Absent - ( 3 )

'Ah... I've never thought someone could be this cute,' Wolford thought to himself, looking pitiful if someone could see it.

'But, how could a pretty lady be so cruel? Heh... I'm not complaining, though.'

A moment later, Wolford thought with a pitiful look, 'Let's play then, Daniella.' Wolford thought inwardly, but on his face was the same sad expression.

Wolford made him almost pat her head by watching her cute movement and that devilish smile on her pretty face.

"Umm... Can you make an exemption this time?" Wolford said a little later.

"Nope! Not happening! You'd better go back and pick your I.D, Or I won't allow you to get in." She responded in a stern voice.

'This girl is fierce. You'll only get fined if you don't have your I.D, but she wanted me to go home and pick it up? And if I did that, I'll be late, no doubt," Wolford thought while smiling inwardly.

"Ummmm... Are you that angry about what I accidentally said a moment ago?" Wolford then asks with a stiff smile on his face.

Daniella murmured, " I know you will return; your family would not allow you to skip, and at that time, let me bully you more, Wolford."

"This would be another violation against the school, making it at least 5$ for you. Furthermore, if you continue to disobey my words and don't listen, another dollar will be. Do you..." Daniella got cut off when Wolford suddenly said.

"Alright! Alright! I'll leave now. So you don't need to worry, Miss Daniella," Wolford bowed while his stiff smile never left his face.

"Very well... Then go and pick your I.D. And don't come back until you do! Now leave!" Daniella then said. Wolford immediately leaves after bowing like a scared cat.


The bell then rang, signaling the closing of the gates l, and the beginning of the class.

When Daniella heard the resounding sound of the bell, she immediately closed the gate with a smile.

"Too bad, Wolford. I hope you'll return," Daniella mumbled before closing the gate that's only a bit taller than her.

After closing the large gate, Daniella slowly walks to her classroom in graceful steps. Daniella's jade-like skin and perfectly white face look like a doll. She stole some glances from the students who saw her walking.

'Did I get too excited today?' Daniella suddenly asked herself inwardly.

"Sigh..." She sighed aloud, but no one heard her due to her nearing her classroom just a few steps away. The other students didn't bother to pay attention to their surroundings and directly entered the classroom—one of the reasons why no one noticed her sigh aloud.

'Getting too excited about the game irritated me and accidentally sent Wolford home to pick up his I.D out of irritation,' She thought to herself while walking. A moment later, Daniella then arrived at her seat inside the classroom.

A few moments later, the teacher entered the classroom with his record book for attendance. When the Teacher arrived in front of the school, every Teacher stayed when they taught. The Teacher then checked the attendance after opening the record book he was carrying.

A moment passed when Wolford's name and no one answered; the Teacher looked around, and when he couldn't spot Wolford, he asked the students to be sure.

"Do you guys know why Wolford is still not here?" The Teacher asked.

Daniella stood a moment later when she heard the Teacher ask the question she expected, "Teacher, he returned to pick up his I.d."

"Huh? He didn't need to do that, though. He'd need to pay a dollar, though? Why'd he return when the time was insufficient?" The Teacher asked in puzzlement?

"I've tried to say the same words to him, Teacher. However, he's persistent about going back, so I'd just allowed him," Daniella lied without even blinking, as though her words were no lies.

"I understand... You don't need to worry, Daniella. It's his fault for not listening to your words," The Teacher said shortly later.

"Anyways, let's begin the class." They then begin their class without waiting for Wolford.

Meanwhile, Wolford is a short distance from the school; he's laid on a tree beach Relaxing, as though his life had no problems.

"Ah... I'm too lazy to return home. I'd hope the teachers would not sell me out for what I just did," He mumbled on a top of a tree in a carefree manner.

At the lower part of the tree, a dog suddenly appeared. It then looks around as though checking something. When the dog was sure that no one was near, it raised one of its legs. A moment later, a piss suddenly came out from between its legs.

A few moments later, Wolford started to notice something different.

