Chapter 5 Are You the Third Master of Ye Clan

The car started slowly. Looking at the villa which was fading away, Xena had an indescribable feeling.

This was not her real home, and what she was going to be would not be considered a home

What was home for her? Xena thought for a while and thought that maybe only where her brother is!

Therefore, she was willing to do anything for her brother!

With a sense of melancholy, Xena came to the most luxurious villa area in Jing City.

The private mansion here was located near the mountain and the sea. It was more luxurious than the small villa she had lived before.

Jack looked through the rearview and found that the expression on her face was always indifferent. He was surprised.

Everyone would be amazed at the luxury here. Why was the girl in front of him different?

Without saying anything, he turned the car right and stopped in front of a villa. "Here we are."

The villa was obviously newly bought. The fences at the gate hadn't been removed, and some workers were laying grass in the courtyard.

Xena opened the door and got out of the car, followed him in, "Will I live here from now on?"

"Yes, this is the mansion Mr. Ye bought for you. From now on, you are the hostess of this villa!" "Of course, only this villa."

"Thank Mr. Ye." Xena said with a smile on her face, "That's good. A peaceful marriage life without interfering with each other."

"Aren't you curious about Mr. Ye?" he asked curiously, looking at Xena.

"Curiosity? We will see each other sooner or later, won't we?" Xena raised her eyebrows and smiled peacefully.

Anyway, she was destined to be the wife of the third master of the Ye clan who was a cripple. Why should she be too curious?

She would probably be bound to him for the rest of her life

He looked around and found that Xena was different from the girls he had met before.

But he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing for her to meet the master.

The villa was full of brand new clothes. As soon as Xena arrived at the bedroom with luggage in her hand, she received a call from her best friend Wen Xiaoqing.

"Xena, how was it yesterday? Did you see your brother?" Wen Xiaoqing said anxiously.

Xena knew that Wen Xiaoqing had a crush on his brother, but she had tried several times to make them become a couple but failed. She had no choice but to give up.

However, Wen Xiaoqing's question made her nose twitch and she almost choked with sobs. "Yes..."

"Why are you still unhappy? Tell me honestly, are you crying?" Wen Xiaoqing asked in confusion.

"No, I'm smiling. My brother is fine." Xena sniffed and forced a smile, "By the way, if I accidentally lose the thing you gave me..."

Before she could finish her words, she heard the threatening voice from the phone, "How dare you! I will skin you alive if you lose it!"

"Well, my queen, please forgive me. I won't do that again,"

Xena and Wen Xiaoqing burst into laughter on the phone. Her gray mood was lightened up by the call.

After hanging up the phone, Xena couldn't help sticking out his tongue. She had lost her anklet. She would definitely make an apology the next time she saw her!

Xena had nothing to do and stayed in the villa for a whole day. When the night fell, she had already gone to bed.

She didn't feel sleepy at all because she had changed to a new place. Instead, she felt free and comfortable.

In the middle of the night, a luxury car drove into the villa.

The man in the car pushed the door down and got drunk to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Under the moonlight, the man was tall and straight. He was obviously the third master in a wheelchair in the daytime!

He just came back from the business party and drank a few more glasses. Thinking that today was his wedding night and he married the first daughter of the Xu Clan, he felt sick.

He would get even with the Xu clan sooner or later!

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he frowned slightly and smelled the woman's scent in the air.

He was very sensitive to smells. He looked around discontentedly and saw a bulge under the quilt on the bed.

Well, it seems that this is the first daughter of the Xu clan!

With a wave of his hand, he swept the woman and the quilt off the bed.


Xena, who was woken up, rolled out of the quilt and stood up angrily. "It's annoying. Can you not wake me up?"

She was in a daze. She thought she was in the dormitory and had forgotten that she had moved to another place tonight.

It was not until Xena saw clearly the person sitting on the bed that she came to her senses. "Are you... Are you the one I'm going to marry? The disabled third master of Ye clan?"