Taking The Plunge

Anna took in a deep breath and then let out a helpless sigh.

Her heart was restless and her eyes were filled with dread as she paced back and forth across the room. Azrael will come to escort her at any time and she was not sure how to feel.

The thought of being in a place full of demons unsettled her and what made it all worse was the possibility of her doom if her act was uncovered. Would the makeup be enough to mask her identity?

She could not trust Azrael, a demon, to save her neck if the situation ended up in chaos. Even if his involvement was known, he would be pardoned but the outcome for Anna might not be merciful.

Pretending to be his fiance seemed like a better option at first, but it had its consequences as well.

'Maybe he wants to get back at me?' Anna wondered, 'Why else would the duke suggest such an absurd thing?'

Did he have any hidden intentions?