Chapter 16 Do What You Should Do

The striking red color was very frightening, he pounded the interior plate of the car fiercely and said, "Damn it! Drive it steadily!"

Because of the wound, Xena felt a sharp pain in her feet, she had to bite her lips tightly and didn't cry out of pain.

"Stupid woman, cry out if you feel pain." He fixed Xena's feet on his thighs and said in a mean tone, "Idiot, you'd better make sure that your blood won't drop into my car. Otherwise, it will dirty my car."

Xena looked at him and thought he was just being unreasonable.

This man was insane, he could wash the blood in the car. Could he get it on his high-set suit pants?

Of course, Xena wouldn't say such words. No matter how stupid she was, she didn't dare to provoke the angry man.

Xena's glance made him angry.

He lifted his thin lips and wanted to scold Xena, but his words were stopped by the injured foot on his leg.

It was stained with blood and was obviously more seriously injured than before.

Annoyed, he frowned and pounded the partition, "What are you doing? Hurry up!"

The car sped up again and had to keep steady. Finally, they drove back to the villa of the Gu family.

As soon as the driver opened the door, he saw that Jeremy was sitting in a wheelchair, with Xena in his arms, rushing down the slope beside the car.

Watching them sitting in the wheelchair leave, the driver shook his head and said, "The quality of this wheelchair is really good."

The servants were working in the hospital, so they also saw them sitting in the wheelchair. They were shocked.

Was it Mr. Ye and their disliked young mistress?

When Jack and Jim took a taxi back to the Gu family's villa, they saw the floor-to-ceiling windows surrounded by servants.

Jim strangely walked towards the crowd and asked, "These people don't work. What are they doing in the daytime?"

"What else can we watch? Maybe young mistress has offended Mr. Ye again." Jack smiled.

Through looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the doctor was wiping Xena's wound patiently with his head down.

The pushpin was rusty, he had just given Xena a shot of tetanus.

But he didn't know why, the patient was the lady in front of him, but the needle seemed to pierce into Mr. Ye's body, causing the doctor to be stared at several times.

"Endure the pain. I need to pull out this pushpin." The doctor bit the bullet and said, then he picked up the tools and came to Xena.

Xena, who had just had an injection, cried with tears all over her face, she was born to feel the most sensitive nerves, she couldn't bear the injection, let alone pull nails out of her flesh?

"Doctor, can I not pull it out?" Xena whispered to the doctor, her timid little eyes were lovable outside the godhood.

"Stop your pitiful eyes! Don't try to show off at anytime and anywhere..." Before he finished his words, he grabbed Xena's feet and said to the doctor with a dark face, "Pull it out!"

The doctor didn't dare to neglect it, he quickly came over with tweezers and directly clamped the rusty pushpin that pierced into the flesh and blood.

"Ouch." Xena, who was sensitive to pain, took a deep breath and broke out in a cold sweat on her forehead, "It hurts. I won't pull it out. I don't want it anymore."

The doctor didn't dare to move again, he looked at him and asked, "Mr. Ye, this..."

"It's not up to her. Pull it out!" Ye Sheng held Xena's arm and rolled his eyes at her, "You're a glib talker. Turns out you're a coward!"

Xena was already in great pain, but now she was mocked by him again and lost her mind, she opened her mouth and bit his arm.

She had been venting her anger for the past few days, she bit it and wouldn't let it go.

Unexpectedly, he didn't move. Instead, he gave a hint to the doctor with his eyes to let him move faster!

A piercing pain came from the soles of her feet again, as painful as scratching bones, forcing Xena to cry.

"Hurt?" "You deserve it," he spat out two words, raising his eyebrows.

Xena was so angry that she gritted her teeth harder, it was not until she tasted the blood on her lips that she realized what had happened.

Did she bite him just now?

Timidly, Xena loosened her grip on her mouth, she didn't even dare to look at the teeth marks she had made, she lowered her head and almost held it in her arms.

"What's wrong? You bit me so hard just now, but now you are a coward?" With a snort, he asked the doctor indifferently, "I was bitten and bleeding. Do I need tetanus?"

Xena's face turned red in an instant, she couldn't believe that she had bitten him so hard. Now, he must have wanted to kill her.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the servants widened their eyes in disbelief, "Then, what's that young mistress? She even bit him?"

"It's bleeding, she must have been sucking. I guess she will be thrown out by Mr. Ye."

Jack and Jim also watched the show with great interest, they didn't stand straight until Ye Sheng cast a cold glance at them through the glass window.

"Ahem," Jack cleared her throat and said, "Go away. Do what you should do."

Jim echoed, "That's right. Why are you standing here? Don't you need to work?"

Only then did the servants notice the existence of Jack and Jim. They scattered like birds and beasts.

After all the people left, Jim looked at the room worriedly and asked Jack in a low voice, "Brother, we really don't need to go in and persuade him? What if..."

He was afraid that if he lost his temper, he would throw Xena out.

Right now, Xena's feet are bloody in the center, and it would be inhumane to be thrown out.

Jack shook her head and said, "You're just a stupid man. Why should we get involved in this?"

"What?" Jim was stunned. Apparently, he didn't understand what Jack meant.

"What? Do what you should do. Didn't you say that?" Jack gave Jim a big punch and pulled him away from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

He was not as stupid as Jim. Wasn't he going to be the cannon fodder now?

After the brothers left, Ye Sheng withdrew his intimidating gaze and asked the doctor in a low voice, "Is her foot okay? Do you need to see it cut?"

Xena's eyes widened and covered her legs vigilantly.

She did bite him, he should hate her.

But this man was too cruel? How could he want to cut her feet!

The doctor was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that, he shook his head seriously and said, "No. You just need to apply for medicine on time. Don't walk too much. You will recover soon."

"Well, is there any other problem?" He stared at Xena.