Chapter 8 Don't Try to Escape even if You Die

He grasped her delicate chin, his eyes full of rage, and said, "Damn it! What do you think of our Ye clan? Since you have become my woman, you can't escape from me even if you die! As for the Xu clan, I have other ways to let them pay the price!"

Xena raised her head stubbornly, and two drops of blood seeped out from the scratches on her face. "Whatever. Anyway, I'm here, as you wish!"

Looking at the stubborn little face on his palm, he was even angrier. "Really? Now you can fulfill your duty as a wife!"

After saying that, he pressed Xena on the desk.

Being pressed on the cold table awkwardly, Xena protested sharply, "I'm not your slave, nor a tool for you to satisfy your lust!"

His voice was cold and he said, "You are a slave here. I say you are a tool. You are a tool!"

Xena turned around angrily and stared at the man standing behind her. "If you dare to touch me, I'll speak out your secret. You're not a cripple at all!"

"Who do you think will believe you? If a woman wants to live longer, she'd better pretend that she knows nothing!" with a sinister look in his eyes, he pinched Xena's neck with one hand

A sense of suffocation came from her neck. Xena did not doubt that the man in front of her could kill her with a little strength.

Her face turned blue and blue. She tried her best to make a sound, "Please let me go... I know nothing..."

"Humph, you'd better be like this!" He shook off Xena, walked to the wheelchair, and sat down, shaking it away.

Xena came down from the table awkwardly. That man was simply a devil!

But even so, Xena didn't want to escape.

Even if she danced with the devil, as long as her brother could get proper treatment abroad, it was really nothing.

In this world, she had no other relatives, only her brother!

When Xena finally moved out of the study, she almost bumped into someone and apologized, "I'm sorry."

"Are you the firstborn daughter of the Xu clan?" The man speculated in disbelief.

Xena raised her head and found that the man looked very similar to Jim. "Are you Jim's brother?"

"Yes, you're right. I'm Jack, and Jim is my silly brother." "We are twins, but you are the second one who doesn't mistake us."

"The second one?" Xena asked subconsciously.

"Mr. Ye will never mistake the two of us!" Jim smiled and nodded, "Miss Xena, I think you should go back and have a rest," said Jack with an ambiguous smile, as he noticed the bruise on her neck.

"Thank you for your concern," Xena tried to straighten her back, "Since I'm married, please don't call me Miss Xu anymore."

"Yes, madam!"

Watching Xena leave, Jack felt that her back was somewhat familiar as if he had seen her somewhere.

After a closer look, he still felt familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had met her.

He shook his head and thought he was wrong, so he continued to do what he should do.

Xena returned to her room and lay down on the bed, tears rolling down.

If she hadn't been a plundered virgin that night, she wouldn't have been humiliated by Ye Sheng without any bottom line! She hated herself for being nosy, for the man in the silver mask, and more for the unreasonable behavior of Ye Sheng!

However, what had happened could never be changed.

After a long time, there was a knock on the door. "Miss Xu, it's time for dinner."

Xena opened the door and saw a kind smile on Jim's face.

"Thank you, Jim." Xena was sure that he didn't make a mistake. Although they were twins, they always had smiles on their faces.

Although Jack often wore a smile on his face, there was a hint of alienation in his eyes. He looked like the silent Ye Sheng.

Why did she think of that bastard?

Xena complained in her heart and went downstairs with Jim.

The maids had already prepared dinner, which was delicious and tempting.

Seeing Xena coming down from behind, several maids curled their lips in mockery and took half a step back silently.

They looked down upon Xena as if she had taken their place.

Xena saw the expressions on everyone's faces. She sat down at the table in neither humble nor pushy manner and picked up the chopsticks.

The gurgling sound of the wheelchair followed by a cold sneer, "When did our Ye clan allow the inferior servants to have dinner together?"

Xena hadn't eaten well all day, so she was already starved.

Hearing what he said, she was furious.

She suddenly turned her head and glared at him angrily. "Mr. Ye, where is a maid like me supposed to eat?"

"You don't deserve to eat. It's a waste of food," he said coldly, raising his eyebrows.

Xena was too angry to retort even forgot to refute.


Furious, Xena threw down his chopsticks and said angrily, "Fine!"

"Good. You'd better remember what you said," said Ye Sheng indifferently. He turned to look at Jim and said, "Have you heard her words? Don't bring food to her later. I'll see how long she can hold on."

Xena felt embarrassed, turned around, and left the table. She ran upstairs quickly and disappeared in a twinkling of an eye.