A Fairytale Princess

A ray of soft light entered the darkroom as Anna pushed the doors open. She balanced a couple of books in one hand while the other hand held a letter. Her face was puzzled as she wondered if Azrael had addressed it correctly.

The short message was strange; ‘Their names are Onion and Radish’

Anna was at a loss of words at the peculiar message. Was he recommending a diet salad or something?

Not dwelling much upon that, she locked the doors and placed the books upon her desk, before ritualistically slumping on the bed to let out a heavy sigh.

She had never experienced such a soft mattress before entering the estate, hence, whenever she was tired or exhausted, Anna oddly found comfort by slumping.

After a few moments passed, she ignited a few candles around the desk and began to diligently practice the demonic script. It was but a simplified version of an ancient lost language.