Her 'Worst' Rival

Her new life was a nightmare.

Only a few hours had passed since Anna woke up, and she was more than tempted to return back to sleep and hope that the torment she was undergoing would cease like a bad dream.

Merida was a middle-aged lady and one of the rarest humans who were part of more 'respectable' occupations; like being a governess. Anna was introduced to her soon after she finished breakfast.

Emma had few words to say while introducing Merida, "She will make you a lady."

Anna was somewhat offended, "Do I look like a man?"

The response Emma gave was a burst of heartfelt laughter.

"May luck be in your favor," she said with a mocking curtsy.

After she left, Anna could not help but look at Merida suspiciously. She knew that the governesses were like teachers in the wealthy houses but Anna could not understand why a grown-up like her would need a teacher.

And what about Azrael saying she was fine as she was?

Merida had a kind smile.