A Dance With Death

A yawn climbed inside her, as Anna stretched her arms over her head and let the moment shed sleep away from her mind―to have the warmth of the sun wash away her dazed thoughts.

Her lips spread into a relaxed smile. She had not felt so calm and refreshed in a long while.

A subtle awareness of her surroundings followed.

She froze.

Azrael and the physician looked at her as if a dead person had risen from its grave.

Anna awkwardly lowered her arms and sat straight on the bed. Her body didn’t feel the cold anymore, nor was it as sore and dizzy as before. She was not surprised because her immunity had always been good enough to heal her quickly.

However, she wondered what made the two men come to her room.

The physician was the first one to break the silence and let out a nervous laugh as he glanced at the vial in his hands.

“It truly works!”

He exchanged a glance with Azrael that made his smile fade away as soon as it had arrived.