Chapter 6 Serve Me

"Disabled? Ha-ha!" he squinted with disdain and his eyes were as cold as ice. "You, get out!"

"Why? I'm the hostess of this villa. If you want someone to get out, it's you!"


With these three words in his mind, Mr. Ye stretched out his big hand and pressed Xena on the bed. "Then fulfill your duty as the hostess!"

He just wanted to frighten this arrogant little woman. When he really got close, he found that she was very sweet, as attractive as cream ice cream.


Xena was stunned. Before she could figure out what he meant, she felt the man's cold breath coming down.

When she fell asleep, she was wearing household clothes. Now she was dominated by his big hand, wandering around like a demon looking for food.

"What... What do you want to do?" Xena was so nervous that her teeth were knotted. She suddenly remembered what she had experienced in the hotel last night.

If such a scene happened again, she would definitely pass out on the spot!

Besides, wasn't he disabled? How could he have the physical strength to do this?

"What do you think?" Mr. Ye snorted coldly and declared his ownership with his big hand.

Cold air came in. Xena was so frightened that she closed her eyes and pushed the man on his body hard. "No, you can't..."

However, before she could finish her words, she was overwhelmed by the man's tyranny!

The pain made Xena frown and stop her protest.

Mr. Ye was already a little drunk, and now he didn't feel the proper barrier. His eyes instantly turned red.

"Bitch, you are just a whore. Don't pretend to be an innocent!"

His so-called newly married wife was actually a second-hand woman. It was unforgivable!

Xena was so painful that tears fell. What happened now overlapped what happened last night, making her unable to distinguish the reality.

It was not that he didn't see Xena's tears, but he felt more disgusted. "That's enough. Don't put your dirty thing on me!"

Xena bit her lips hard and almost bled, so she controlled herself not to slap him.

Now her brother needed treatment, and she had no one to rely on. She could only be strong!

It didn't matter. She could bear it as if she had been bitten by a dog again!

A fierce battle finally came to an end. He turned around and left. "Now, get out of this room!"

Xena didn't want to be raped again, so she dragged her tired body and left the master bedroom.

It was late at night and all the other rooms had been locked. She was too embarrassed to look for Jack, so she leaned against the sofa and fell asleep.

At dawn, when Jack saw Xena curling up on the sofa, he asked curiously, "Madam?"

Xena woke up and smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I don't have the key to other rooms. I can only sleep here."

"But..." before he could finish his words, he saw Mr. Ye coming down from the indoor elevator in a wheelchair.

"Mr. Ye, did madam sleep on the sofa downstairs last night?" he asked in a low voice

"It's good to have a sofa for her to sleep on. You don't have to treat her as madam," said Mr. Ye. He glanced at Xena with his cold eyes and said in a colder tone, "From now on, you have the right to treat her as a dog of our Ye clan!"

Xena was so angry that her face turned green. "How, how can you insult me like this?"

"I'm insulting you. You have no right to be respected by anyone!" With a meaningful look at Xena's belly.

Being glanced at by his undisguised humiliation, Xena was so angry that she clenched her fists. "If you are dissatisfied with me, we can divorce!"

Jack gasped and thought he had misheard.

How could someone be willing to divorce Mr. Ye after seeing his true face?

But Mr. Ye snorted, "Divorce? Very good. Return the bride price of one hundred million I gave to the Xu clan back. You can leave here at any time!"

A hundred million?

Xena was stunned. She didn't know that Xu Nianyuan had received the betrothal gift without mentioning it!

Now her brother had to count on Xu Nianyuan for the medical expenses. How could she raise one hundred million to pay back to Mr. Ye?

If she really had the money, she wanted to change it into coins and smash it directly on Mr. Ye's arrogant face!

"I don't have any money. If you think insulting me can satisfy your morbid mentality, you can do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Xena went upstairs angrily.

She believed that Ye Sheng must be a cripple to be so mean.

However, as soon as Xena took two steps, he heard Mr. Ye's sneer again. "Stop. Who said you were qualified to go upstairs?"

Xena stopped, turned around, and stared at Ye Sheng, "So, what can I do for you, Mr. Ye?"

"You are a maid I bought with money, so you have to serve me." Mr. Ye didn't even raise his head.