Match Made in Heaven

Anna chuckled nervously, "It's alright if Your Grace does not—"

He replied, "It's fine."

"No, it's really alright."

Azrael smiled, "I insist."


There was no choice.

They had an act to maintain, and Anna could not resist since she was the one who brought up the subject and also tried to convince Azrael to dance in the first place. Her eyes mirrored the shock and horror of Serena.

Azrael led her across the balcony, and they descended upon the vast staircase of white marble. Somehow, word of their dance had traveled down even before them.

Their every step garnered the attention of more and more curious glances. Hushed words that passed among the guests carried a diverse range of reactions; some mocked, some judged, while there were also those that appreciated the change in their Duke.

Azrael realized that his plan worked well, but there was also a consequence of his plan which he didn't quite enjoy.