female friend yet and maybe she and Kinoko could become friends. Our talk eventually arrived at quirks. Momo proudly introduced her quirk to me and I did the same. Like Kinoko, she was also a bit confused about what I meant [Magic] but as I explained it, she started speculating about what else I could do with my quirk.

Our talk lasted till it was night and Momo asked me if I wanted to eat dinner with her as Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu went out earlier when we talked to each other. I agreed as I was quite hungry and I was already there. So, we ate dinner and chatted for a while. After that, I went back to my room and slept.




(3rd POV)

In the following days, Haru would wake up in the morning and train till the afternoon. Then Momo would ask if they could talk again, essentially like a tea party. Afterward, they would eat dinner together, sometimes with Mr. and or Mrs. Yaoyorozu when they were around. Momo got quite close to Haru to the point that the two could be called best friends.

Things continued like that for an entire month and Haru decided to go back 3 days earlier as he planned to go to his grandpa's place first, then go back to his apartment to start preparing for school. Momo came with him to the train station and naturally, a lot of bodyguards came with her.

There was no crying or anything like that as the two would meet again after a few days. The two hugged each other but Momo did something Haru didn't expect. She kissed him on the cheek and said goodbye before she calmly walked away. The bodyguards didn't say anything and followed her. Haru was stunned for a moment but it quickly went away. He saw that her ears were red so he chuckled and boarded the train.

When he reached Sorahiko's apartment, they immediately had a spar. Haru stayed there for a day before going back to his apartment in Musutafu. Haru met Kinoko as he was opening the door to his apartment. He got hugged by her and the two talked for a bit, catching up, then said see you later.