Chapter 15 Don't Challenge My Patience

Although she knew the man in front of her was a newly rich man in Jing City, she didn't think she had the friendship to ask him to stop the car.

"Are you afraid that I will sell you?" Shen Moran laughed aloud, "I'm Shen Moran. Everyone in Jing City knows me, even if they don't know me, they should know my cool car."

As he spoke, Shen Moran pointed at his crimson convertible and said slowly, "You look like an old friend of mine. Just take it as my kindness every day."

Xena still felt that it was inappropriate, she tried her best to step back to avoid physical contact with strangers, "Thank you, but I don't need it."

"It's okay, really."

As soon as Shen Moran finished speaking, a cold voice came from behind, "Let her go!"

Xena and Shen Moran turned around and saw that there was a car parking not far behind them.

Ye Sheng looked at Xena on the ground through the car window with disdain, "Xena, can't you forget to seduce men at anytime and anywhere?"

Shen Moran was immediately happy, "Mr. Ye, when did you come to Jing City? Why don't you go to my place?"

Ye Sheng and Shen Moran knew each other before, so they were sort of friends.

They had never thought that they would meet again on such an occasion.

"Mr. Shen, even if you are a playboy, you won't be interested in other people's women, will you?" After saying that, Ye Sheng cast a cold glance at Xena and asked, "Are you going to walk up by yourself, or do you want me to pull you up?"

Xena pouted and said, "There is a pushpin in the sole of my feet, I need to go to the hospital."

In the car, the look on his face darkened, his voice became colder and colder, "Woman, don't challenge my patience."

"What? She is your woman?" Shen Moran was addicted to watching the drama, he whispered to Xena, "Interesting, you are the first woman who can provoke the cold Yama's mood. I'm sure to make friends with you."

Xena didn't know whether to cry or to laugh, it was said that Shen Moran was temperamental, and it was true today.

"Since Mr. Ye is not in a good health, let me do it for you. Send the beauty there." With these words, Shen Moran lifted Xena up and walked two or three steps to the front of the car.

The door of the luxury car automatically opened, with a gloomy face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you."

"It doesn't seem sincere," Said Shen Moran, putting Xena on the seat next to Ye Sheng and patting her on the shoulder, "Have a good rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

"No, thanks. I can take care of my woman myself." Ye Sheng slammed the door and ordered the driver in a cold voice, "Drive!"

Watching Ye Sheng's car leave, Shen Moran raised his eyebrows and said, "Interesting. It seems that I have to join in the fun."


The atmosphere in the luxury car was so low that it was almost frozen.

Although Xena's feet were so painful that she frowned, she didn't dare to make a sound.

Staring at Xena's shoulders, Ye Sheng couldn't help reaching out his hand and trying to pull the shawl up.

'Damn it! She can't forget to seduce men at any time!'

However, as soon as his hand touched Xena, she screamed out of nervousness, "Ah!"

Ye Sheng glared viciously over, "I won't hit you. What are you screaming for?"

Xena shrugged her shoulders and kept a distance from him.

She didn't dare to forget that there was a demon beside her. That day in the study, she was almost strangled by him.

Looking at Xena's pale face, the anger on his face was slightly reduced, "Are you so afraid of me? You were smiling warmly at another man just now. What a bitch!"

Being stared at, Xena fidgeted in her seat, she was afraid that she would be thrown out of the car again if she irritated him.

At this moment, there was a pushpin in the middle of her feet, if she was thrown down again, it would be a real disaster.

She took a deep breath and said obediently, "No, I didn't. Mr. Shen just wanted to help me."

"Mr. Shen, you call him Mr. Shen so familiar. Have you known him for a long time?" The anger that he had tried so hard to calm down surged up again, he suddenly pinched Xena's chin and warned, "I warn you, if you dare to mess with other men, no matter Mr. Shen or that Sumo, I will definitely let you die without a burial place!"

Xena felt a sharp pain in her chin and almost burst into tears.

The man in front of her was simply the overbearing devil king, it was obvious that others were kind-hearted to help, but it was seduction to him!

Endless grievances flooded over, suppressing Xena's fear of him.

She puffed up her cheeks in anger, "My feet are stuck with a pushpin, he just wanted to take me to the hospital, and it's not as bad as you think!"

When he looked down, he saw Xena's long white legs, without hesitation, he grabbed her right foot and asked, "Is there a pushpin?"

Xena's face instantly flushed, she tried hard to withdraw her right foot from his grip, her voice was as light as a mosquito's buzzing, and "It's my left foot."

Only then did Ye Sheng realize that he had made a mistake, he gently held up Xena's left foot and saw a pushpin.

The pushpin was rusty and pierced into the sole of Xena's feet, and there were a lot of dark red bloodstains around it.

"Idiot! I just let you walk back. You can even hurt your own feet!" He cursed in a low voice and knocked on the partition of the car. "Drive fast. Go back quickly!"

He didn't send Xena to the hospital, there were private doctors in the villa district who were specially treated for rich people like them.

The driver stepped on the gas and the car flew away like an arrow.

Xena lost her balance and staggered forward, falling directly into the arms of Ye Sheng.

She quickly sat down, her face as red as blood.

It seemed that he was displeased with Xena's retreat, he snorted with dissatisfaction and said, "Well, I don't know if you stepped on the nail on purpose to seduce Shen Moran."

Xena was speechless with anger, she glared at him. He couldn't think about seducing her, could he?

In order to get to know Shen Moran, she was so stupid that she wanted to pierce her feet with the rusty pushpin?

"Thank you for your imagination, I'm not masochistic." Xena tried to defend herself and added, "Besides, I don't think I can match a person of the same status as Shen Moran."

Ye Sheng's slightly thinner lips raised a little, "Well, you know what kind of person you are."

Xena was so angry that she wanted to take two bites at him.

However, she was so angry that she didn't dare to say anything, fearing that she would offend the moody man again.

Next to her sat a furious devil king, she'd better stay away from it!

While she was thinking, the car took a sharp turn and almost threw Xena out.

She couldn't help but fall to the door and pulled her foot in the palm of his hand.

The pushpin was stabbed a little deeper, and the originally bloodstained sole of her feet was dyed red again, winding out along the pushpin.