Traitor Of Crown

The words carried an eerie air.

Something about them was familiar and resting on the tip of her tongue, but Anna couldn’t remember. She wondered if it was because of some lingering effects of the poison that might have played with her short-term memories.

It was hard to forget something as creepy as those words.

After Anna found that note two days ago in the study, Azrael arrived soon after and he was not pleased with what he saw. The weariness of the night before was still evident in his eyes, and so was the sudden coldness.

He asked, “Why are you here?”

“Um, take care.”

Anna awkwardly gave him the note and hastily left.

Her heart was filled with unease but Anna was no longer certain if she should query about that note at that moment. There was something bone-chilling in the gaze Azrael carried.

Though it was not directed at her, she had a feeling that she should leave him alone.

Perhaps she was thinking too much.