Chapter 14 Shut Up

Before she could finish her words, she was pushed down by Ye Sheng and pressed on the back seat of the car.

"Lift the partition!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the partition of the extended luxury car was shaken up, and the back seat became a private space.

Xena screamed and tried to resist the man's big hand, "What do you want to do, Ye Sheng?"

At this moment, he was like an infuriated beast, emitting a murderous aura.

With a gloomy face, he didn't make a sound, he was so strong that he almost wanted to bite off a layer of Xena's skin!

"Ouch... It hurts..." Xena's face crumpled and continued to defend herself, "Mr. Ye, what happened today is a mistake. I didn't let Sumo come here at all."

However, her explanation was in return for a stronger bite.

The next second, Xena took a deep breath because the hem of her dress was lifted.

No matter how stupid Xena was, she understood what he meant.

She was so nervous that she trembled all over, trying to resist what was about to happen to her, "No, no, Mr. Ye, at least you can't be here!"

"Shut up!" Impatient, he covered his chattering mouth with his mouth.

All he wanted to do now was to severely punish the little girl in his arms and declare his ownership of her so that he had no energy to listen to her explanation!

Xena tried her best to hold back her lower abdomen, shook her head with a pale face, and sobbed, "Someone here... No, no... No..."

He bit Xena's lips hard and said in a mean tone, "Humph! You are such an unruly woman. You will be more excited if someone admires you!"

Trembling all over due to assault, Xena was still struggling, "At least not here. Please..."

"Humph! It's not up to you!"

Ye Sheng coldly grunted, directly through in, causing Xena to jerk backward in pain, "Ouch! It hurts!"

Tears rolled down from her eyes, but it stimulated the berserk factors in his body more and more.

He asked for it crazily and turned the smoothly running luxury car into a swaying boat on the sea that could not bear the wind and waves.

The torment was still going on and Xena was unable to bear it, she felt like a rag doll being slaughtered.

Cold tears rolled over her cheeks, making her depressed, she didn't even have the strength to cry out.

Noticing the tears on the little girl's face, he stuck out his tongue irritably and threatened coldly, "Don't cry. Smile!"

Xena lay still like a soulless puppet.

At this moment, she didn't care about any humiliation that he would give her.

Because there was no more humiliation than this moment.

The luxury car was still moving on. Xena's tear stains finally distracted him.

He drew back and shouted angrily, "Pull your clothes and get out of here!"

The car stopped all of a sudden. Xena tidied up her clothes awkwardly and dragged herself out of the car before she could put on her shoes.

Without hesitation, he ordered in a cold voice, "Get the car!"

The luxury car sped away. On the scorching road in the sun, only Xena was left barefoot.

Looking at the receding figure of the car, Xena was so angry that she stamped her feet, "Ye Sheng, you are a bastard!"

Her curse was quickly swept away by the breeze, and her body was a little cold.

Xena lowered her head and noticed the mess all over her body, there were bruises on her shoulder and neck, and she quickly pulled up the shawl.

Now she was penniless, if she went back to the Xu family, she would definitely be laughed at by Ke Xinlan and Xu Qianqian.

She bet that the appearance of Sumo today must have something to do with the mother and the daughter!

It seemed that she had no other place to stay except to walk back to the Gu family.

The reality in front of Xena made her heartache and almost burst into tears again.

She wiped away the tears on her face, sniffed and comforted herself in a low voice, "It doesn't matter. I will get through it."

When her brother recovered, she would be able to get rid of here and return to the life she wanted.

The Xu family and the Gu family had nothing to do with her from now on!

Thinking of this, Xena continued to walk forward on tiptoe.

The oil road was soft under the sun, and her delicate feet were scalded red on it.

Xena didn't want to end up like this, she did not want to become a burnt pig's foot.

She moved to the side of the road, stepped on the concrete flower bed and carefully moved forward.

Fortunately, the parterre made of cement was not as hot as the asphalt, at least her feet could bear it.

However, misfortune never came alone. Not long after she left, she felt a piercing pain in her feet.


The sudden pain made Xena's feet weak and she fell to her knees on the parterre.

"It hurts." Sobbing, Xena lifted her foot and found a round pushpin on it.

The whole pushpin pierced into her flesh and blood, leaving only a nail on the outside.

Xena gritted her teeth and tried to pull out the pushpin. As soon as she reached out her hand, she felt a sharp pain in the middle of her feet, which made her have to give up the idea for the time being.

Thinking of her tragic experience these days, all the grievances gathered in her heart, which made Xena collapse, she curled up on the parterre and sobbed.

She was thin and weak, and squatting there with her shoulders shrunk made her look more fragile and lovable.


A convertible luxury car quickly stopped at the roadside, the person in the car pushed the door open and came out, the tall figure came to Xena in two or three steps, "What's wrong with you?"

Xena raised her head in confusion, the man stood against the light, tall and strong, and his vigorous hair seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light, like an angel who had accidentally fallen into the world.

When the man turned his head, Xena saw his handsome face and took a deep breath.

Shen Moran?

She had seen this man on financial news, he was one of the famous San Shao of Jing City, it was said that he was a playboy, attracting countless rich girls.

"Do you need any help?" Raising his eyebrows, Shen Moran said, "It's my fault to leave the beauty alone."

Xena tugged at her dress nervously, trying to cover the bruises on her body, then she begged in a low voice, "I... There is a pushpin in my instep..."

Shen Moran had already seen the bruise on Xena's neck and shoulder, with a flash of understanding in his eyes, he said, "Well, I think you need to go to the hospital."

"But my feet..." Xena was thinking about how to stand up when Shen Moran bent down and was about to carry her in his arms, "Don't be afraid, your feet are injured and you can't move. I'll carry you to the car and then go to the hospital."

"Thank you," Xena was so embarrassed that she waved her hand to refuse, "But we are not familiar with each other. Thank you for your kindness."