Chapter 9 Mind Your Business

The pleasant atmosphere in the dining room became serious. "Mr. Ye, Miss Xu is just throwing a tantrum like a girl..."

"She doesn't deserve to lose her temper in front of me." Ye Sheng looked at Jim discontentedly, "Sometimes you should learn from your brother. Mind your own business!"

"Yes, Mr. Ye." Jim felt a chill on his back neck and quickly stopped talking.

Looking at the food in front of him, he suddenly lost his appetite. "I don't want to eat, just remove them all! Remember, don't leave them to her secretly!"

Jim didn't dare to say anything more. He could only nod silently and order the maid to remove the dinner.

"Let her clean it up!" With a darkened face, he walked into the elevator on the second floor in a wheelchair.

In the room on the second floor, Xena was pounding her pillow.

After a few punches, her stomach grumbled.

Although she had a bad time in the Xu family before, she had never tasted the feeling of being hungry!

Now that she had married here, she had been hungry for a whole day!

Damn it! He was simply a sadist!

"Knock, knock, knock."

While Xena was complaining in his heart, there was a knock on the door of the bedroom, which made her alert. "Who is it?"

"Miss Xu, it's me." Jim's voice came from outside.

Xena quickly stood up and opened the door. In the Ye clan, Jim was the only person who was kind to her.

"What's the matter, Jim?" Xena asked.

"Uh..." he paused and lowered his voice. "Madam, would you like to go to the kitchen to eat something? Young master isn't at home now. He has something to deal with."

"I'm not hungry. I won't go." Xena said in a fit of pique, but her stomach made a clear protest.

She blushed and felt embarrassed to look at him again. "Okay, I admit that I'm a little hungry."

"Madam, there must be some misunderstandings between you and young master. In fact, he is not that harsh to you. If you have any misunderstandings, just tell me."

Xena certainly knew what was the problem, but how could she say it to him?

Although she didn't know much about Ye Sheng, she could feel his arrogance and aggressiveness deeply.

How could a man like him accept her to marry an impure woman?

Xena thought for a while and realized that it was impossible to tell these words to him, so she had to smile bitterly. "Maybe, I don't know."

"Young master hasn't been acting like this for a long time. It's not a bad thing. Maybe he didn't realize that he likes you."

Xena was almost choked by her saliva. She thought he had misheard, "J...Jim, are you here to talk about the fantasy?"

"Does he like me?"

How could it be possible?

"Madam, you don't know young master well. He has never been with any girl these years. You are the only one who can make him lose control of his emotions."

"So I believe that he has a different feeling for you."

Xena was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. Yes, it was indeed a different feeling.

But this feeling should be that he wanted to strangle her to death on the spot?

After all, being cheated, how could the superior Mr. Ye tell others?

Seeing that Xena just smiled without saying anything, he didn't say anything more. "Well, madam, go downstairs and have dinner now. You can't really be hungry all night."

"Thank you, Jim." Xena thanked him sincerely. She felt so warm to stay with him.

"As long as you and young master are fine, it's my duty." After saying that, he made a gesture of please.

Xena went downstairs and went to the kitchen to fill her stomach.

She was busy building the lawn in the daytime and was humiliated by him again. After dinner, she felt sleepy and went back to the bedroom on the second floor.

In the middle of the night, Xena got up and went to the bathroom.

However, there was no bathroom in this room, so she had to open the door and look for it outside.

The light in the corridor was on and dim.

Xena fumbled to find the bathroom. When she was about to enter, a cold voice came from behind, "It's so late. Do you come here to seduce me deliberately?"

The sudden cold voice startled Xena. She jumped to his feet and woke up from sleepiness.

She turned around in astonishment and saw a figure in the bathroom. It was none other than Ye Sheng!

It was so embarrassing!

"Sorry, I just want to go to the bathroom..."

Dressed in pajamas, he stared at Xena with a dark face and sneered, "The villa is so big. Did you come to my room to go to the bathroom?"