"This...? What's this?! Why's this smells so bad!" Wolford exclaimed afterward.

"What's this smell?" Wolford then slowly looks down, and after he sees what's the thing below, his mouth immediately starts twitching.

"Why's my luck this bad? I want to take a rest... Sigh," Wolford just sighed; he slowly stepped down the tree.

When he was about to land on the ground, he heard something that immediately worsened his mood. Looking at this face became ugly looking.

"Why's there a shit here?" Wolford just calmly asked himself. However, when he slowly looked closer, he noticed something different. When he looks at the dog that's still busy peeing, he looks down—and curses.

"What Tf?! Isn't this shit similar to my brother's?" The dog that's busy on his business got startled by Wolford's shout and immediately ran away.

When Wolford cursed, he looked at the sky, and when he slowly looked down and inspected if he was not wrong in his conclusion. Wolford accidentally looked in the direction of the school, and he noticed that made him smile in disgust.

'This mother fucker...! Now I'm sure! This thing is a human shit...' Wolford then shook his head a moment later. He is not crazy to fight a person that has already gone insane because of a minor thing, such as stepping on a shit.

'Is my luck always this bad? Even stepping on a shit when I decided t get away from a pee... Damn! So be it! Just my so-called bad luck,' He thought inwardly while shaking his head.

'Hmm... Where should I go and clean myself then?' Wolford pondered to himself a moment later.

Little later after, when Wolford decided on something. He smiled and thought, "Why not go to the river? No people should be there; the school is just starting for the day. So that means there would be not many people on the roads." He murmured afterward, and he then decided on his next destination.

Wolford then arrived at the road. He slowly looked around, and a moment later, he smiled, knowing that his guest was right.

'Damn! I hope I can bear this smell! ' Wolford then started walking to his intended destination, the river.

Shortly later, he arrived near the river, 'My luck is not that rotten yet, huh? I'm glad there were no people on the road."

Wolford thought. A moment later, his face suddenly became green as though he was suffering from something.

'The smell of the shit... Fuck!'


Wolford wiped his mouth a moment later, 'My nose certainly is susceptible."

Wolford then removed his clothes, 'I better hide my clothes...' He slowly takes out something from his pocket clothes.

'Ah... I need a new Phone! This phone won't last much longer. My parents were stingy people. Damn! What I'm thinking? I'll clean up first."

Wolford slowly looks down to inspect his clothes. A moment later, he smiled wryly.

"Even my pants got shit on it?" Wolford exclaimed, and he thought to himself, 'I'm wrong... My luck is just that bad.'

A moment passes when he removes all of his clothes. Wolford begins walking towards the river.

'Hm... the smell of nature is certainly the best!'

Wolford then immediately washed the shit that was plastered around his clothes. Touching the shit, he almost puked out of disgust again. However, he smiled and just focused on cleaning himself.

A moment continues to pass just like this. A minute later, Wolford heard some noise coming from somewhere. When he looks, where does this noise come from?

Wolford's face showed a frown, 'Bad luck should have limits!' Wolford thought bitterly inside.

When the people walking and laughing saw Wolford, they stopped moving and glared at Wolford.

Their faces suddenly showed a smile. A smile that Wolford frowned upon seeing. 'Fuck is this a fight?'

"Hello, there, my friend?" One of the ten people spoke in his harsh voice.

When Wolford heard what the person called him, his mouth twitched a couple of times.

'These douchebags... Do they want something from me?!' Wolford then looks at the person with his face looking as though he didn't emphasize their existence.

They saw Wolford's calm face. The ten individuals showed an irritating smiles.

"Bro, you don't have to look at us like that. We want to borrow some money from you if you have some," One of the 10individuals spoke a little later.

"Oh... If it's about money... I apologize, but I don't even have a penny on me," Wolford replied in a kind and calm voice.

'It's true, though. I would have paid Daniella before if I had something on me," He thought to himself while remembering the face of a beautiful lady on his mind.