
In the courtyard,a shirtless 5 feet 5 inches figure could be seen holding a wooden sword with his eyes closed in deep concentration. He had well-defined muscles with no signs of fat present.His face was more exquisite and perfect .His charisma simply off the charts The most eye-catching thing were the 8-packs on his abdominal muscles.He had a masculine presence on him that demanded immediate respect despite his age.

All of a sudden,he opened his eyes that held mysterious vibes that could enrapture any being and as if his body was possessed he started moving.The wooden sword in his hands was being held as if it was just at the right place and no where else it will rather be.

His overall body coordination had somehow achieved basic supremacy as any movement he made was filled with precision. He practiced the sword as if he had returned to basics since every of his sword movement was just your normal basic sword arts available to any common man in the Heaven's Vault Continent.

Parrying, piercing, slicing and hacking. Those were the main movements he could be seen doing.He moved from one place to another,his lithe figure filled with profundity. Simplicity.This was what could describe his stance at that moment.

For the past five years,Jian Wushuang had been training and training non-stop and now he was already ten years old. His training regimen was harsh but productive. He first started with the training exercises he used to do in his previous life - a hundred pushups, situps, squats and jogging.This was to make sure to bring his body to optimum state.He then proceeded in practicing with weights on his body.At the end of the day,his body would ache but soon on the next day he would miraculously heal, it was if something was powering him up.He tried to find the reason but he couldn't come up with a solution so he just put the issue at the back of his mind.He had a feeling he would soon find out.

At eight years old,he finished his body training regimen and he was surprised by the difference between his old self body and his current one.The difference was akin to heaven and earth.His current body had more potential compared to his old one which was limited to peak of human level,in addition,he felt like he could easily beat the past him with just pure physical strength.

At nine years,he began training with weapons.He practiced with sword,spear and bows.All he did was just the basics of the basics. Nothing complex.

His mother was extremely surprised when she found out he was compatible with different weapons something nigh impossible for many cultivators. She had wanted to reprimand him since a cultivator should not bite more than one can chew.To her concentrating on different weapons was just a waste of time and it would delay a person in his or her cultivation journey. She was soon dumbfounded when proved wrong by the absolute genius.She couldn't find the flaws in any of the weapon he handled.It was as if he had practiced them many times and his movements were all precise.His basic spear thrusts were like a raging wave,his archery was like the wind and his sword moves were filled with sharpness.It was like all of his moves were filled with intent, something that Lady Luan somehow took notice and was incomparably shocked. Something that took various experts years upon years to develop with some not inching closer to realization.Only with high comprehension and luck could the conditions for manifesting intent be realized. Her son's talent was simply monstrous and worthy to be envied by the heavens.

Intent was simply the manifestation of the understanding of a weapon a user can achieve,the higher the understanding the more powerful the intent.It can be felt but not seen. Intent imbued in attacks can simply devastate opponents and a person can even jump levels to fight those of higher levels with no intent manifestation.

Jian Wushuang also learned this from her mother. During the course of those years,he had noticed that his mind was more sharp and intelligent compared to the previous him. His level of understanding more complex things had undergone a qualitative change and it felt as if his mind had been released from its previous shackles. Those basics arts were culmination of all the foundation of the weapons from which various techniques could be derived. So learning the basics was very difficult to many. Simply the road to perfection of the basics was long and challenging and many opted out but to him he only used two years to hone his swordmanship,way of the spear and archery to perfection and his foundation was now a solid diamond. His practice was not without its difficulties so most of his time he just continued honing his skills even when he felt tired,he pushed himself beyond the limit as if he was possessed. Something that his mother always scolded him for.

All in all, he received the fruits of his own labour by developing intent.

Despite the achievement,he still continued training.To him learning can never be finished and he felt as if his journey of understanding had just started. He couldn't start being complacent to little achievements. If those experts who were trying to find their intent heard his notion,they would surely cough up blood and doubt their own lives.

Jian Wushuang suddenly stopped his sword training.Beads of sweat could be seen glistening on his milky toned skin, highlighting his overall sex appeal.

He remembered his mother's warning to concentrate on one weapon since doing more than just one would just be an unnecessary distraction. At first he felt conflicted but later on realized that he was just being greedy so he eventually decided to concentrate more on honing his swordmanship while making the way of the spear and archery an auxiliary help for further situations. He just wanted to be a little versatile.

One thing he noticed was that even the intents he developed had corresponding realms and could further be evolved. He learned from his mother when he asked her about it and his guesses were confirmed. Intent was the first realm of understanding towards practicing weapons, followed by Will which was the materialization of the intent in form of the preferred weapon followed by Domain which was a miniaturized world manifested when one's understanding of Will are sublime. In the domain,the practitioner is the sovereign of their materialized world where they can attack and suppress their enemies and anything inside their domain can be transformed into weapons. A domain can be further strengthened and the distance it covers up increased.There is no end to improving it but reaching the domain stage is extremely difficult.After the domain realm,the final stage is called 'One with world' only spoken in written texts and legends.Not much is known about it.

Jian Wushuang always wondered the identity of his mother.She was mysterious.She always had the perfect answer for every of his questions.But he didn't pry any information about it ,he was content with just her being his mother and he enjoyed every moment he had with her. During the years,they had bathed together making him most of the time embarrassed as her mother would find every moment to tease him. In bed they cuddled and savoured each other's warmth. Sometimes she even aided him in his training. But all that changed when he turned ten. She started stealing kisses from him but this time they were different from the usual smooches.The virgin him was flustered. He was being introduced into a territory he had never stepped in. In his previous life

he was always researching and accumulating knowledge and to him, sexual relations were just mundane. Now being kissed lit up the fire in him and he felt that he had missed out on very interesting things. It seems his mother is somehow enamoured with him and he will surely be damned not to realize it. This may have seemed forbidden to others but for someone like him he had never cared what others thought about his business.He always preferred doing whatever he pleases. He also wanted to make his mother happy and he wouldn't wish to see sadness on her beautiful face.

Jian Wushuang heaved a sigh and wondered when he would start exploring this vast world. He was simply just being curious and his starry eyes couldn't be more dreamy as he momentarily looked up at the sky. He put those thoughts away and went towards his room to freshen up with a happy expression on his face.

The day he would officially join the ranks of cultivators and start his own immortality journey had finally arrived.

He couldn't tolerate staying weak in this world,where strength reigned above all and being weak itself was a sin. He wanted power.Power to realize his own dreams and protect his mother and those he would deem worthy.