The Worst Sin of All

It was almost time for the tea party to come to an end. The guests were saying their final farewells and Anna finally felt free from the shackles of the tiresome talks the demons liked.

She let out a heavy sigh as she wandered a little away from the gathered to get some fresh air.

Surprisingly, Serena was also there. During the whole party, she didn't appear to be in a good mood even once. Her mind seemed to be away most of the time as if she was indulged in deep thoughts.

"Was the party not good?" Anna tried to strike a conversation, she almost felt bad for Serena since she didn't appear to be a person who can stay silent for a long time.

Their first meeting had given a very different impression.

"It was okay," Serena creased her brows, not welcoming the question, "I am sure you enjoyed it."

"Yeah very," Anna said flatly, "Especially the enlightening conversation about a thousand ways of punishing slaves."