His Better Half

In that grand ballroom, the most monumental of chandeliers graced the airy hall, alight with crystals and candles. It cast golden light on the people beneath it.

The guests were dressed in expensive gowns and suits and adorned with the finest of jewels. Greetings were exchanged and smiles were shared as the night breeze turned lively but there were also hints of anticipation that were laced in those nervous and excited gazes which searched for something or someone in the crowd.

The Duke of Esnora still had not arrived.

At one end of the ballroom, the large staircase rose to meet a balcony. There was a dias with three gilded chairs. It was a place reserved for the master of the mansion and any other elite guest that might arrive.

A lady and a man sat on two chairs. While she sat with her legs folded, he seemed unbothered and relaxed.