Chapter 17 The Forked Ghost Street

"How many bounties have I been offered?"

To Ou Yangjue's surprise, the first thing Si Cenyue cared about was the amount of the bounty. Ou Yangjue looked a little helpless, but Ou Yangjue still answered patiently.

"Five hundred million dollars? You're really valuable, brother Yue."

Feeling that the eyes of the woman beside him staring at him suddenly became hot, Si Cenyue turned around, the hotness in the other's eyes was obviously not his admiration for him, but the desire for money.

"What have you done? It's worth so much money!"

Thinking of the rebellious things she had done before, Gu Qingyan only felt a little sad.

At that time, her enemies didn't spend so much money to kill her!

Relying on the currency calculation methods in the original owner's memory, she calculated how much RMB 500 million US dollars can be exchanged for, and Gu Qingyan was only dumbfounded.

This was the amount that she would never have in her life!

"Nothing. It's just some unimportant things."

Seeing that Gu Qingyan didn't seem to believe his explanation, Si Cenyue smiled helplessly, shook his head, and talked about his current situation.

"The Si family has a lot of enemies, and I'm the heir. Everyone wants my life, let alone the outsiders, including those who may be ranked in the Si family."

"Then you should still take the amulet I gave you!"

On their way back to the villa, they chatted with each other in a relaxed tone. When they arrived at the villa, she saw that Si Cenyue and Ou Yangjue were sitting downstairs and didn't seem to want to leave, which made Gu Qingyan stunned.

"Are you two going to stay here tonight?"

"We will leave as soon as the servant comes."

Hearing this, Gu Qingyan nodded slightly. Then she went upstairs to prepare what she would use later.

Tonight, Gu Qingyan had a private schedule to do, and she didn't tell these to Si Cenyue and Ou Yangjue.

Although they were partners, Gu Qingyan didn't want to report everything to them.

After the servant came, Ou Yangjue and Si Cenyue left together.

Butler, as the person in charge, looked at the slender woman sitting on the sofa kindly and respectfully.

The servants standing behind the butler's exchanged a few glances when they saw Gu Qingyan.

"Miss, what are we going to do today?"

Looking at the clock on the wall, it was already over 10 o'clock. Gu Qingyan waved her hand and said in a casual tone.

"It's getting late. You can find a place to rest. We'll talk about the specific rules and arrangements tomorrow morning."

It was already late, and Gu Qingyan didn't have the habit of oppressing others. Naturally, Gu Qingyan lets everyone go to bed first.

Work, you can do it tomorrow.

When everyone in the villa quieted down, Gu Qingyan jumped down from an inconspicuous corner on the second floor, carrying a simple package that she casually punched on her back.

Gu Qingyan quietly disappeared into the garden of the villa. Soon, she came to the place she wanted to go.

The underground market in A City was called the forked ghost street, which was a mixed place.

Gu Qingyan had already heard a lot of news while staying at the hotel for three days, so she was able to come to the forked ghost streets today.

With a fox mask on her face, Gu Qingyan swaggered down the street, becoming a freak in everyone's eyes.

The forked ghost street does not need any objects to prove their identity, but there was also a requirement for one to enter this place, that was, those who enter must wear masks, hats, or veils that they have prepared to cover their appearance, and he must not show his face in the forked ghost street.

Most of the people here would choose to wrap their faces tightly or cover their faces with something unimpressive.

Only Gu Qingyan was in bright wine-red at night, and the fox mask on Gu Qingyan's face was red and white, which was very conspicuous.

The dark red cloth was not mixed with any other colors. The waist was only outlined with a belt embroidered with pearls and gold threads. And the pair of red embroidered shoes on the feet were also inlaid with huge pearls. Looking extremely rich.

Of course, these things did not come out of thin air. In the past three days when Gu Qingyan stayed in the hotel, she had often hidden her identity to inquire about the news and purchased fabrics and pearls for herself to dress up this outfit. Today, Gu Qingyan could finally come here for a real stroll.

There was no need for Gu Qingyan to worry that her identity would be exposed because no one would provoke a person who dared to stroll around here in the fork street.

Looking at the things sold around, Gu Qingyan looked serious, she stared at the goods on the stall with her upturned almond eyes.

Although Gu Qingyan had bought some things today, the most important materials for drawing runes were indeed not much.

The paper Gu Qingyan wanted was not strange. Even the best yellow paper was not expensive. What Gu Qingyan wanted to buy was cinnabar mixed with special materials.

Gu Qingyan looked at the stalls selling divination tools one by one and selected the cinnabar materials one by one. When Gu Qingyan found that most of the cinnabar only had the normal effect, Gu Qingyan was a little disappointed.

Gu Qingyan needed to make a special rune, and this rune could only be drawn with that special cinnabar. If she couldn't find a ready-made one, she had to find a way to get the original material to make it herself. That would be too difficult!

Gu Qingyan didn't want to waste too much time on this kind of thing, but unfortunately, her harvest today seemed not to be good.

Just when Gu Qingyan thought she had no harvest today. Suddenly, she glanced past an inconspicuous stall on the corner of the street, where there was red lacquerware, which seemed to be a little dark.

"Yellow paper, I want a pile of them."

When Gu Qingyan arrived at the stall, she stretched out two fingers and gently flicked the yellow paper used to draw runes.

The yellow paper was of good quality and delicate. Most importantly, Gu Qingyan could see the clean breath on it.

"Okay, ten thousand for one pile of yellow paper. Miss, we only accept cash, not credit cards."

Any electronic payment method might reveal their real name, so the forked ghost Street prohibited anyone from using electronic payment methods.

"What's the matter with the cinnabar in your lacquerware?"

Gu Qingyan squinted to see, she just came here to buy a knife of yellow paper, just to get closer to see if this cinnabar was what she wanted.

Now it seemed that Gu Qingyan's harvest today was not too bad.

"I don't know what's wrong with the cinnabar. It was fine when it was made, but there was something wrong when it was sold today. The color turned black and red. It should be useless."

"Miss, if you want cinnabar, how about I make a new box of it some other day? We can make a deal then."

"It doesn't matter. I just want this box. It's of my own use. Don't worry. It's not used to avoid evil. No one will die."

The most fearful thing about these things related to Taoist magic was being contaminated with cause and effect. The stall owner was also worried that he would become an accomplice to kill people, so he was reluctant to sell this cinnabar.

"Wait, I'll buy it!"